NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.


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Code Completion Credits Range Language
105XRE1 Z 1 2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Jitka Cirklová
Jitka Cirklová
Jitka Cirklová
Department of Social Sciences

Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to acquire and improve speaking skills required for successful professional communication of graduates. Learning should help them to develop the culture and effectiveness of verbal and non-verbal expression, and to eliminate potential psychic barriers in public speaking so that they can build a positive personal image. Practical skills can be taught by students in the form of practical exercises individually and in groups in the form of etudes and communication games. The knowledge and experience thus acquired can be used not only in the professional field.


Individual and group presentation.

Syllabus of lectures:

The course does not have lectures.

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Communication in today's society. Presentation is a specific part of communication skills. Types of presentations. Structure and stages of the presentation. Effective vs. effective presentation. Logical rules for a successful presentation.

2. Presentation and meaning of its persuasive function. Personal/Group/Business Presentation.

3. Presentation skills and techniques. Rhetoric and the quality of speech. The verbal component of the presentation.

4. Personality and communication, prerequisites of a good speaker, rules for coping with stress. Reasonable vs. emotional component in a successful presentation. Principles of social etiquette in a personal and public presentation.

5. Public appearance and public speaking. Target groups.

6. Discussion and negotiation as a presentation technique.

7. Crisis communication - stress, questions, and answers.

8. Psychology, argumentation, persuasion, improvisation.

9. Communication in the team.

10. Effective communication, barriers, and self-presentation.

11. Seminar assignment - professional presentation.

12. Course evaluation - seminar papers (presentations).

Study Objective:

Goals of Study: Master and improve skills necessary for successful presentation as well as enhance the communicative ability of the prospective engineers and bachelors.

Study materials:

Schmidtová, M.: Rétorika cvičení. Praha, ČVUT 2005

Buchtová, B.: Rétorika. Praha, Grada Publishing 2005

Lewis, D. Tajná řeč těla. Praha, East Publishing 2004

Hierhold, E.: Rétorika a prezentace. Praha, Grada kterékoli vydání

Svobodová, M.: Mluv, mluv, zajímáš mne. Praha, Pragoeduca 2002

Tegze, O.: Neverbální komunikace. Brno, Computer Press 2008

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2811006.html