NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Physics and Advanced Technologies

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
2026020 Z 4 2P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Physics

Lasers: laser fundamentals, laser categories, laser technology application in mechanical engineering. Piezoelectricity : fundamentals, application in technology, ultrasound generation, piezoelectric pumps, nanofeeds. Vacuum technology : vacuum pumps, gauges for low pressure measurements. Thin films and coatings : categories, thin film deposition, applications in mechanical engineering. Computer assisted measurement techniques: Data Acquisition systems (DAQ) in mechanical engineering applications, special and thin layer temperature sensors, various types of pressure and flow sensors, the most frequently applied hardware interfaces/protocols and the most contemporary used software products for the engineering DAQ systems including distributed and portable systems.


Understanding physics at the level of the courses Physics I and Physics II, basic knowledge of computer skill.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Characteristics of laser radiation, fundamentals of lasers, basic parts of lasers.

2.Categories of lasers and their use in technology.

3.Applications of lasers in mechanical engineering and technology.

4.Fundamentals of piezoelectricity,piezoelectr. materials and their characteristics.

5.Application of pizoelectricity in technology.

6.Vacuum pumps and gauges for low pressures.

7.Methods of thin films and coatings deposition.

8.Characteristics of coatings applied in mechanical engineering.

9.Principals of the engineering measurements.

10.Uncertainty or errors in technical measurements.

11.Basics of the DAQ systems.

12.The most frequently used sensors in engineering measurements.

13.Preparation of the individual measurement project.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Fundamentals of work with lasers, light beams modification, applications of piezoelectric phenomena, basic of vacuum systems handling, physical methods of coatings deposition, measurements of coatings mechanical parameters. Design and implementation of computer assisted DAQ systems for temperature, pressure and flow measurements.

Study Objective:

To provide students with basic information about physical principles of phenomena and appliances presently applied in advanced technologies enforcing application in mechanical engineering. Further to provide them basic information concerning the up-to-date data acquisition system, relevant special sensors to monitor engineering quantities and HW and SW solution in use nowadays. The important part of the course is student?s activity in laboratory where they may individually solve problems related to the lessons.

Study materials:

Vrbová M., Jelínková H., Gavrilov P., Úvod do laserové techniky, ČVUT Praha, 1998

Pátý L., Petr J., Vakuová technika, skriptum ČVUT, 1990

Weston, G.F., Ultrahigh Vacuum Practice, Butterworths, 1985

Kreidl M., Šmíd R., Technická diagnostika, BEN, 2006

NIST Technical Note 1297, 1994 Edition, (http://physics.nist.gov/Pubs/guidelines/TN1297/tn1297s.pdf)

Articles in journal AUTOMA: (2001, č. 7-8; č.10; č. 12; 2002, č. 4 a č. 5)


Jenčík J.: Technická měření, ČVUT v Praze, 1991

Nováková D., Novák R., Základy měření a zpracování dat, ČVUT v Praze, 1999

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1127106.html