
Basics of Electronics

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Code Completion Credits Range
17ZEL KZ 3 2+2
Garant předmětu:
Martin Kropík
Martin Kropík
Martin Kropík
Department of Nuclear Reactors

Lectures provide basic information of electronics. In the beginning, lectures are devoted to passive components - resistors, capacitors, inductors and solution of electrical circuits with them. Next, lectures deal with semiconductor components (standard, Zener, capacitive, LED), bipolar, unipolar transistors and semiconductor components with more layers (thyristors and triacs). Lectures continue with general amplifiers and operational amplifiers. Finally, lectures deal with digital circuits, digital/analog and analog/digital converters. Lectures are completed with electronic laboratory exercises.



Syllabus of lectures:

1. Basic phenomena and lows in electricity and magnetism, solution of electric circuits by Ohm and Kirchhoff laws

2. Resistors; their features and use, marking of resistors, varying resistors - potentiometers, trimming resistors, photoresistors, thermistors, etc, printed circuit boards and their use in electronics

3. Capacitors, inductors; features and use, charging and discharging of capacitor and inductors, capacitive and inductive reactance, inductors with iron and ferrite core

4. Solution of circuits with AC (alternating current) - analytical, complex-symbolic methods, Laplace transformation, effective value, Fourier trigonometric series and their use in electronics

5. Semiconductors, PN transistion, diods - standard, Zener, capacitive, PIN diodes, LEDs

6. Bipolar, unipolar transistors, thyristors, triacs, voltage and current power supplies, stabilizers - parallel, serial, switching

7. Amplifiers and operational amplifiers; basic features of amplifiers - amplification, frequency range, noise, distortion, phase characteristics, etc.; operational amplifiers, their features and basic use

8. Digital circuits 1, logical functions, data representation, review of technologies, combinational and sequential circuits

9. Digital circuits 2; digital circuits 74XXX series, examples of combinational and sequential circuits, programmable logical devices

10. Digital/analog and analog/digital converters, principles of function, resolution, accuracy, sample theorem, aplications

11. Training course with basic electronic equipment - multimeters, generators, osciloscopes, power supplies, counter, impedance meters, etc. Basic information about instruments, parameters setting and their checks, measurement of passive electronic components with different equipment

12. Training course focused on semiconductor components - V-A characteristics silicon and germanium diodes, Zener diodes, measurement of bipolar transistors characteristics, measurement of delay time of bipolar and unipolar transistors in linear and saturated regime

13. Measurement of operational amplifiers - amplification, signal range, frequency characteristics for different amplifications, slew rate, etc.

Syllabus of tutorials:

calculations of circuits complete lectures, electronic training courses (paragraphs 11., 12., 13.)

Study Objective:

Knowledge: basic knowledge of passive and active electronic circuits, equipment for measurement and diagnostics in electronics

Abilities: apply gained knowledge in practice, be able to design and realize simple analog and digital electronic circuits

Study materials:

Key references:

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Frisch, Basic of electronics and elektronic circuits, SNTL, Praha 1987, (in Czech)

Recommended references:

Doc. Ing. Petr Hiršl, CSc., Basic of electronics, textbook ČVUT in Prague, 1989, (in Czech)

Media and tools:

electronic laboratory of Department of nucelar reactors for training course in electronics

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-09-18
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