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Applied Fracture Mechanics

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
D14ALM ZK 2 2 Czech
Course guarantor:
Jiří Kunz
Jiří Kunz
Jiří Kunz
Department of Materials

Mechanisms and modes of fracture. Stress and strain field in the vicinity of notch or crack tip. Parameters of linear elastic fracture mechanics. Fracture toughness of materials and crack stability examination.

Parameters of non-linear elastic-plastic fracture mechanics. Fracture toughness of structural alloys in the case of general yielding. Fatigue of materials - fundamentals, fatigue crack propagation under various conditions, application of fracture mechanics. Case studies -application in research and engineering practice.


Engineering mechanics.



Fatigue of materials.

Syllabus of lectures:

1.Fracture modes and crack growth mechanisms.

2.Stress and strain field around notches and cracks.

3.Loading of cracked body - opening, sliding, and tearing modes.

4.Stress intensity factor. Fracture toughness.

5.Crack tip plastic zone - analytical calculation and experimental determination of size and shape of this zone.

6.Total energy balance approach - energy release rate, Griffith's criterion, R-curves.

7.Sih's strain energy density factor - mixed mode problem, prediction of crack growth direction

8.Relations between parameters of linear elastic fracture mechanics

9.Examples and case studies

10.Limitations of linear elastic fracture mechanics, parameters of nonlinear elastic-plastic fracture mechanics.

11.Crack (tip) opening displacement COD (CTOD.

12.J integral.

13.Fracture toughness of structural materials in the case of general yielding.

14.Relations between parameters of fracture mechanics, possibilities and limitations of nonlinear elastic-plastic fracture mechanics.

15.Fundamentals of fatigue of structural materials.

16.Fatigue crack propagation under various service or testing conditions

17.Fatigue crack growth rate as a function of stress intensity factor range.

18.Threshold stress intensity factor range for fatigue crack growth.

19.Problems of short fatigue cracks.

20.Examples and case studies.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:

Knowledge: To obtain basic theoretical knowledges from linear (elastic)and nonlinear (elastic-plastic)fracture mechanics and fatigue of materials.

Abilities: Ability to solve simple practical problems dealing with the bodies with cracks in the case of both static and time variable loading.

Study materials:

Key references: Kunz, J.: Applied Fracture Mechanics. Praha, Vydavatelství ČVUT 2005 (in Czech).

Recommended references: Anderson, T.L.: Fracture mechanics. Fundamentals and Applications. Boca Raton and New York, CRC Press 1995.

Saxena, A.: Nonlinear Fracture mechanics for engineers. Boca Raton, CRC Press 1989.

Schijve, J.: Fatigue of structures and materials. Springer 2009.

Media and Tools: Murakami, Y. et al.: Stress Intensity Factors Handbook. Oxford, Pergamon Press 1987.

Calculator or Notebook.

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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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Data valid to 2025-03-14
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