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Metal Physics 2

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range
14FKO2 Z,ZK 6 6
Course guarantor:
Department of Materials

The physical background of processes encountered in production and thermo-mechanical treatment of metallic materials is described, including solidification, crystal defects, theory of solid solutions, theory of dislocations, diffusion, hardening and softening of metals and alloys.


Prerequisite: Thermodynamics and Statistical physics, Physics of Metals 1.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Thermodynamics of systems (solutions and their free energy, heterogeneous equilibrium, Gibbs phase rule, phase mixtures).

2. Theory of solid solutions (ideal, regular and real solutions).

3. Solidification of binary systems (homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation).

4. Microstructure and phases, crystal defects.

5. Diffusion in metals and alloys.

6. Phase transformations in solid state (martensitic and bainitic transformations, precipitation).

7. Theory of dislocations (stress and strain field of dislocations).

8. Theory of dislocations (energy of dislocations, pile-up, forces on a dislocation).

9. Theory of dislocations (dissociation of dislocations, Peierls-Nabarro stress).

10. Mechanical twinning. Interaction of dislocations with obstacles (other dislocations, solute atoms, precipitates, grain boundaries, derivation of the Hall-Petch relation).

11. Deformation hardening (monocrystals, polycrystals).

12. Static recovery, static recrystallization.

13. Dynamic recovery, dynamic recrystallization.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Crystal structures, interstitial positions, lattice packing

2. Phase diagrams, Gibbs phase rule

3. Thermodynamics of phase diagrams, common tangent rule

3. Using lever rule in binary and ternary phase diagrams

4. Nucleation in metals and alloys

5. Introduction to point defects

6. Atomic diffusion in metals and alloys - solution to Fick laws

7. Atomic diffusion in substitutional alloys - lattice drift, interdiffusion coefficient, Matano analysis

8. Dislocations - stress field, forces, energy

9. Dislocations - movement, dissociation, dislocation reactions

10. System Fe-C, phase fields

11. Phase transformations in steels, quench hardening, tempering

12. TTT diagrams in steels

13. CCT diagrams in steels

Study Objective:


Understanding of basic physical phenomena during melting, solidification, cooling and thermo-mechanical processing of metallic materials.


Orientation in phase diagrams and their use, identification of microstructures of different metallic materials

Study materials:

Key references:

[1] Callister, W.D.: Materials Science and Engineering, an introduction, 6th ed., John Wiley, 2003.

[2] Askeland, D.R. - Phulé, P.P.: The science and engineering of materials, 5th ed., Thomson, 2006.

[3] MATTER, Education software, University of Liverpool, CD-ROM, available on the intranet of the Department of Materials (X:\ MATTER CD.exe) or on the web site http://www.matter.org.uk.

Recommended references:

[1] Smallmann, R.E. - Bishop, R.J.: Modern Physical Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, 6th ed., Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1999.

[2] Cahn, R.W. - Haasen, P. (Eds.): Physical metallurgy, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1996.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet11293105.html