NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Quantum Nanophotonics

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range
Course guarantor:
Department of Laser Physics and Photonics

The lecture is focused on the selected topics on quantum nanophotonics, viewed as a combination and synergy of material science and quantum optical phenomena. It covers the overview of nanophotonic and namoplasmonic structures, mainly with respect to quantum properties and applications in quantum technologies. It clarifies the terminology, classification, compares various nanostructure platforms, especially electronic and photonic structures. It discusses both quantum confined nanostructures and their optical properties (quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots), and photonic and plasmonic nanostructures (surface plasmon-polaritons, photonic crystals, metamateriáls), especially from quantum perspective and possible applications in quantum technologies.The course is finalized with student reports on selected topics.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction, specification, connections: solid state quantum physics, quantum thoery of interaction, quantum optics, photonics, and plasmonics, laser sources, quantumconfined nanostructures. 2. Classification of nanophotonics structures: electronic and photonic structures, classical and quantum structures overview, comparison, properties. Dielectric, semiconductor, and metallic structures. Natural (iridescent) and artifically made. 3. Quantum confined structures: overview, classification, properties, quantum wells, quantum wires, and quantum dots.4. Nanophotonic structures: overview, classification, properties. Periodic and isolated structures, dimensionality. Waveguide, resonant, active, and nonlinear structures, photonic crystals. 5. Basic characterists of photonic and plasmonic nanostructures, material dispersion, quantum properties. 6. Nanoplasmonic structures -plasmons, electromagnetis of metals, dispersion models, surface-plasmons.7. Propagating and localized surface plasmon platforms, excitation methods for surface plasmons. Elementary structures, spatial nelocality and quantum aspects. 8. Photonic structures, photonic crystals characteristics, physical and optical properties, band structures, photonic band gap, methods of description. Slow light structures. 9. Artificially made materials and structures -artificial dielectrics, metamaterials, negative refractive index, hyperbolic metamaterials, homogenization, figures of merite, media with extreme parameters.10. Models and methodd for solving interaction of electromagnetic firld with nanophotonic struvtures. 11. Quantum nanophotonic structures: a platform for applications and testing quantum entanglement and quantum physics. 12. Phenomena in quantum nanophotonic structures: light localization, light amplification, surface enhanced effects, 13. Purcell effect, plasmonic lasers -spasers, nonlinearities. 13. Examples of nanophotonic structures applications in quantum technologies.14. Student reports on selected topics.

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:
Study materials:

Key references: [1] T. P. Pearsall, Quantum Photonics, Springer, 2017.[2] P. Harrison, Quantum Wells, Wires and Dots: Theoretical and Computational Physics, John Wiley & Sons, 1999.[3] J.D. Joannopoulos, S.G. Johnson, J.N. Winn, R.D. Meade, Photonic crystals: Molding the flow oflight, 2nd Edition, Princeton University Press, 2008.[4] S.A. Maier, Plasmonics: fundamentals and applications, Springer Science + Business Media LLC, 2007.Recommended references:[5] L. Novotny, B. Hecht, Principles of nanooptics, Cambridge university press, 2006.[6] W. Cai, V. Shalaev, Optical Metamaterials Fundamentals and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2010.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-25
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6582106.html