
Quantum Optics

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12KOP Z,ZK 5 3+1 Czech
Course guarantor:
Ivan Richter
Miroslav Dvořák, Ivan Richter
Miroslav Dvořák, Pavel Kwiecien, Ivan Richter
Department of Laser Physics and Photonics

The lecture covers the advanced topics in quantum optics, consequentially to the previous course of Quantum electronics. It systematically discusses especially the statistical properties of radiation, coherent states of electromagnetic field, quantum description of optical radiation, special states of fields, with respect to quasi-probability densities and characteristic functions. Next, the attention is given both to Dirac quantum theory of interaction of quantized electromagnetic field with a quantum system (including spontaneous emission) and quantum theory of scattering (Rayleigh, Thomson, Raman, resonance fluorescence). The attention is further given both to the quantum theory of coherence (quantum theory of detection, quantum correlation functions), in relation to classical theory. The course is further devoted to generalized higher-order coherence theory, coherent properties of special states of fields, and quantum theory of damping (quantum damped harmonic oscillator, Heisenberg-Langevin approach). Finally, the attention is given to review of nonclassical measuring techniques (photocounting, intensity interferometry, Brown-Twiss effect, stellar correlation interferometer, correlation spectroscopy), possibilities of measuring the quantum state of light, and some selected parts of modern quantum optics (squeezed states). The lectures are accompanied with practical example exercises.


It is recommended to study the subject Quantum mechanics (02KVAN) and Quantum electronics (12KVEN), or some of its equivalents, prior to the Quantum optics course.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Coherent states of electromagnetic fields, quantum description of optical radiation, quasi probability densities.

2. Selected quantum states of light: coherent state, ideal laser, chaotic blackbody radiation and thermal light.

3. Dirac theory of interaction of quantized electromagnetic field with quantum system.

4. Quantum theory of radiation scattering on atom, Kramers - Heisenberg effective scattering cross section.

5. Quantum theory of detection, single and multiatom two-level absorption / emission detector.

6. Quantum theory of coherence, quantum correlation functions, generalized coherence theory.

7. Basics of quantum damping approaches, quantum damped oscillator, Heisenberg-Langevin approach.

8. Review of nonclassical light states, classification, entangled states, quantum phase problem, squeezed states.

9. Review of nonclassical measuring techniques, photodetection equation, measuring the quantum state of light.

10. Modern quantum optics, EPR paradox, Bell inequalities, entangled states, and quantum cryptography.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Practical examples and calculations of selected problems in the areas:

1. Application of coherent states of electromagnetic fields, quantum description of optical radiation.

2. Application of Dirac theory of interaction of quantized electromagnetic field with quantum system for selected states of light, processes of absorption, spontaneous and stimulated emission, Einstein coefficients.

3. Application of Kramers - Heisenberg effective scattering cross section to Rayleigh, Thomson, and Raman scattering.

4. Application of quantum theory of detection.

5. Calculations and application of quantum correlation functions and photodetection equation.

6. Application of quantum theory of damping.

Study Objective:

Knowledge: solid basic and advanced knowledge of quantum optics, its methods and procedures, both theoretical and practical, as an extension of the course Quantum electronics.

Skills: orientation in the field of quantum electronics, its methods and procedures, skills in its practical usage, understanding and applications.

Study materials:

Compulsory literature:

[1] Mandel L.: Wolf E.: Optical Coherence and Quantum Optics, Cambridge University Press, 1995.

[2] Louisell W. H.: Quantum Statistical Properties of Radiation, J. Wiley & Sons, London, 1973.

[3] Vrbová, M.: Kvantová teorie koherence, interní učební materiál, KFE FJFI, 1997 (in Czech).

Supplementary literature:

[4] Peřina J.: Coherence of Light, Dordrecht Reidel Publishing Company, 1985.

[5] Peng J.S., Li G. X.: Introduction to Modern Quantum Optics, World Scientific, 1998.

[6] C. C. Tannoudji, J.D. Roc, G. Grynberg, Photons and atoms - introduction to quantum electrodynamics, Atom-photon interactions - basic processes and applications, J. Wiley & Sons, New York, 2003.

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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Data valid to 2025-01-13
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