NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Operator Course for Bachelors

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17OPKB Z,ZK 4 4 Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Nuclear Reactors

The lectures are focused on reasearch end experimental nuclear reactors, their typical experimental equipments, fuel for research reactors, control and instrumentation systems of nuclear reactors and operation of research reactors. The main part of lectures deals VR-1 reactor and its operation and nuclear safety of research reactors.

The lectures are supplemented with practices at VR-1 reactor including practical acquaint oneself with VR-1 reactor, operation of VR-1 reactor technological systems, start-up and operation of VR-1 reactor and training of VR-1 reactor control and operation.


17ZAF1, 17PSJR, 17DEZ

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Research and experimental reactors

Range: 1 lecture,

Topic of lecture: Research and experimental reactors. Typical experimental equipments of research reactors. The research reactor fuels. Instrumentation and control systems of research reactors. Dosimetry and radiation monitoring systems of research reactors.

2. Training reactor VR-1 - its characterisation and structure

Range: 2 lectures,

Topic of lectures:

Reactor VR-1: detailed characterisation and description of its structure and description of instrumentations and equipments which are important for VR-1 reactor operation.

Experimental equipments of VR-1 reactor: complete overview and description of VR-1 reactor experimental equipments.

3. Training reactor VR-1 - operation and its management

Range: 3 lectures,

Topic of lectures:

Safety and operational documentation of VR-1 reactor: safety reports, limits and conditions, on-site emergency plan, operation rules and regulations.

Management of VR-1 reactor operation: the rules of shift operation, qualification and professional training, quality assurance system in reactor operation, operational inspections.

Safety operation of VR-1 reactor: assurance of nuclear safety, radiation protection, physical protection and emergency preparedness.

4. Safety of research nuclear facilities

Range: 2 lectures,

Topic of lectures:

Legal framework (acts and decrees) in Czech Republic, fundamentals of nuclear safety during commissioning and operation of nuclear facilities.

Fundamentals of quality assurance, emergency preparedness, radiation protection of nuclear facilities.

Syllabus of tutorials:

The practices will be running at training reactor VR-1.

1. Reactor VR-1

Range: 1 practice

Topic of practice: Practical acquaint oneself with VR-1 reactor, reactor vessels, fuel IRT-4M, control rods, neutron source, instrumentation and control system, water system, dosimetry systems, system of physical protection, auxiliary systems.

2. Operation of the reactor technological systems and manipulation at the VR-1 reactor

Range: 1 practice

Topic of practice: Operation and service of the reactor technological systems (water systems, air distribution system, electric components), manipulators used at the reactor, fuel handling, control rod handling and manipulation with experimental devices at VR-1 reactor.

3. Start-up of the VR-1 reactor

Range: 1 practice

Topic of practice: Practical acquaint oneself with human machine interface of VR-1 reactor, signalling system, safety signals, commands and messages of reactor control system, reactor operation modes, reactor set-up before its initialisation and start-up, start-up of the reactor.

4. Operation of the VR-1 reactor

Range: 1 practice

Topic of practice: Putting reactor into operation, manual and automatic operation, increasing and decreasing the power, various inspections and checks on the instrumentation and control system.

Study Objective:

Knowledge: detailed knowledge of nuclear research facilities and nuclear safety, complete knowledge of VR-1 reactor and its components and devices, knowledge of operation documentation and operation management of VR-1 reactor.

Ability: orientation in the given problems, start-up and operation of VR-1 reactor.

Study materials:

Key references:

Učební texty a soubory otázek pro přípravu a zkoušky vybraných pracovníků výzkumných jaderných zařízení - Sešit č. 3 Výzkumné a experimentální reaktory, SÚJB, Praha 2004

Učební texty a soubory otázek pro přípravu a zkoušky vybraných pracovníků výzkumných jaderných zařízení - Sešit č. 4 Technické popisy českých výzkumných reaktorů, SÚJB, Praha 2004

Učební texty a soubory otázek pro přípravu a zkoušky vybraných pracovníků výzkumných jaderných zařízení - Sešit č. 5 Bezpečnost a provoz výzkumných reaktorů, SÚJB, Praha 2004

Požadavky Státního úřadu pro jadernou bezpečnost na výzkumná jaderná zařízení pro zajištění jaderné bezpečnosti radiační ochrany, fyzické ochrany a havarijní připravenosti, bezpečnostní návod, SÚJB Praha, 2004

Recommended references:

Bezpečnostní zpráva školního reaktoru VR-1, ČVUT - FJFI, Praha 2007

Matějka, K., et al.: Experimentální úlohy na školním reaktoru VR-1, skripta ČVUT, ČVUT, Praha 2005.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1906506.html