
Digital Safety Systems of Nuclear Reactors

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Code Completion Credits Range
17CIBS Z,ZK 2 2+0
Course guarantor:
Martin Kropík
Martin Kropík
Martin Kropík
Department of Nuclear Reactors

Lectures deal with use of computers in safety systems of nuclear reactor, with requirements on their hardware and software. Attention is devoted to software life cycle, to software requirements, design, coding, integration of HW/SW, verification/validation, maintenance and configuration management of software. Requirements and limitation of programming languages by software coding are discussed. Problematic of programmable logical devices (CPLD, FPGA) for use in safety and control systems of nuclear devices was introduces into lectures. Subject is also completed by demonstration of validation of operational power measuring and independent power protection systems of VR 1 reactor I&C


17ZAF, 17BES

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Computers in systems important to nuclear safety and requirements on hardware, preparation of requirements on functionality of computer based systems important to nuclear safety, requirements on computer hardware, redundancy, memory content check, testing, inputs/outputs, performance, qualification of on shelf hardware for systems important to nuclear safety

2. Requirements on software for safety systems 1, IEC60880, life cycle - requirements, specification, design, coding, verification, integration HW/SW, validation, operation and maintenance, quality assurance, configuration management, verification methods, testing, documentation, IEC62138 - SW for category B systems according to IEC61226 - e.g. control systems

3. Requirements on software for safety systems 1; use previously developed software, common cause failures, diversity, formal methods, integrated tools for software production

4. Coding of software 1; methods of coding for high quality software, basic attributes, - reliability (predictability of memory use, timing, flow control), robustness (diversity, exceptions handling, input and output tests), maintenance (readability, data abstraction, modularity, portability) and method for their achievement

5. Coding of software 2, programming languages and their use for safety systems of nuclear reactors, required features and limitation in their use for systems important to nuclear safety with respect to attributes mentioned in previous paragraph, us of Pascal and C languages

6. Upgrade of safety and control system (I&C) of VR 1 training reactor, preparation of hardware and software requirements, software production, quality assurance, practical examples

7. Configuration management at VR 1 training reactor, parameter setting for systems of operational power measurement, independent power protection, control system and human machine interface, used methodology and tools

8. Excursion at VR-1 training reactor, demonstration of upgraded computer based safety and control system (I&C), exhibition of operation, of safety functions and system configuration management

9. Validation of systems important to nuclear safety 1; valdation methodology, simulation of input signals, tests of system response on them, available hardware and software tools for validation, computer controlled generators and signal sources, graphical oriented programming tools Agilent VEE and LabView

10.Validation of systems important to nuclear safety 2 - demonstration of validation, validation of upgraded operational power measuring and independent power protection systems, testing of interfaces, testing of operational and safety functions using system based on IEEE488.2, VXI and programming tool Agilent VEE

11. Computer based safety and control systems in nuclear power plants 1; commercial computer based systems for nuclear power plants - Siemens Teleperm XS and software tool SPACE used e.g. in nuclear power plant Mochovce or new built power plants EPR, DSS Spinline used in upgraded I&C systems of nuclear power plant Dukovany, Westinghouse Eagle system in nuclear power plant Temelin

12. Safety and control systems of nuclear power plants Dukovany and Temelin, systems structure, used technology, quality assurance, redundancy, diversity, safety functions

13. Programmable logical devices (CPLD and FPGA) in safety and control system, reasons of use, advantages, disadvantages, circuits design, VHDL language, quality, qualification and testing

Syllabus of tutorials:

Excursion at VR 1 training reactor (paragraph 8.), demonstration of systems validation (paragraph 10), discussion on required literature

Study Objective:

Knowledge: problems of computer based safety system of nuclear reactors, differences in comparison to hardwired systems, requirements on hardware and software, systems testing, configuration management

Abilities: orientation in matter of computer based safety systems, use of gained knowledge in other subjects of reactor physics, nuclear power plants and in operator?s course during further education

Study materials:

Key references:

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control systems important to safety - Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category A functions, IEC60880, 2006

Review Guidelines on Software Languages for Use in Nuclear Power Plant Safety Systems, NUREG/CR-6463, 1996

Recommended references:

Nuclear power plants - Instrumentation and control important for safety - Software aspects for computer-based systems performing category B or C functions, IEC62138, 2004

Standard Criteria for Digital Computers in Safety Systems of Nuclear Power Generating Stations, IEEE-

Media and tools:

training reactor VR 1 laboratory, electronic laboratory of Department of nuclear reactors with system for validation of computer based systems

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Kropík M.
(lecture parallel1)
Trója, těžké laboratoře, V Holešovičkách 2
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-08
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1564506.html