Writing and presenting academic text
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
17TEXT | KZ | 2 | 1P+1C | Czech |
- Course guarantor:
- Lecturer:
- Ľubomír Sklenka
- Tutor:
- Ľubomír Sklenka
- Supervisor:
- Department of Nuclear Reactors
- Synopsis:
The course focuses on examples development of soft skills how to write and present academic text. The first part of the course is dedicated to introducing and classifying various academic texts, essential rules for writing an academic text, and creating an appropriate structure of the written text. Follows lectures related to basic typographic rules for graphical arrangement of a written text; rules how to write and create tables, graphs, figures; differences between new text and plagiarism; and how to manage references and citations in academic texts in nuclear engineering. In this part, students are familiarised with widely used software for the writing of the academic text. The first part of the course is dedicated to presenting academic text, mainly to introduction to verbal and non-verbal aspects of presentation; to all stages of presentation building; and widely used software for presenting academic text. Exercises that follow theoretical lectures give a chance to students to apply theory into practice with the primary aim to give the first experiences to students before they start writing and presenting their bachelor thesis.
- Requirements:
- Syllabus of lectures:
1.Introduction to writing and presentation of the academic text (1 lecture)
2.Writing of academic text (2 lectures)
3.Software for the writing of academic text (2 lectures)
4.Introduction to the typography of academic text (2 lectures)
5.Citations and references in the academic text (2 lectures)
6.Presentation of academic text (3 lectures)
7.Software for the presentation of the academic text (1 lecture)
- Syllabus of tutorials:
1.Writing of academic text (7 exercises)
2.Presentation of academic text (5 exercises)
3.Final discussion with students (1 exercise)
- Study Objective:
- Study materials:
Key References:
1.Katuščák,D. - Meško, D. Findra, J.: Akademická příručka, Osveta, 2013
2.Hierhold, E.: Rétorika a prezentace, Grada, Praha, 2008
3.Dančo, V.: Kapesní průvodce (počítačovou) typografií, Labyrint, 1995
Recommended References:
4.Beran, V. a kol.: Typografický manuál, Kafka design, Font, 2005
5.ČSN 01 6910 Úprava písemností zpracovaných textovými editory, 2014
6.ČSN ISO 690 Bibliografické citace, 2011
- Note:
- Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
- Time-table is not available yet
- Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
- Time-table is not available yet
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- Jaderné inženýrství - Jaderné reaktory (elective course)