
School elective courses

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
2162069 Introduction to Experimental Methods
Czech The course is not on the list
2382991 Specialization Project
Czech The course is not on the list
1200__9 ---
The course is not on the list
20YMT 2,5 - 3 G of Mobile Phones
The course is not on the list
00MORE 3D Modelling and Reconstruction
The course is not on the list
BI-3DT.1 3D Printing
Czech KZ 4 3C The course is not on the list
2007488 3D-Modelling
The course is not on the list
104XCP1 ? Czech for foreigners ( preintermediate 1)
Czech Z 0 2C The course is not on the list
104XCP2 ? Czech for foreigners ( preintermediate 2
Czech Z 0 2C The course is not on the list
2385004 A year-class course - 2 semesters: Project management
Czech KZ 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
14JADA ADA Language and Programming Languages Security for Acute Situations
The course is not on the list
32-ATHENS-BLEND ATHENS - Blended Intensive Programme
The course is not on the list
32-ATHENS-WEEK ATHENS - intensive one-week course
The course is not on the list
The course is not on the list
The course is not on the list
800ABB Abfallbehandlung
ZK 5 ZK 5 The course is not on the list
15YAA Academic English
The course is not on the list
BE9M04AKP Academic Writing English KZ 2 2C The course is on the list
BE3M04AWR Academic Writing English KZ 2 2C The course is on the list
2386021 Accounting Management
The course is not on the list
BEV002AKA Acoustic Applications English KZ 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
2006016 Acoustic Applications
Z 2 The course is not on the list
2116033 Acoustic Wave Propagation in Solids
Z 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
XP37AEM Acoustic and Electroacoustic Measurements English Z,ZK 4 2P+1S The course is on the list
2007273 Acoustics
English The course is not on the list
2004017 Acoustics - Introduction
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
122XSZC Activities of Expert Appointed by Court
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
2226026 Activity in student competition teams Czech The course is on the list
2007018 Adaptive Regelung
Z 2 The course is not on the list
11YAS Adaptivní systémy
The course is not on the list
11YAT Adaptivní teorie řízení
The course is not on the list
01ARI_9 Adaptivní řízení
The course is not on the list
134YDK Additional timber and metal structures Czech Z,ZK 6 3P+3C The course is not on the list
TUMQAMFA Additive Manufacturing of The Future - AMore (Technical University of Munich, DEU)
English The course is not on the list
TUMQADDM Additive manufacturing: from theory to practice (Technical University of Munich, DEU)
The course is not on the list
2322042 Advanced materials in engineering
Czech The course is not on the list
MI-DNP Advanced .NET
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NI-DNP Advanced .NET Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
MI-PAL.16 Advanced Algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
MI-PAL Advanced Algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
B0B39PAN Advanced Android development Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C+4D The course is not on the list
D01PPMKP Advanced Areas of Finite Element Method The course is on the list
D01PPMKO Advanced Areas of Finite Volumes Method
The course is not on the list
E375008 Advanced Automatic Control English The course is on the list
2375008 Advanced Automatic Control
Czech The course is not on the list
00AA Advanced Automation ENIVL France
The course is not on the list
2007320 Advanced Biochemistry
English The course is not on the list
21Y2MCS1 Advanced CAD 1
The course is not on the list
21Y2MCS2 Advanced CAD 2
The course is not on the list
21Y2MCS3 Advanced CAD 3
The course is not on the list
2007229 Advanced Case - Seminar in Strategy
English The course is not on the list
17XVAR Advanced Computational Analysis of Nuclear Reactors The course is on the list
00PVDT Advanced Computational Fluid Dynamics,NTNU Norway
The course is not on the list
2007118 Advanced Course in Aircraft Design
The course is not on the list
D01PPFA Advanced Course in Functional Analysis The course is on the list
MI-KRY Advanced Cryptology
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NI-KRY Advanced Cryptology Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is on the list
MI-KRY.16 Advanced Cryptology
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
15JCM2-E Advanced Czech Course
The course is not on the list
00PAD Advanced Dataanalysis and statistical modelling
The course is not on the list
2311023 Advanced Dynamics
Czech The course is not on the list
E133021 Advanced Engineering
English The course is not on the list
2133021 Advanced Engineering
Czech The course is not on the list
2007459 Advanced Engineering Materials
The course is not on the list
15JAM-E Advanced English Course
The course is not on the list
12YPAI Advanced English for Engineers at Work
The course is not on the list
17XEXP Advanced Experimental Reactor Physics The course is on the list
2007420 Advanced Fluid Mechanics
The course is not on the list
15OJF-E Advanced French Course
The course is not on the list
15JNM-E Advanced German Course
The course is not on the list
800AGT Advanced Groudwater Theory
English The course is not on the list
2007409 Advanced Heat Transfer
The course is not on the list
17XPST Advanced Heat Transfer Course The course is on the list
MI-PIS.16 Advanced Information Systems
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
2007403 Advanced Korean Conversation
The course is not on the list
D02PPFT Advanced Laboratory Courses in TOKAMAK Physics and Technology The course is on the list
2007484 Advanced Manufacture
The course is not on the list
2007463 Advanced Material Characterization
The course is not on the list
E322045 Advanced Materials
English The course is not on the list
2322045 Advanced Materials
Czech The course is not on the list
2007293 Advanced Materials Technology
English The course is not on the list
2007012 Advanced Mechanics
Z,ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2007238 Advanced Mechanics
English The course is not on the list
2311063 Advanced Mechanics
Czech The course is not on the list
2007451 Advanced Mechanics in Designing Process
The course is not on the list
2007506 Advanced Mechanism Design
The course is not on the list
D12PMD Advanced Methods for Radiation Detection The course is on the list
XP32IATA Advanced Methods of Digital Signal Processing and Filtering
Czech ZK 4 2P + 2C The course is not on the list
D01PMTI Advanced Methods of Information Theory The course is on the list
01PNL Advanced Methods of Numerical Linear Algebra The course is on the list
2356027 Advanced Methods of Programming CNC Machines
The course is not on the list
17ADBPBA Advanced Microprocessor based Biomedical Applications
English ZK 5 2P ZK 5 2P The course is not on the list
17DBPBA Advanced Microprocessor based Biomedical Applications
Czech ZK 5 2P ZK 5 2P The course is not on the list
BE2M32PST Advanced Networking Technologies English Z,ZK 6 2P + 2L Z,ZK 6 2P + 2L The course is on the list
B6B32ST2 Advanced Networking Technologies Z,ZK 5 2P + 2C + 4D The course is on the list
D15PJCH Advanced Nuclear Chemistry The course is on the list
01PNM Advanced Numerical Methods
KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
00PMKP Advanced Programming in FEM in Fluid Mechanics, La Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina
The course is not on the list
TALQAR Advanced Robotics (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)
The course is not on the list
15OJR-E Advanced Russian Course
The course is not on the list
00ASR1 Advanced Shading and Rendering, Lund University Sweden
The course is not on the list
D01PSM Advanced Simulation Methods
The course is not on the list
2007526 Advanced Soft Engineering
The course is not on the list
800ASM Advanced Soil Mechanics
English Z,ZK 8 4P+4C Z,ZK 8 4P+4C The course is not on the list
00SPA Advanced Spanish, Union College, USA
The course is not on the list
A8M37ASD Advanced Statistical and Distributed Signal Processing
English ZK 5 8P+0C The course is not on the list
800AST Advanced Structural Theory
English Z,ZK 8 4P+4C Z,ZK 8 4P+4C The course is not on the list
00PMS Advanced Surface Characterizations for Materials, National Taiwan University of Science and Technoly
The course is not on the list
BIE-ASE Advanced Systems Engineering
The course is not on the list
14Y2PM Advanced Techniques of Parametric and Adaptive Modeling
The course is not on the list
14YPTM Advanced Techniques of Parametric and Adaptive Modeling
The course is not on the list
14YPM Advanced Techniques of Parametric and Adaptive Modeling
The course is not on the list
20PTA-E Advanced Telematic Applications
The course is not on the list
2007259 Advanced Topics In Fluid Systems
English The course is not on the list
2007355 Advanced Topics in Fluid Systems Engineering
English The course is not on the list
2131004 Advanced Topics in Machine Elements and Mechanisms Czech Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is on the list
D02PPOK Advanced Topics in Open Quantum Systems The course is on the list
D02PPKTO Advanced Topics in Quantum Field Theory The course is on the list
D02PPKF Advanced Topics in Quantum Physics The course is on the list
D11PPP Advanced Topics in Quantum Theory of Solids The course is on the list
D11PPPL Advanced Topics in Quantum Theory of Solids
The course is not on the list
D02PPSF Advanced Topics in Statistical Physics and Thermodynamics The course is on the list
2007607 Advanced Topics of Modeling Energy Systems
The course is not on the list
D02PPKT Advanced Topics of Quantum Theory The course is on the list
2007261 Advanced Transport Phenomena
English The course is not on the list
00PWWT Advanced WWW technology
The course is not on the list
D01PTC Advanced areas of number theory
The course is on the list
D02STAT Advanced data processing in nuclear and subnuclear physics The course is on the list
2366004 Advanced function in Microsoft Excel
Czech Z 2 0P+2C The course is not on the list
NI-AML Advanced machine learning
English Z,ZK 5 2P + 1C The course is not on the list
2346008 Advanced measurement in machining technology
Czech The course is not on the list
2007157 Advanced methods for Industrial Design Modelling
ZK 3 The course is not on the list
D14PMM Advanced micromechanical methods of materials characterization Czech The course is on the list
2151174 Advanced power generation systems
Czech The course is not on the list
BE3M38POS Advanced sensors English Z,ZK 6 2P+2L The course is on the list
00PACS Advanced time series analysis
The course is not on the list
2007028 Advances in Mechanical Systems Engineering
Z 2 The course is not on the list
2007389 Aero Design I.
English The course is not on the list
21Y2AA Aeroakustika
The course is not on the list
2222021 Aerodynamic Design of Airplanes
Czech The course is not on the list
2221144 Aerodynamic Design of Airplanes
Czech The course is not on the list
2221110 Aerodynamic Design of Airplanes Czech The course is on the list
2222022 Aerodynamic Design of Airplanes
Czech The course is not on the list
2007245 Aerodynamics
English The course is not on the list
2007373 Aerodynamics
English The course is not on the list
32ZL1 Aerodynamics 1
The course is not on the list
21YZL1 Aerodynamics 1
The course is not on the list
21ZLL1 Aerodynamics 1
The course is not on the list
21YZL2 Aerodynamics 2
The course is not on the list
32ZL2 Aerodynamics 2
The course is not on the list
2007186 Aerodynamics : Viscous Fluid
Czech The course is not on the list
2221111 Aerodynamics I Czech The course is on the list
2221112 Aerodynamics II
Czech The course is not on the list
2221232 Aerodynamics II
Czech The course is not on the list
16AZL Aerodynamics and Flight Basics
The course is not on the list
2221143 Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
The course is not on the list
2221043 Aerodynamics and Flight Mechanics
Czech The course is not on the list
2007048 Aerodynamics and Fluid Mechanics
ZK 4 The course is not on the list
2222031 Aerodynamics and Mechanics of Flight
Czech The course is not on the list
2121032 Aerodynamics of Machines
Czech The course is not on the list
16YASV Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles
The course is not on the list
00YASV Aerodynamics of Road Vehicles
The course is not on the list
16YAE Aerodynamika
The course is not on the list
16AE Aerodynamika
The course is not on the list
21AML Aerodynamika a mechanika letu
The course is not on the list
32YANR Aerodynamika říz.rychlosti
The course is not on the list
2221122 Aeroelasticity
Czech The course is not on the list
2221096 Aeroelasticity
The course is not on the list
2007023 Aeronautical Design
Z 10 1+3 The course is not on the list
21ZLT Aeronautical Telecommunication
The course is not on the list
21ZLTA Aeronautical Telecommunication
The course is not on the list
21ZLTC Aeronautical Telecommunication
The course is not on the list
2221165 Aeronautical radio systems
Czech The course is not on the list
E221221 Aeronautics and Astronautics
English The course is not on the list
2221221 Aeronautics and Astronautics Czech The course is on the list
2042008 Aerospace English I
The course is on the list
2332060 Aerospace manufacturing technologies
Czech The course is not on the list
2222062 Aerospace manufacturing technologies
Czech The course is not on the list
2332061 Aerospace manufacturing technologies
Czech The course is not on the list
E321085 Aerospace materials English The course is on the list
2321085 Aerospace materials
Czech The course is not on the list
2007319 Aerospece Laboratory
English The course is not on the list
2007473 Afrikaans for Beginners 1
The course is not on the list
2131102 Agricultural machinery I.
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
2131103 Agricultural machinery II. Czech The course is on the list
2007466 Agricultural machines I
The course is not on the list
2007467 Agricultural machines II.
The course is not on the list
21LNG Air Navigation
Czech The course is not on the list
2221201 Air Power Unit
Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+1C The course is not on the list
2152047 Air Protection Technology
The course is not on the list
22SLN-E Air Traffic Accident Investigation
English KZ 2 2P+0C+12B The course is not on the list
16RLP Air Traffic Control
The course is not on the list
21RLP Air Traffic Control
The course is not on the list
32YRLP Air Traffic Control
The course is not on the list
21RLPV Air Traffic Control
The course is not on the list
21ULP Air Traffic Management
Czech The course is not on the list
2222060 Air Trafic Management
Czech The course is not on the list
21OPR Air Transport Business
The course is not on the list
21OPRC Air Transport Business
Czech The course is not on the list
21OPC Air Transport Business
Czech The course is not on the list
21OPCN Air Transport Business
The course is not on the list
21OPCT Air Transport Business
The course is not on the list
21PLD-E Air Transport Operations
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C+14B The course is not on the list
2221085 Air Transport Operations
The course is not on the list
2224005 Air Transport Operations
Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is not on the list
2221161 Air Transport Operations
Czech The course is not on the list
21SAP Air Transport Reliability and Operational Efficiency
Czech The course is not on the list
12LDL Air Transport and Airports
The course is not on the list
12LDLE Air Transport and Airports
Czech The course is not on the list
21YLDL Air Transport and Airpots
The course is not on the list
2221189 Airborne Monitoring and Control Systems
Czech The course is not on the list
16L1 Aircraft 1
The course is not on the list
21LLA1 Aircraft 1
Czech The course is not on the list
21L1 Aircraft 1
The course is not on the list
21LEA1 Aircraft 1
The course is not on the list
32L1 Aircraft 1
The course is not on the list
16L2 Aircraft 2
The course is not on the list
21L2 Aircraft 2
Czech The course is not on the list
32L2 Aircraft 2
The course is not on the list
21LLA2 Aircraft 2
The course is not on the list
21YL2 Aircraft 2
The course is not on the list
BE3M38PSL Aircraft Avionics
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2L The course is not on the list
21LMR Aircraft Engines
Czech The course is not on the list
21LMO Aircraft Engines
Czech The course is not on the list
2226009 Aircraft Fuels and Tribotechnics
Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
2223003 Aircraft Fuels and Tribotechnics
The course is not on the list
AE0B38LPT Aircraft Instrumentation
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2L The course is not on the list
2004307 Aircraft Instrumentation Systems
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
2221141 Aircraft Loading
Czech The course is not on the list
2225001 Aircraft Loading
Czech The course is not on the list
21UAOL Aircraft Maintenance
The course is not on the list
21UOLT Aircraft Maintenance
The course is not on the list
21UOLD Aircraft Maintenance
The course is not on the list
21UAO Aircraft Maintenance
The course is not on the list
21UO Aircraft Maintenance
The course is not on the list
16UL Aircraft Maintenance
The course is not on the list
21UOL Aircraft Maintenance and Repair
Czech The course is not on the list
2007215 Aircraft Performance 3
English The course is not on the list
2007393 Aircraft Performance III
The course is not on the list
2221158 Aircraft Piston Engines
Czech The course is not on the list
2007119 Aircraft Project Course
The course is not on the list
2222049 Aircraft Propellers
Czech The course is not on the list
2221166 Aircraft Propellers
Czech The course is not on the list
2221072 Aircraft Propellers W
The course is not on the list
2221171 Aircraft Propulsion
Czech The course is not on the list
2221172 Aircraft Propulsion
Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+1C The course is not on the list
21LP Aircraft Propulsions
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
2223004 Aircraft Standards and Regulations
Czech The course is not on the list
2222029 Aircraft Structures
Czech KZ 6 4P+1C The course is not on the list
2221104 Aircraft Structures
Czech The course is not on the list
2221103 Aircraft Structures
Czech The course is not on the list
2007084 Aircraft Structures and Materials
ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2007216 Aircraft Structures and Materials 3
English The course is not on the list
2221014 Aircraft Systems
Czech The course is not on the list
2222050 Aircraft Technology
Czech The course is not on the list
2221068 Aircraft Technology
The course is not on the list
2007085 Aircraft Vibration and Aeroelasticity
ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2222052 Aircraft and Space Technology Czech The course is on the list
AE3M38PSL Aircraft and Spacecraft Instrumentation
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2L The course is not on the list
2221190 Aircraft and Spacecraft Instrumentation
Czech The course is not on the list
2221237 Aircraft loading
Czech The course is not on the list
2221236 Aircraft maintence and repairs
Czech The course is not on the list
2222038 Aircraft maintence and repairs3
Czech The course is not on the list
2221184 Aircraft propulsion and propellers Czech The course is on the list
2221169 Aircraft systems
Czech The course is not on the list
2221185 Aircraft systems
Czech The course is not on the list
2222036 Aircraft systems Czech The course is on the list
21KSL1 Airframe Construction and Systems 1
Czech The course is not on the list
21KSL2 Airframe Construction and Systems 2
Czech The course is not on the list
21KSL3 Airframe Construction and Systems 3
Czech The course is not on the list
2221136 Airplane Structures and Design
Czech The course is not on the list
2221131 Airplane Structures and Design
Czech The course is not on the list
2221137 Airplane Structures and Design
Czech The course is not on the list
2222034 Airplane Structures and Design I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2223005 Airplane Structures and Design I.
The course is not on the list
2221133 Airplane Structures and Design I.
Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+1C The course is not on the list
2221115 Airplane Structures and Design II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2221125 Airplane Structures and Design II.
The course is not on the list
2221089 Airplane Structures and Design II.
The course is not on the list
2221234 Airplane design I
Czech The course is not on the list
21PDLE-E Airport Design and Operation
English KZ 3 1P+1C The course is not on the list
16YL Airports
The course is not on the list
21YLST Airports
The course is not on the list
21L Airports
The course is not on the list
21LST Airports
The course is not on the list
21LSTE Airports
The course is not on the list
21LET Airports
Czech The course is not on the list
21LETT Airports
The course is not on the list
32L Airports
The course is not on the list
16L Airports
The course is not on the list
136YSKL Airports Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is on the list
2221066 Airworthiness and Reliability of Flight
Czech The course is not on the list
800ASYS Akustické systémy
Czech The course is not on the list
00YAK Akustika
The course is not on the list
01ALGE Algebra The course is on the list
01ALGA_9 Algebra
The course is not on the list
01ALGB_9 Algebra
The course is not on the list
01ALG_9 Algebra
The course is not on the list
11ATGR Algebra and Graph Theory
Czech Z,ZK 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
11ATG Algebra and Graph Theory
The course is not on the list
BI-ALO Algebra and Logic
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
2004626 Algebra and Theory of Graphs
Z,ZK 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
02ALT Algebraic Topology Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
02ALTO Algebraic Topology
Z,ZK 5 The course is not on the list
01ALTI Algebraic structures in theoretical informatics Czech The course is on the list
01ALMA_9 Algebraické manipulace
The course is not on the list
800ALKL Algemeine Klimatologie
Czech Z 6 6C Z 6 6C The course is not on the list
11YAZS Algor.zprac.sig.,par.ar. a arc
The course is not on the list
14ASD-E Algorithm and Data Structures
English KZ 3 0P+2C+8B The course is not on the list
NI-ATH AlgorithmicTheories of Games
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
E012036 Algorithmization and Programming English The course is on the list
E012035 Algorithmization and Programming English The course is not on the list
2012036 Algorithmization and Programming Czech The course is on the list
2012035 Algorithmization and Programming Fundamentals Czech The course is not on the list
00YALG Algorithms
The course is not on the list
A11MA Algorithms
The course is not on the list
11MA Algorithms
Czech The course is not on the list
11YMA Algorithms
The course is not on the list
20YADS Algorithms and Data Structures
The course is not on the list
11YALG Algorithms and Data Structures
The course is not on the list
E371014 Algorithms for Engineering Informatics
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
E371526 Algorithms for Engineering Informatics
English The course is not on the list
2371014 Algorithms for Engineering Informatics
Czech The course is not on the list
01ALUC Algorithms for learning in simple and complex games
Czech The course is not on the list
D18AMO Algoritmizovatelné modelování
Czech The course is not on the list
14YALG Algoritmy počítačové
The course is not on the list
11YAZ2 Algoritmy zpracování signálů 2
The course is not on the list
12XAZU Alter.způs.údržby do
The course is not on the list
14XARA Alter.řeš.vysokorych
The course is not on the list
14XARD Alter.řešení vysok.r
The course is not on the list
11XAZE Alternat.zdroje ener.pro dop.a
The course is not on the list
17AEZ Alternative Energy Resources
Z 3 1t The course is not on the list
16YAPL Alternative Fuels
The course is not on the list
2151088 Alternative and renewable energy sources
Czech The course is not on the list
2151148 Alternative and renewable energy sources
Czech The course is not on the list
2151175 Alternative and renewable energy sources
The course is not on the list
16YAHP Alternativní a hybridní pohony
The course is not on the list
17AEZ_9 Alternativní energetické zdroje
The course is not on the list
800AZEN Alternativní zdroje energie
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
800AZE Alternativní zdroje energie
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
2006018 American Literature
Z 3 The course is not on the list
B2M34AICD Analog Integrated Circuit Design English Z 5 2P+2C The course is on the list
AE3M38ZDS Analog Signal Processing and Digitalization
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2L The course is not on the list
AE8M38ASP Analog.Sig.Proc.&Digitalization
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2L The course is not on the list
11ANEL_9 Analogová elektronika
The course is not on the list
D01ANEU Analysis Methods for Nonlinear Evolution Problem The course is on the list
D01MAPR Analysis Methods of Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations The course is on the list
01ZASIG Analysis and Processing of Diagnostic Signals Czech The course is on the list
14AED1 Analysis of Experimental Data 1
The course is not on the list
14AED2 Analysis of Experimental Data 2
The course is not on the list
00SACR Analysis of Time Series, TU Braunschweig, Germany
The course is not on the list
00AKD Analysis of correlated data: Mixed linear models
The course is not on the list
15ANALY2 Analytical Chemistry 2 Z,ZK 5 3P+2C The course is on the list
D14AEM Analytical Electron Microscopy The course is on the list
02ANM Analytical Mechanics
Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
15ALCH2_9 Analytická chemie 2
The course is not on the list
16AMM_9 Analytické měřicí metody
The course is not on the list
15AODP_9 Analytika odpadů
The course is not on the list
800AMT Analytische Modellierung von Statik und Dynamik
The course is not on the list
11YADS Analýza dat a stat. software
The course is not on the list
18XADN Analýza dopr.nehod-s
The course is not on the list
11XAUA Analýza možností zvy
The course is not on the list
12APPL_9 Analýza povrchů pevných látek
The course is not on the list
01ASIG_9 Analýza signálu
The course is not on the list
18WASN Analýza silničních nehod
The course is not on the list
2006005 Anatomy and Physiology Survey
Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
18YAMB Anatomy, Mobility and Safety of Man
The course is not on the list
18WAMB Anatomy, Mobility and Safety of Man
The course is not on the list
800ANBA Angewandte Baustofftechnologie
Czech Z 2 Z 2 The course is not on the list
2007083 Anglais
Z 2 The course is not on the list
04AJ1_9 Angličtina 1
The course is not on the list
04AJ2_9 Angličtina 2
The course is not on the list
04AJ3_9 Angličtina 3
The course is not on the list
04AJ4_9 Angličtina 4
The course is not on the list
04AJM_9 Angličtina mírně pokročilí - zkouška
The course is not on the list
04AJP_9 Angličtina pokročilí - zkouška
The course is not on the list
2007113 Anlagen und Rohrnetzplanung
Z 3 The course is not on the list
15ACH1_9 Anorganická chemie 1
The course is not on the list
15ACH2_9 Anorganická chemie 2
The course is not on the list
2007493 Anticorrosion Protection
The course is not on the list
2007207 Análisis de estructuras mecánicas
English The course is not on the list
01APST Aperiodic Structures
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01APST1 Aperiodic Structures 1
English The course is not on the list
01APST2 Aperiodic Structures 2
English The course is not on the list
D01APST Aperiodic structures The course is on the list
BI-APJ Aplication Programming in Java
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1R+1C The course is not on the list
11YAP1 Aplikace informačních technologií 1
The course is not on the list
20YAR1 Aplikace informačních technologií 1
The course is not on the list
20YAR2 Aplikace informačních technologií 2
The course is not on the list
11YAP2 Aplikace informačních technologií 2
The course is not on the list
16APL_9 Aplikace ioniz. záření ve vědě a technice
The course is not on the list
16AIZM_9 Aplikace ionizujícího záření v medicíně
The course is not on the list
12APLA_9 Aplikace laserů
The course is not on the list
12APL_9 Aplikace laserů
The course is not on the list
D01AMKO Aplikace metody konečných objemů
The course is not on the list
11ANDA_9 Aplikace neuronové difrakce A
The course is not on the list
11AND_9 Aplikace neutronvé difrakce
The course is not on the list
14YAPG Aplikace počítačové grafiky
The course is not on the list
12APP_9 Aplikace počítačů
The course is not on the list
15APRM_9 Aplikace radiačních metod
The course is not on the list
15NUK1_9 Aplikace radionuklidů 1
The course is not on the list
15NUK2_9 Aplikace radionuklidů 2
The course is not on the list
11APLG_9 Aplikace teorie grup ve FPL
The course is not on the list
16ALM_9 Aplikace v medicíně
The course is not on the list
00AVT Aplikace výpočetní techniky (FEL)
The course is not on the list
31XARS Aplikace řídíc.systé
The course is not on the list
02AJF_9 Aplikovaná jaderná fyzika
The course is not on the list
BE4M38AVS Application of Embedded Systems
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2L The course is not on the list
2316011 Application of FEM in Mechanics
Z 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
D01AMS Application of Mathematical Statistics
ZK 2 2 ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
D11ANDM Application of Neutron Diffraction in Material Research The course is on the list
01ANL Application of Nonclassical Logic
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
2336011 Application of Principles of Lean Production
The course is not on the list
02APRO Application of Probability Methods
English The course is not on the list
01ASM Application of Statistical Methods The course is on the list
11ARD Application of X-Ray Diffraction Analysis
English ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
AE2M32VAD Applications Development and DSP
English Z,ZK 5 2P + 2L The course is not on the list
D01AFI1 Applications of Functional Integral 1
The course is not on the list
D01AFI2 Applications of Functional Integral 2
The course is not on the list
11APLG Applications of Group Theory in Solid State Physics Czech ZK 2 2 The course is on the list
D11APLG Applications of Group Theory in Solid State Physics The course is on the list
01AOM Applications of Optimization Methods The course is on the list
18AS Applications of Statistics and Data Processing
Czech Z,ZK 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
800ABPH Applied Building Physics
Czech ZK 3 3P ZK 3 3P The course is not on the list
2181061 Applied Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2007482 Applied Combustion
The course is not on the list
2007453 Applied Control Engineering
The course is not on the list
XP32AKR Applied Cryptography
Czech ZK 4 4P + 0S The course is not on the list
18AAD Applied Data Analysis Czech Z 3 1P+1C The course is on the list
00ADSY Applied Dynamical Systems, Uppsala University, Sweden
The course is not on the list
101YAGM Applied Geometry
Czech ZK 5 3P+2C The course is not on the list
2152706 Applied Heat Transfer
Czech The course is not on the list
20AIF Applied Informatics
The course is not on the list
20AIF-E Applied Informatics
The course is not on the list
U77E0004 Applied Materials in Technology
English The course is not on the list
11APMP Applied Mathematics
The course is not on the list
2011001 Applied Mathematics in Mechanics
Czech The course is not on the list
2011081 Applied Mathematics in Mechanics
Czech The course is not on the list
00AMAT Applied Mathematics, Uppsala University, Sweden
The course is not on the list
11AND Applied Neutron Diffractometry Czech ZK 2 2 The course is on the list
2366026 Applied Optics
Czech The course is not on the list
2362503 Applied Optics
Czech The course is not on the list
E362503 Applied Optics
English The course is not on the list
E361098 Applied Optics English The course is on the list
2001011 Applied Optoelectics in Medicine
ZK 3 The course is not on the list
2007502 Applied Photonics
The course is not on the list
2181036 Applied Physical Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2181041 Applied Physical Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2181007 Applied Physical Chemistry
The course is not on the list
00APPV Applied Programming and Computer Science RIT Sweden
The course is not on the list
D02AKCH Applied Quantum Chromodynamics at High Energies
The course is not on the list
800ASTE Applied Statistics for Engineers
Czech Z,ZK 6 3P+3C Z,ZK 6 3P+3C The course is not on the list
X000499 Applied Structural Design
Czech The course is not on the list
2007267 Applied Thermodynamics for Engineers
English The course is not on the list
2007262 Applied Thermodynamics in Chemical Technology
English The course is not on the list
125APTM Applied Thermomechanics English ZK 4 2P+1C The course is on the list
00APST Applied statistics,NTNU Norway
The course is not on the list
2007412 Arabic Language 1.b
The course is not on the list
800AGB Arbeits und Gesundheitsschutz im Bauwirtsschaft
The course is not on the list
2007115 Arbeitsrecht
ZK 2 The course is not on the list
800ADS5 Arch. Design Studio 5
Czech KZ 5 KZ 5 The course is not on the list
800ADS6 Arch. Design Studio 6
Czech KZ 5 KZ 5 The course is not on the list
129PGA2 Architectural CAD Modelling 2
Czech Z 2 2C The course is not on the list
X000642 Architectural Design
Czech The course is not on the list
129AK1A Architectural Drawing 1A
Czech KZ 5 3C The course is not on the list
129AKP Architectural composition 1
Czech Z 4 3P The course is not on the list
129XAM2 Architectural models 2
Czech Z 1 2C The course is not on the list
129XAD1 Architectural workshop 1 (1 week)
Czech Z 1 2C The course is not on the list
800ABE Architecture and Building Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
TUEQAPH Architecture and Philosophy (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)
The course is not on the list
TUEQAP Architecture and philosophy (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)
The course is not on the list
MI-APH Architecture of computer games
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NI-APH Architecture of computer games Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
800ARE Architetur und Energie
ZK 3 3P ZK 3 3P The course is not on the list
MI-AAK.1 Arithmetics and Codes
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
15QDUS Art History and Society
The course is not on the list
14YPVI Artifical Vision
The course is not on the list
E371103 Artificial Intelligence English The course is on the list
U77E0006 Artificial Intelligence
English The course is not on the list
2311056 Artificial Intelligence
Czech The course is not on the list
BIK-ZUM.21 Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+4KC The course is not on the list
BI-ZUM.21 Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-ZUM Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
14WUI Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
The course is not on the list
14YUI Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
The course is not on the list
14YUI2 Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems 2
The course is not on the list
2371077 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks
Czech The course is not on the list
E371076 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks in Applications English The course is on the list
2371076 Artificial Intelligence and Neural Networks in Applications Czech The course is on the list
B4M39AVH Artificial Intelligence in HCI
Czech Z,ZK 4 1P+2C+5D The course is not on the list
14YUNS Artificial Neural Nets
The course is not on the list
20YUS1 Artificial Neural Nets 1
The course is not on the list
20YUS2 Artificial Neural Nets 2
The course is not on the list
14YUS2 Artificial Neural Nets 2
The course is not on the list
20Y2UA-E Artificial Neural Networks
The course is not on the list
NI-UMI Artificial intelligence Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is on the list
MI-UMI Artificial intelligence
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
00PJA Assembler language
The course is not on the list
12YHVP Assesment of Impact of Investment Constructions on Enviroment
The course is not on the list
12WHVP Assesment of Impact of Investment Constructions on Enviroment
The course is not on the list
01ASTE Assistive Technology
Czech Z 2 0+1 The course is not on the list
00AST Astrobiology, Union College, USA
The course is not on the list
W22O012 Astrodynamics
The course is not on the list
12ASF_9 Astrofyzika
The course is not on the list
02ACF1 Astroparticle physics 1 ZK 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
02ACF2 Astroparticle physics 2
ZK 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
11YASF Astrophysics
The course is not on the list
01ASY Asymptotical Methods Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is on the list
01ASYA_9 Asymptotické metody
The course is not on the list
01ASY_9 Asymptotické metody
The course is not on the list
800ATEL Ateliers
Czech KZ 2 2C KZ 2 2C The course is not on the list
800ATE1 Ateliér I - bytové výstavby
Czech KZ 9 KZ 9 The course is not on the list
800ATE2 Ateliér II - občanské stavby
Czech KZ 10 KZ 10 The course is not on the list
800ATE3 Ateliér III - soubor staveb
Czech KZ 9 KZ 9 The course is not on the list
599AT6 Ateliér-interiér,design
The course is not on the list
599AT5 Ateliér-urbanismus
The course is not on the list
599AT4 Ateliér-volné zadání
The course is not on the list
599AT7 Ateliér-volné zadání
The course is not on the list
00ATH Athens
The course is on the list
2003005 Athens
Czech The course is not on the list
ATH Athens
KZ 2 KZ 2 The course is not on the list
00ATH1 Athens
The course is on the list
00ATH2 Athens
The course is not on the list
00ATH3 Athens - Formal Letter Writing in English
The course is not on the list
00ATH4 Athens - Formal Letter Writing in English
The course is not on the list
ATH-WS Athens 1
KZ 2 The course is not on the list
ATH-SS Athens 2
KZ 2 The course is not on the list
The course is on the list
2007616 Athens Course
The course is not on the list
00ATHKZ Athens KZ
The course is on the list
D11APS Atomistic Simulations of Quantum Structures The course is on the list
02AMS_9 Atomová a molekulová spektroskopie
The course is not on the list
02AF_9 Atomová fyzika
The course is not on the list
02AFA_9 Atomová fyzika
The course is not on the list
12YADD Atypical Rail Systems
The course is not on the list
AE8M32AVL Audio-Video Processing Lab
English Z 2 0P + 2L The course is not on the list
BE2B37AVT Audiovisual Technology
English KZ 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
2007312 Auslegung der struktur von Leichtflugzeugen
The course is not on the list
2007360 Auslegung von Werkzeugmaschinen
ZK 3 The course is not on the list
00QRK Austrian Culture
The course is not on the list
800AWT AutoCAD Workshops and Tutorials
English The course is not on the list
2136004 AutoLISP
The course is not on the list
20YAU Autocad
The course is not on the list
2136034 Autodesk Inventor I
Czech The course is on the list
2136035 Autodesk Inventor II Czech The course is on the list
2336005 Autodesk for 3D Design in Engineering
Czech The course is not on the list
BI-AAG Automata and Grammars
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-AAG.21 Automata and Grammars Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is on the list
MI-AVY Automata in Text Pattern Matching
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
143XAZS Automated Irrigation Systems Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
143XAHM Automated Measurements in Soil Physics
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
E371047 Automatic Control English Z,ZK 5 3P+1.5C+0.5L Z,ZK 5 3P+1.5C+0.5L The course is on the list
A3B35ARI Automatic Control
Czech Z,ZK 7 4P+2L The course is not on the list
B3B35ARI1 Automatic Control
Czech Z,ZK 6 4P+2L The course is not on the list
B3B35ARI Automatic Control
Czech Z,ZK 7 4P+2L The course is not on the list
2371047 Automatic Control
Czech The course is not on the list
2376007 Automatic Control - Seminar Czech The course is on the list
2376017 Automatic Control - Seminar 2
Czech The course is not on the list
E371099 Automatic Control Theory
English The course is not on the list
2371099 Automatic Control Theory
Czech The course is not on the list
2371098 Automatic Control Theory
Czech The course is not on the list
E373125 Automatic Control Theory I.
English The course is not on the list
2373125 Automatic Control Theory I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2181056 Automatic Machines for Process Engineering
The course is not on the list
122YASP Automation of Building-Technological Projecting Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
2007002 Automation of Processes
The course is not on the list
21350SZZ02 Automation of Production Machines and Equipment
The course is not on the list
2351138 Automation of Production Machines and Equipment
The course is not on the list
E331512 Automation of Production Processes
English The course is not on the list
2331071 Automation of Production Processes
Czech The course is not on the list
2331512 Automation of Production Processes
Czech The course is not on the list
2352003 Automation of Production Systems
Czech The course is not on the list
E342034 Automation of machine tool programming
English The course is not on the list
2007081 Automatique
Z 2 The course is not on the list
14XATD Automatizace a tech.
The course is not on the list
14YAP Automatization in Post
The course is not on the list
14WAP Automatization in Post
The course is not on the list
14YADS Automatizované dopravní systémy
The course is not on the list
00YAA Automobiles I and II
The course is not on the list
00YAT Automobilová technika
The course is not on the list
2007509 Automotive Practical Course
The course is not on the list
2007508 Automotive Technology I. - Longitudinal Dynamics
The course is not on the list
BE3M33ARO1 Autonomous Robotics
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2L The course is not on the list
21LEN1-E Aviation English 1
English Z 2 0P+2C+10B The course is not on the list
15QHL Aviation History
The course is not on the list
2221182 Aviation Legislation
Czech The course is not on the list
21LEG1 Aviation Legislation 1
Czech The course is not on the list
21LEG2 Aviation Legislation 2
Czech The course is not on the list
2222051 Aviation Maintenance
Czech The course is not on the list
2221170 Aviation Maintenance
Czech The course is not on the list
16YLM Aviation Meteorology
The course is not on the list
21LPY2 Aviation Regulations 2
Czech The course is not on the list
21BLED-E Aviation Safety
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
2223012 Aviation and Space Legislation
Czech The course is not on the list
2223013 Aviation and space legislation
Czech The course is not on the list
2211155 Aviation and space legislation
Czech The course is not on the list
2221151 Aviation and space legislation
Czech The course is not on the list
2007091 Avionic Systems
ZK 10 The course is not on the list
21AVI1 Avionics 1
Czech The course is not on the list
21AVI2 Avionics 2
Czech The course is not on the list
124BIMR BIM - Revit Architecture English KZ 2 1P+1C KZ 2 1P+1C The course is on the list
124XBR2 BIM - Revit Architecture ( advanced course)
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
124BRA BIM - Revit Architecture CE
English Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
124XBGA BIM Graphisoft ArchiCAD Czech Z 1 2C Z 1 2C The course is on the list
2001111 BLOKACE
The course is not on the list
122BPS BOZP at work in construction company Czech Z,ZK 7 4P+2C The course is not on the list
2383997 Bachelor Diploma Project - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
E373997 Bachelor Diploma Work - ISP
English The course is not on the list
2023997 Bachelor Diploma Work - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
2373997 Bachelor Diploma Work - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
BE2B37BPR Bachelor Project
English KZ 4 2p+2s The course is not on the list
E373994 Bachelor Project
English The course is not on the list
2242299 Bachelor Project Czech The course is not on the list
2352299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2312299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2222299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2212299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2152299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2132299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2122299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2112299 Bachelor Project Czech The course is not on the list
2022299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2012299 Bachelor Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2312501 Bachelor Project
The course is not on the list
02BPJC1 Bachelor Project 1 Z 5 0P+5C The course is on the list
02BPJC2 Bachelor Project 2 Z 10 0P+10C The course is on the list
11BSEM Bachelor Seminar
Z 1 0P+2C The course is not on the list
E373991 Bachelor Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E183985 Bachelor Thesis
English The course is not on the list
2223999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2213999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2353999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2313999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2153999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2133999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2123999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2333999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2113999 Bachelor Thesis Czech The course is not on the list
2023999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2013999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2323999 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2113981 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2023992 Bachelor Thesis
The course is not on the list
2353992 Bachelor Thesis The course is on the list
2113992 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2013992 Bachelor Thesis Czech The course is on the list
2213992 Bachelor Thesis Czech The course is on the list
2383992 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2183981 Bachelor Thesis Czech The course is not on the list
2133992 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is on the list
2133981 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2353981 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2213981 Bachelor Thesis Czech The course is on the list
2243992 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2243981 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
127BAPT Bachelor Thesis
Czech Z 10 8C Z 10 8C The course is not on the list
E383993 Bachelor Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E023991 Bachelor Thesis
English The course is not on the list
2113985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2353985 Bachelor Thesis
The course is not on the list
2363985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2313985 Bachelor Thesis
The course is not on the list
2133985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2373985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2183985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2153985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2163985 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2383993 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2333993 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2323993 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2123991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2133994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2383994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2333994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2313994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2183994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2173994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2153994 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
134BAP Bachelor Thesis
Czech Z 10 8C Z 10 8C The course is not on the list
133BAP Bachelor Thesis
Czech Z 10 8C Z 10 8C The course is not on the list
2133991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2163991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2333997 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2313997 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2373991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2313991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2113991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2363991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2153991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2023991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2223991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2183991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2383991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2333991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2013991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
2353991 Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
21BPPP Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
21BPTL Bachelor Thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
129BPA Bachelor Thesis (A)
Czech Z 16 16C Z 16 16C The course is not on the list
2133997 Bachelor Thesis - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
2183997 Bachelor Thesis - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
2153997 Bachelor Thesis - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
2183894 Bachelor Thesis - Seminar
Czech The course is not on the list
2313894 Bachelor Thesis - Seminary
Czech The course is not on the list
2173894 Bachelor Thesis - Seminary
Czech The course is not on the list
02BPMI1 Bachelor Thesis 1 Z 5 0P+5C The course is on the list
02BPQT1 Bachelor Thesis 1 Z 5 0P+5C The course is on the list
14BPFI1 Bachelor Thesis 1 The course is on the list
11BPFI1 Bachelor Thesis 1 Z 5 The course is on the list
00BPQT1 Bachelor Thesis 1
Z 5 0P+5C The course is not on the list
02BPMI2 Bachelor Thesis 2 Z 10 0P+10C The course is on the list
02BPQT2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Z 10 0P+10C The course is not on the list
14BPFI2 Bachelor Thesis 2 The course is on the list
11BPFI2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Z 10 The course is not on the list
17BPJZ2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Czech Z 10 0+10 The course is not on the list
00BPQT2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Z 10 0P+10C The course is not on the list
2383894 Bachelor Thesis Seminar
Czech The course is not on the list
21SBP1 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 1
Czech The course is not on the list
21SB2 Bachelor Thesis Seminar 2
Czech The course is not on the list
E373985 Bachelor Work
English The course is not on the list
2223985 Bachelor Work
Czech The course is not on the list
2373994 Bachelor Work
Czech The course is not on the list
2153992 Bachelor thesis
The course is not on the list
2153981 Bachelor thesis
The course is not on the list
2323992 Bachelor thesis The course is not on the list
ABAP20 Bachelor thesis
Czech Z 20 28s Z 20 28s The course is not on the list
2323991 Bachelor thesis
Czech The course is not on the list
E243992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E113992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E013992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E213992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E023992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E353992 Bachelor´s Thesis
The course is not on the list
E383992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E153992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E223992 Bachelor´s Thesis
English The course is not on the list
E373992 Bachelor´s Thesis English The course is on the list
2243999 Bachelor´s Thesis Czech The course is not on the list
11YACR Backup Systems for Drivers
The course is not on the list
2003994 Bakalářská práce
Czech The course is not on the list
12BAP1_9 Bakalářská práce 1
The course is not on the list
17BAP1_9 Bakalářská práce 1
The course is not on the list
16BAP1_9 Bakalářská práce 1
The course is not on the list
18BAP1_9 Bakalářská práce 1
The course is not on the list
12BAPL1_9 Bakalářská práce 1
The course is not on the list
17BAP2_9 Bakalářská práce 2
The course is not on the list
18BAP2_9 Bakalářská práce 2
The course is not on the list
12BAPL2_9 Bakalářská práce 2
The course is not on the list
12BAP2_9 Bakalářská práce 2
The course is not on the list
16BAP2_9 Bakalářská práce 2
The course is not on the list
19WBT Bank Market and Banking
The course is not on the list
19YBT Bank Market and Banking
The course is not on the list
11YBOZ Barevný obraz a jeho zpracování
The course is not on the list
00ZČ Basic Chinese Principal, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology
The course is not on the list
14YUPS Basic Course on Networking
The course is not on the list
15QZDJ Basic Danish Culture and Language
The course is not on the list
2163077 Basic Experimental Methods
Czech The course is not on the list
00FR1 Basic French 1, Union COllege, USA
The course is not on the list
00FR3 Basic French 3, Union College, USA
The course is not on the list
800BGIS Basic GIS
Czech KZ 2 2C KZ 2 2C The course is not on the list
800BHD Basic Hydraulic and Design of Sewer System
English ZK 1 1P ZK 1 1P The course is not on the list
00ZIP Basic Internet Programming RIT Sweden
The course is not on the list
00JAP1 Basic Japanese 1, Union College, USA
The course is not on the list
00JAP2 Basic Japanese 2, Union COllege, USA
The course is not on the list
00JAP3 Basic Japanese 3, Union College, USA
The course is not on the list
2007447 Basic Korean Language
The course is not on the list
12ZPLT Basic Laser Technique Laboratory Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is on the list
2007344 Basic Mechanical Vibrations
English Z,ZK 2 The course is not on the list
00BS1 Basic Spanish 1
The course is not on the list
00BS2 Basic Spanish 2
The course is not on the list
00BS3 Basic Spanish 3
The course is not on the list
127XZUR Basic Urban Planning Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is on the list
800BCHL Basic chinese listening, speaking
English Z,ZK 4 4C Z,ZK 4 4C The course is not on the list
00ZKČ Basic chinese practical, NTUST TAIWAN
The course is not on the list
BEEZZ Basic health and occupational safety regulations English Z 0 2BP+2BC The course is on the list
BE0B14BPZS Basic health and occupational safety regulations
Z 0 2j+2j The course is not on the list
BEZZ Basic health and occupational safety regulations Czech Z 0 2BP+2BC The course is on the list
BD0B14BPZS Basic health and occupational safety regulations
Z 0 2j+2j The course is not on the list
B0B14BPZS Basic health and occupational safety regulations
Z 0 2j+2j The course is not on the list
14Y2ZA Basic of Animation and Visualization
The course is not on the list
22Y2ZS Basic of Computer Simulations and Road Accident Analysis
The course is not on the list
2113017 Basic of Engineering Experimentals Czech The course is on the list
14ZI Basic of Informatics
Czech KZ 3 0+2 The course is not on the list
14YZPM Basic of Parametric and Adaptive Modeling
The course is not on the list
12YZKD Basic of Rail Transport
The course is not on the list
21ZETP Basics of Aircraft Electronics
Czech The course is not on the list
21ZENP Basics of Aircraft Electronics
Czech The course is not on the list
14YZA Basics of Animation and Visual
The course is not on the list
20WZG Basics of Applied Computer Graphics
The course is not on the list
516ZAN1B Basics of Architectural Design I
The course is not on the list
513ZAN2 Basics of Architectural Design II
The course is not on the list
BD0B16ZPU Basics of Business Economics and Accounting
Czech KZ 4 14KP+6KS The course is not on the list
2007478 Basics of Construction Schips Machines
The course is not on the list
20ZDT Basics of Digital Technics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17ZEL Basics of Electronics KZ 3 2+2 The course is on the list
2007536 Basics of Engine Motors
The course is not on the list
2226017 Basics of FEM Nastran
Czech Z 2 0P+2C The course is not on the list
21WZL Basics of Flying
The course is not on the list
21ZL1 Basics of Flying
The course is not on the list
2007477 Basics of Force and Work Machines
The course is not on the list
14YUZM Basics of Information and Knowledge
The course is not on the list
101XANM Basics of Nummerical Mathematics
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
14YZM Basics of Parametric and Adaptive Modeling
The course is not on the list
D10ZPD Basics of Project Documentation and Communication for Applied Research
Czech The course is not on the list
E013066 Basics of Stochastic
English The course is not on the list
2013066 Basics of Stochastics The course is on the list
BIE-ZRS.21 Basics of System Control
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-ZRS Basics of System Control
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-ZRS.21 Basics of System Control Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is on the list
BIE-ZRS Basics of Systems Control
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
00YZTD Basics of Technical Dynamics
The course is not on the list
16YZR Basics of Transportation Technique Management
The course is not on the list
00ZWT Basics of Wavelet Transformation
The course is not on the list
2162023 Basics of alternative energy sources
Czech The course is not on the list
B6B16ZDA Basics of data analysis
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S+4D The course is not on the list
2161586 Basics of district heating
Czech The course is not on the list
135YZAL Basics of mining Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is on the list
15QZVP Basics of scientific investigation
The course is not on the list
11YZC Basics of the Digital Signal Processing
The course is not on the list
133BSBD Basis of Bridges Design English ZK 2 2P+1C The course is on the list
800BAGL Bauen mit Glas
Czech Z 3 3C Z 3 3C The course is not on the list
800BCAD Bauinformatik-CAD
Czech Z 2 2C Z 2 2C The course is not on the list
800BKN1 Baukonstruktion 1
Z 4 Z 4 The course is not on the list
800BAKO Baukoordination
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
800BABR Baulicher Brandschutz
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
800BBVU Bauphysik und Baustoffkunde Vorlesung und Ubunsvorlesung
Czech Z,ZK 6 Z,ZK 6 The course is not on the list
800BSKD Baustoffkorrosion und Dauerhaftigkeit
Czech Z 3 3C Z 3 3C The course is not on the list
800BAUS Bautenschutz
Czech Z 2 Z 2 The course is not on the list
800BUB Bauverfahrenstechnik bei unterdischen Bauen
Czech Z 1 1P Z 1 1P The course is not on the list
800BADI Bauwerkdiagnostik
Czech Z 2 Z 2 The course is not on the list
800BAOK Bauökologie I
Z 6 6C Z 6 6C The course is not on the list
D01BSU Bayesian Machine Learning ZK The course is on the list
MI-BML Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning
Czech KZ 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
12BDP1_9 Bc diplom. práce 1
The course is not on the list
12BDP2_9 Bc diplom. práce 2
The course is not on the list
X000493 Beauvais cathedral: constr. In the middle ages
Czech The course is not on the list
2007586 Beginner Mandarin Course
The course is not on the list
2007242 Beginners Course in Swedish
English The course is not on the list
2007096 Beginners Course in Swedish for Exchange Students
Z 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
15Y2ŠK Beginners Course in Swedish for Exchange Students
The course is not on the list
2007138 Beginning Acting
KZ 2 The course is not on the list
800BECH Beginning Chinese
English Z 2 2C Z 2 2C The course is not on the list
2007179 Beginning TURKISH1
Czech Z 4 The course is not on the list
800BST Behaviour Studies
Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+2C Z,ZK 5 3P+2C The course is not on the list
D10CHCK_EN Behaviour of Cementitious Composites Subjected to High-speed Impulsive Loadings
English The course is not on the list
D10CHCK Behaviour of cementitious composites subjected to high-speed impulsive loadings
Czech The course is not on the list
800BESH Berechnung von Seilen und Hangebrücken
Czech Z 1 1P Z 1 1P The course is not on the list
800BESK Berechnung von Seilnetzkonstruktionen
Czech Z 1 1P Z 1 1P The course is not on the list
800BTB3 Betonbau 3
ZK 4 4P ZK 4 4P The course is not on the list
800BPF Betriebs und Personalführung
Czech Z 3 3C Z 3 3C The course is not on the list
12XBDK Bezpeč.dopr.na veřejných kom.
The course is not on the list
14BOI Bezpečnost a ochrana informace
The course is not on the list
12BOI_9 Bezpečnost a ochrana informace
The course is not on the list
16BJZ_9 Bezpečnost jaderných zařízení
The course is not on the list
800BZS Bezpečnost na stavbě
Czech Z 3 3C Z 3 3C The course is not on the list
17BRS1_9 Bezpečnostní a řídící systémy 1
The course is not on the list
17BRS2_9 Bezpečnostní a řídící systémy 2
The course is not on the list
2007189 Bio MEMS
English The course is not on the list
2007194 Bio Microelectromechanical Systems
English The course is not on the list
15BIO_9 Biochemie
The course is not on the list
16BAF_9 Biochemie a farmakologie
The course is not on the list
00BCHC_9 Biochemie člověka
The course is not on the list
16BCHC_9 Biochemie člověka
The course is not on the list
2009002 Biochemistry I
Z 4 The course is not on the list
2009003 Biochemistry II
ZK 8 The course is not on the list
2005002 Biochemistry of Man
KZ 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
00BCHC Biochemistry of Man
The course is not on the list
00BE Bioelektronika-Univerzita Iowa USA
The course is not on the list
2181003 Bioengineering
The course is not on the list
EP33BET Bioethics
ZK 1 1+0s The course is not on the list
E186013 Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wastes
English The course is not on the list
E183009 Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wastes
English The course is not on the list
2186013 Biofuels and Bioproducts from Wastes
Czech The course is not on the list
00BF_9 Biofyzika
The course is not on the list
12BF_9 Biofyzika
The course is not on the list
2007587 Biolocally Inspired Design
The course is not on the list
124XBDS Biological Degradation of Buildings Czech Z 1 1P+1C Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
16BIOU_9 Biologické účinky ionizujícího záření
The course is not on the list
00VBLC Biologie člověka
The course is not on the list
800BLC Biologie člověka
Czech The course is not on the list
00BLC_9 Biologie člověka
The course is not on the list
00BLCA_9 Biologie člověka A
The course is not on the list
2007220 Biology I.
Czech ZK 4 3+0 The course is not on the list
00PCB Biology Practicals
The course is not on the list
2009004 Biology in Medicine
ZK 8 The course is not on the list
00BLC Biology of Man
The course is not on the list
2006002 Biology of Man
Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
00BLCA Biology of Man A
The course is not on the list
800BIOZ Biomasa a obnovitelné zdroje - FS
Czech The course is not on the list
E151705 Biomass and Rebewable Energy
The course is not on the list
2151701 Biomass and Renewable Energy Sources
Czech The course is not on the list
2007271 Biomass as a Chemical Raw Material
English The course is not on the list
00BIO Biomaterials
The course is not on the list
2326003 Biomaterials
The course is not on the list
00MAB Biomaterials
The course is not on the list
2321079 Biomaterials and Biotolerance
Czech The course is not on the list
2323010 Biomaterials and Biotorelance
Czech The course is not on the list
D14BI Biomaterials for Implants The course is on the list
18XBC Biomech. člověka a n
The course is not on the list
2007202 Biomechanics
English The course is not on the list
00BIOM Biomechanics
The course is not on the list
2116013 Biomechanics
Z 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
E241718 Biomechanics I.
English The course is not on the list
2241718 Biomechanics I.
Czech The course is not on the list
E241719 Biomechanics II
English Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
2241051 Biomechanics II. Czech The course is on the list
2241719 Biomechanics II.
Czech The course is not on the list
E241723 Biomechanics III
English ZK 4 2P+0C The course is not on the list
2241723 Biomechanics III.
Czech The course is not on the list
132XBBI Biomechanics and Biomaterial Engineering
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
E244001 Biomechanics and Mechanobiology English Z,ZK 4 2P+1C+0L The course is on the list
E241068 Biomechanics for Bachelors
English The course is not on the list
E241050 Biomechanics for Bachelors English The course is not on the list
2241068 Biomechanics for Bachelors
Czech The course is not on the list
N2241050 Biomechanics for Bachelors
Czech The course is not on the list
2241050 Biomechanics for Bachelors Czech The course is on the list
W24OZ006 Biomechanics of aging and pathobiomechanics The course is on the list
W24OZ002 Biomechanics of cardiovascular system The course is on the list
W24OZ003 Biomechanics of joint replacements and implants The course is on the list
W24OZ007 Biomechanics of musculoskeletal system The course is on the list
W24OZ005 Biomechanics of nanostructures The course is on the list
BIO Biomechanika
Z 2 1+1s The course is not on the list
W11T002 Biomechanika buněk
The course is not on the list
W11A009 Biomechanika kardiovaskulárního systému
The course is not on the list
W11A007 Biomechanika kloubních náhrad a implantátů
The course is not on the list
W11O011 Biomechanika nanostruktur
The course is not on the list
W11O012 Biomechanika stárnutí a patobiomechanika
The course is not on the list
W11A008 Biomechanika svalově-kosterního systému
The course is not on the list
16YBC Biomechanika člověka
The course is not on the list
D15BARCH Biomedical Applications of Radiation Chemistry
The course is on the list
2007201 Biomedical Elektronics
English The course is not on the list
2007380 Biomedical Graphics and Design
The course is not on the list
2007381 Biomedical Manufacture
The course is not on the list
BAB34BSP Biomedical Sensors Practically Czech KZ 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
BAB34BMS Biomedical sensors Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
2007562 Biomimatics and Modern Science and Engineering
The course is not on the list
TUMQBIM Biomimetic challenge (Technical University of Munich, DEU)
The course is not on the list
00BNT Bionanotechnologie
The course is not on the list
00BFO Biophotonics
The course is not on the list
2005001 Biophysics
KZ 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
00BF Biophysics
The course is not on the list
00BS Biosensors
The course is not on the list
D15BZS Biosynthesis of Labelled Compounds The course is on the list
W24OZ011 Biotermodynamics
Lukáš Horný, František Maršík 
The course is on the list
TUMQBTM Biothermodynamics:Bridging life,natural and engineering sciences(Technical University of Munich,DEU)
The course is not on the list
800BOR Bodenreinigung
Z 5 Z 5 The course is not on the list
E151084 Boiler Design
English The course is not on the list
2007376 Boiler Plants and Steam Generators
The course is not on the list
19YB Bourse, Stock, Investment Companies
The course is not on the list
19WB Bourse, Stock, Investment Companies
The course is not on the list
2222092 Branch Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2132091 Branch Project
Czech The course is not on the list
2132991 Branch Project - ISP
Czech The course is not on the list
2132990 Branch Project - ISP
Czech KZ 6 0P+6C The course is not on the list
2333027 Branch Project - Technology Czech The course is on the list
2323016 Branch Project -Material Engineering
Czech The course is not on the list
E022121 Branch Project I
English The course is not on the list
2022121 Branch Project I The course is on the list
2223120 Branch Project I for Branch Subject I
Czech The course is not on the list
2353120 Branch Project I for Branch Subject I
Czech The course is not on the list
2213120 Branch Project I for Branch Subject I
Czech The course is not on the list
2133120 Branch Project I for Branch Subject I
Czech The course is not on the list
2123120 Branch Project I for Branch Subject I
Czech The course is not on the list
E152121 Branch Project I. English The course is on the list
E222121 Branch Project I.
English The course is not on the list
E132121 Branch Project I. English The course is on the list
E352121 Branch Project I.
English The course is not on the list
E012121 Branch Project I.
English The course is not on the list
E242121 Branch Project I. English The course is not on the list
E372121 Branch Project I. English The course is on the list
E112121 Branch Project I.
English The course is not on the list
2243121 Branch Project I. Czech The course is not on the list
2353121 Branch Project I.
The course is not on the list
2313121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2213121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2183121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2163121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2153121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2133121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2123121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2113121 Branch Project I. Czech The course is not on the list
2023121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2013121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
2152121 Branch Project I. The course is on the list
2222121 Branch Project I. Czech The course is on the list
2132121 Branch Project I. Czech The course is on the list
2212121 Branch Project I. Czech The course is on the list
2372121 Branch Project I. Czech The course is on the list
2223121 Branch Project I.
Czech The course is not on the list
E112122 Branch Project II. English The course is not on the list
E352122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E012122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E212122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E152122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E022122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E312122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E222122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E132122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E242122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E382122 Branch Project II.
English The course is not on the list
E372122 Branch Project II. English The course is on the list
2112122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2242222 Branch Project II. Czech The course is not on the list
2212222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2352222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2312222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2162222 Branch Project II. Czech The course is not on the list
2152222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2132222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2122222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2112222 Branch Project II. Czech The course is not on the list
2012222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2022222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2022122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2352122 Branch Project II. Czech The course is on the list
2122122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2012122 Branch Project II. Czech The course is on the list
2382122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2212122 Branch Project II. Czech The course is on the list
2152122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2222122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2132122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is on the list
2242122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2322122 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2372122 Branch Project II. Czech The course is on the list
2222222 Branch Project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
E312121 Branch project I. English The course is on the list
2312121 Branch project I. Czech The course is on the list
2312122 Branch project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2332122 Branch project II.
Czech The course is not on the list
2007112 Brandschutz
Z 2 The course is not on the list
12YM Bridges
The course is not on the list
12Y2M Bridges
Czech The course is not on the list
X000464 Bridges project
Czech The course is not on the list
00YBS Brzdové systémy
The course is not on the list
2383062 Budget and Project Economic Assessment
Czech The course is not on the list
122XSTP Buiding Technological Projecting
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
518NS3 Buiding Theory III
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
124BUAC Building Acoustics
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
800BUA Building Adaption
Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+2C Z,ZK 5 3P+2C The course is not on the list
599SPS Building Construction
The course is not on the list
126YBIM Building Information Modelling - Fundamentals
Czech Z 2 2C The course is not on the list
142XIMS Building Information Modelling in Water Management Czech Z 1 1P+1C Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
599P Building Law
The course is not on the list
800BUM Building Materials
Czech Z,ZK 9 5P+4C Z,ZK 9 5P+4C The course is not on the list
2004107 Building Materials
Z,ZK 4 The course is not on the list
2004108 Building Mechanics 2
Z,ZK 5 2+1 The course is not on the list
2004113 Building Mechanics 32
Z,ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2004105 Building Mechanics 50 - Statics of Building Constructions
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
2004106 Building Mechanics I.
Z,ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2007555 Building Performance and Energy Systems Simulations
The course is not on the list
124BPBM Building Physics and Thermal Performance Measurement
English Z,ZK 6 3P+3C The course is not on the list
555BS Building Structures
KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
124BS2D Building Structures 2D
English Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
124BSD3 Building Structures 3 English Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is on the list
124BS04 Building Structures 4 English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
E162045 Building and HVAC Systems Simulation English The course is not on the list
599SNBU Building and Urban Design
The course is not on the list
800BCMS Building component and material specif.
Czech ZK 4 4P ZK 4 4P The course is not on the list
800BDCI Building dsgn. and constr. informatics
Czech ZK 4 4P ZK 4 4P The course is not on the list
124XSFO Building physics - daylighting, acoustics Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
800BUR Building renovation
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
125BSE Buildings Services Systems
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
125BUSY Buildings Systems
English ZK 4 4P The course is on the list
123YSHA Bulding Materials in Architecture
Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
BI-EPD.2 Business Economics
Czech KZ 5 2P+2C KZ 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B04BEN Business English Z 2 2C Z 2 2C The course is on the list
00BEN Business English
The course is not on the list
2386037 Business Financing Czech Z 3 0P+2C The course is on the list
00OFR Business French
The course is not on the list
15QON Business German
The course is not on the list
128XBIN Business Intelligence Czech Z 1 1P+1C Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
2007255 Business Pilot
English The course is not on the list
TUMQBPBS Business Plan Basic Seminar (Technical University of Munich, DEU)
English The course is not on the list
2007565 Business Planning
English The course is not on the list
2007890 Business Trade English
The course is not on the list
E381007 Business and Management
English The course is not on the list
2381007 Business and Management
Czech The course is not on the list
21Y2EPDZ Business and Politics of Climate Change
The course is not on the list
00PE Business finance
The course is not on the list
00BLF Business legislation and finance
The course is not on the list
00BM Business marketing
The course is not on the list
00BOR Business operations research and management science
The course is not on the list
800BPGO Béton précontraint et grands ouvrages
Czech Z,ZK 6 Z,ZK 6 The course is not on the list
14WPJ C Programming Language
The course is not on the list
11YPC C Programming Language
The course is not on the list
128XCP1 C# Programming Language and Application Development Czech Z 1 1P+1C Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
128XCP2 C# Programming Language and Application Development Czech Z 1 1P+1C Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
14WPJ2 C++ Programming Language
The course is not on the list
14YPJ C++Programming Language
The course is not on the list
2132501 CAD
The course is not on the list
16YCAT CAD - CATIA v konstrukci strojů
The course is not on the list
2007074 CAD - Practical Training
ZK 2 The course is not on the list
2356016 CAD - Pro/Engineer in Machine Design 2
The course is not on the list
2136031 CAD 1
Czech The course is not on the list
E136031 CAD 1
English The course is not on the list
E136032 CAD 2
English The course is not on the list
2136032 CAD 2
Czech The course is not on the list
E136033 CAD 3
English The course is not on the list
2136033 CAD 3
Czech The course is not on the list
2226023 CAD Systems in Aircraft Design I Czech The course is on the list
2226024 CAD Systems in Aircraft Design II
Czech The course is not on the list
124XCSN CAD Systems: AEC Advanced Topics
Czech Z 1 2C Z 1 2C The course is on the list
124XCA1 CAD Systems: AutoCad 1 Czech Z 1 2C Z 1 2C The course is on the list
124XCA2 CAD Systems: AutoCad 2 Czech Z 1 2C Z 1 2C The course is on the list
2007489 CAD and Manufacturing
The course is not on the list
800CAST CAD im Stahlbau
Czech ZK 5 ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2356024 CAD in Production Machine Design
Czech The course is not on the list
2351161 CAD in Production Machine Design
Czech The course is not on the list
142XCSA CAD systems and AutoCAD Czech Z 1 2C The course is on the list
124XCAP CAD systems: AutoCAD advanced Czech Z 1 1P+1C Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
2356009 CAD-CATIA in Machine Design
The course is not on the list
2356017 CAD-SOLID EDGE v konstrukci strojů
The course is not on the list
134XCOD CAD/CAM in steel and timber structures
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is not on the list
The course is not on the list
800CTD CAD/Technische Dartstellen
Z 4 Z 4 The course is not on the list
2007221 CAE with NX4
English Z 3 The course is not on the list
00YCAT CATIA Computer Program
The course is not on the list
2216044 CATIA System in Transportation Engineering
Z 3 0P+3C The course is on the list
2156025 CATIA for Energy Engineering
Czech Z 2 0P+3C Z 2 0P+3C The course is not on the list
2226011 CATIA in Aeronautical Applications I. Czech Z 3 0P+3C The course is on the list
2226012 CATIA in Aeronautical Applications II.
Czech Z 3 0P+3C The course is not on the list
2186030 CFD Application in Process Engineering
Czech The course is not on the list
E186030 CFD Application in Process Engineering
English The course is not on the list
2152050 CFD for Thermal Engineering I
Czech The course is not on the list
2226025 CFD in aerospace applications Czech The course is on the list
2153007 CFD1 for thermal technology I.
The course is not on the list
2346018 CNC machining practical class Czech The course is on the list
21CNSY-E CNS Systems
English Z,ZK 4 3P+1C+16B The course is not on the list
21Y2SC CNS Systems
Czech The course is not on the list
155KNEM Cadastre of Real Estate Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
2116036 Calculation of Thin-Walled Structures
The course is not on the list
01MAZ Calculus 1, Examination
ZK 4 - The course is not on the list
01MANZ Calculus 1, exam The course is on the list
01MAP Calculus Plus
ZK 6 0 The course is not on the list
00MA1P Calculus plus
The course is not on the list
B0B01MVM Calculus with Maple
Czech Z 2 1P+1C+1D The course is not on the list
800CSIN Capita Selecta Building in foreigu countries
Czech KZ 1 KZ 1 The course is not on the list
W38O017 Capital Budgeting: Theory and Practice
The course is not on the list
2007495 Capston Design of Mechanical Engineering
The course is not on the list
16YKV Car Bodies of Motor Vehicles
The course is not on the list
00YKOV Car Bodies of Motor Vehicles
The course is not on the list
16WKV Car Bodies of Motor Vehicles
The course is not on the list
16CBD-E Car Body Design
The course is not on the list
16CBD1-E Car Body Design 1
The course is not on the list
16CBD2-E Car Body Design 2
The course is not on the list
16YPOA Car Utilization and Maintenance
The course is not on the list
16WPOA Car Utilizationn and Maintenance
The course is not on the list
19YPPS Carriage Law - Case Study
The course is not on the list
19WPPS Carriage Law - Case Study
The course is not on the list
19WSNV Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
The course is not on the list
19YSNV Carriage of Dangerous Goods by Road
The course is not on the list
16YKP Cartograhic Production
The course is not on the list
155CART Cartography
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
155KAR1 Cartography 1 Czech The course is not on the list
2007272 Case Studies In Engineering 1
English The course is not on the list
2007351 Case Studies in Engineering
English Z,ZK 5 The course is not on the list
2331506 Casting and Forming Technology
Czech The course is not on the list
NI-TKA Category Theory
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
2007426 Cause Analysis in Motor Vehicle Accidents
The course is not on the list
2221213 Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics
Czech The course is not on the list
2221224 Celestial Mechanics and Astrodynamics Czech The course is on the list
W24OZ001 Cell biomechanics The course is on the list
00CER Ceramical Materials
The course is not on the list
2007591 Ceramics the Modern World
English The course is not on the list
A0B04CAE4 Certificate of Advanced English 4
Z 2C Z 2C The course is not on the list
16YCA Certification and Accreditation
The course is not on the list
16WCA Certification and Accreditation
The course is not on the list
21Y2CL Certification, Authorization and Licensing
Czech The course is not on the list
12YMMA Changing Subject Course of Industrial Management
The course is not on the list
00CHS Chaos and Self-organization, KTH Stockholm
The course is not on the list
XP33CHM Chapters in higher mathematics English The course is on the list
00UNC Charged Particles Accelerators
The course is not on the list
2181053 Chemical Thermodynamics and Transfer Phenomena
The course is not on the list
2181049 Chemical and Bioreactor Design
The course is not on the list
2181077 Chemical and Bioreactor Design
The course is not on the list
2181102 Chemical and Bioreactor Design
The course is not on the list
2321082 Chemical and physical properties of composites
Czech The course is not on the list
2321081 Chemical and physical properties of plastics
Czech The course is not on the list
2181116 Chemical production lines Czech The course is not on the list
15CHT_9 Chemická termodynamika
The course is not on the list
11CHAA_9 Chemické aspekty PL A
The course is not on the list
11CHA_9 Chemické aspekty pevných látek
The course is not on the list
15CHB1_9 Chemie
The course is not on the list
15CHB2_9 Chemie
The course is not on the list
15CRHP_9 Chemie a radiační hygiena
The course is not on the list
15RHP_9 Chemie a radiační hygiena prostředí
The course is not on the list
15CHJE_9 Chemie provozu JE
The course is not on the list
15CHRP_9 Chemie radioaktivních prvků
The course is not on the list
2183008 Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2183002 Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2183018 Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2182011 Chemistry
The course is not on the list
2183019 Chemistry
The course is not on the list
123BUC Chemistry
English Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is not on the list
2007609 Chemistry for Engineers
The course is not on the list
D15CHAT Chemistry of Actinoides and Transactinoides The course is on the list
D15CHL Chemistry of Pharmaceuticals
The course is not on the list
15CHRP Chemistry of Radioactive Elements ZK 2 2+0 The course is on the list
104XCI1 Chinese (beginners 1) Czech Z 0 2C The course is on the list
104XCI2 Chinese (beginners 2)
Czech The course is not on the list
D04XJ Chinese Language
Czech ZK The course is not on the list
2146070 Chinese Language Course for Exchange
Z 2 0P+2C Z 2 0P+2C The course is not on the list
2007415 Chinese Language Level I.
The course is not on the list
00CIN Chinese language
The course is not on the list
00CHI Chinese,Chung Hua University Hsinchu,Taiwan
The course is not on the list