NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Thermohydraulic Design of Nuclear Devices 4

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17THNJ4 Z,ZK 4 3+0 Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Nuclear Reactors

This course is set to improve the basic knowledge of students about problems of thermohydraulics. The students will learn more about flow of compressible fluids (gases, steam, ..), two-phase flow (important for emergency analyses of nuclear devices, description of power loaded parts of PWR or design of BWR), about sub-channel analysis of fuel assemblies and about specific modes of heat transfer (liquid metals, molten salts and gases), which can bee used for designs of GEN IV reactors. It also includes extended commentary of turbulent flow and models, which were develop for its description.


THNJ1, THNJ2, THNJ3 or equivalent

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Compressible fluids flow

Time range: 2 lectures

Speed of sound, use of 1st thermodynamic law for open thermodynamic system, conversion of enthalpy to kinetic energy, flow through gap, sound velocity, Laval nozzle (principle and calculation), steady-state shock, steam flow (real gas).

2. Two-phase flow

Time range: 7 lectures

Fundamentals of two-phase flow and its miscellaneous patterns, diagrams of flow, principles of two-phase flow description, definition of basic quantities and their calculation (void fraction, etc. ), two-phase pressure drops, basic two-phase flow modeling: single fluid models, two fluid model, four equation models, nonequilibrium models, sonic velocity and critical flow; flow instability: types of instability and their nature (flow pattern instability, Ledineggs instability, dynamic instability, thermal oscillation, etc.), analysis of selected instabilities; liquid-vapor separation, ..

3. Turbulent flow

Time range: 2 lectures

Description of turbulent flow, review of turbulent flow models and their principles, detailed descriptions and principles of turbulence models: K-epsilon, K-omega, RNG, model with Reynolds stress, LES models, comparison of models and their use.

4. Primary circuit thermohydraulic

Time range: 1 lecture:

Hydraulic characteristic of primary circuits particular components: reactor, primary pipes, modes of main circulating pump, steam generator. Principles of CFD, short list of CFD codes and their description, problematic of interpretation of results. Principle of sub-channel analysis and their use for fuel assemblies calculations, s transcription of basic flow equations for sub-channel analysis, follow up equations fior sub-channel analysis (turbulent mixing, pressure losses, etc.), application of sub-channel analysis in computer codes and their list and features, integral and systems codes.

5. Specific modes of conduction

Time range: 1 lecture

Convection in liquid metals: thermophysical properties of the most used liquid metals (sodium, solution of Pb-Bi), differences of properties from normal coolants and their influence on calculations, forced and natural convection at internal flow in pipes or triangular channel in lattice of fast reactors and on plane wall. Convection in gases: thermophysical properties of the helium (coolant in VHTR), differences of properties from normal coolants and their influence on calculations, influence of high velocities, forced and natural convection at internal flow in pipes and on plane wall, principles of thermohydraulics design of layer with spherical fuel elements. Convection in molten salts: thermophysical properties of fluoride molten salts, their differences from normal coolants and dependence on solutions compositions, forced and natural convection at internal flow in pipes and on plane wall.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Lectures are in selected chapters completed with calculations of practical examples: conduction in liquid metals, two phase flow, pressure drops in primary circuits, CFD calculation.

Study Objective:

Knowledge: detailed knowledge of selected parts of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and heat transfer (see list of lectures) which can be used in thermohydraulic designs generally or in specific design of primary circuit and others devices in nuclear power plants.

Abilities: orientation in given issue, use gained knowledge in other courses which are engaged in thermomechanics and designs of devices in nuclear power plants. On base of given knowledge students will be able to understand and analyse behavior and control of nuclear power plant as a complex.

Study materials:

1. Tong, L.S., Weisman, J.: Thermal Analysis of Pressurized Water Reactors, American Nuclear Society, Illinois USA, 1996, ISBN: 0-89448-038-3

2. Weseeling, P.: Principles of Computational Fluid Dynamics, Springer, 2000

3. Wilcox, D. C.: Turbulence modeling for CFD, DCW Industries, California, 2002

4. Tang Y.S., Coffield R.D., Markley R.A.: Thermal Analysis of Liquid Metal Fast Breeder Reactors, American Nuclear Society, Madison USA, 1978, ISBN: 0-89448-011-1

5. 2. Mareš R. - Šifner O. - Kadrnožka J.: Tabulky vlastností vody a vodní páry podle průmyslové formulace IAPWS-IF97, VUTIUM , 1999, ISBN 80-214-1316-6

6. Lahey R.T., Moody F.J.: The Thermal-Hydraulics of a Boiling Water Nuclear Reactors, Američan Nuclear Society, La Grange Park, 1993, ISBN 0-89448-037-5

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2432806.html