NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Urban Structures and Urban Development

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
127USRM ZK 5 4P Czech
Course guarantor:
Jan Mužík
Jiří Kugl, Jiří Kupka, Jan Mužík
Jiří Kugl, Jiří Kupka, Jan Mužík
Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning

The course deals with the characteristic features of the city structure of the Czech Republic, individual types of human settlements, their importance in the structure and their urban structure and form. Students will learn to identify the characteristic features of cities and villages, their urban uniqueness, arrangement of spatial structure, functional composition and operational relationships. Analyze their external and internal image. To identify their landscape, urban and architectural values. Attention is also paid to the forms of urban development, i.e. both their overall growth and the regeneration or transformation of their existing parts. It also deals with the structure and composition of public areas of cities and landscapes, their transformations, and the protection of historical, cultural and urban values.


The subject is based on lectures and consultation of students works. It ends with an oral exam and a discussion of an independent (seminar) work. The content of this work is a comprehensive urban analysis of the chosen settlement (city), its role in the urban complex and an assessment of the chosen development area. The paper, which is approximately 20 pages in A4 format, is the written part of the exam and must be submitted 3 days before the exam date.

Syllabus of lectures:

The content of the handouts and the scope of the seminar work, samples of the seminar work and discussion of their content, consultation on choosing a topic.

Settlement structure of the Czech Republic, relationship between settlements and landscape, types and size categories of settlements, characteristics of their urban structure.

Natural conditions, landscape features and landscape protection, their influence on development, spatial structure, functional composition and overall picture of the settlements. Forms and types of cities, their division into characteristic units, campuses, ensembles and public spaces.

The development of the urban structure of the city and its division. Functions, functional components and systems of cities, interrelationships between functions, the relationship between functions and space, cities with a predominant function.

Functional composition of a small town, urban vision and conception of the city and landscape. Growth of cities, new districts.

Preparation and implementation of a new part of the city. New cities, garden cities, suburbanization, discussions and topics discussed.

Consultation of work-in-progress seminar papers.

Regeneration and reconstruction of inner parts of cities, regeneration program - MPR, reconstruction, regeneration and modernization of residential complexes.

Consultation of work-in-progress seminar papers.

UNESCO World Cultural and Natural Heritage, MPR and zones in the Czech Republic, principles of heritage

urban planning, protection of cultural values in the ÚPD, structure and activity of the NPÚ.

Consultation and presentation of seminar papers.

Transformation of unused or insufficiently or inappropriately used production areas, premises and objects.

Consultation and presentation of seminar papers.

Public spaces of cities, their use, transformations and modernization.

Consultation and presentation of seminar papers.

Territorial planning documents and documentation - their influence on the development of settlements and the landscape.

Consultation and presentation of seminar papers.

Presentation of seminar papers, summary of subject content. Information about the progress of the exam.

Syllabus of tutorials:

The subject consists of lectures and independent work on a complex seminar paper.

Study Objective:

To familiarize the students with the characteristic features of the settlement structure of the Czech Republic, individual types of human settlements, their importance in the structure and their urban structure and form. Learn to identify the characteristic features of settlements, their urban uniqueness, arrangement of spatial structure, functional composition and operational relationships. Analyze their external and internal image. To identify their landscape, urban and architectural values.

The aim of the subject is also to introduce the students to the forms of development of cities and villages, i.e. both their overall growth and the regeneration or transformation of their existing parts. Attention is also paid to the structure and composition of public spaces of settlements and the landscape, their transformations, the protection of historical, cultural and urban values.

Study materials:

Karel Kuča Města a městečka v Čechách na Moravě a ve Slezsku (Libri, 1. 8. díl),

Jiří Hrůza Svět měst (ACADEMIA 2014) a Stavitelé měst (2011),

Kevin Lynch Obraz města (BOVA POLYGON, Praha 2004),

Camillo Sitte Stavba měst podle uměleckých zásad (ABF, ARCH 1995),

J. Gehl, L. Gemzoe Nové městské prostory, (ERA 2002),

Almanach katedry urbanismu a územního plánování Veřejný prostor a veřejná prostranství, ČVUT 2016,

I. Vorel, J. Kupka - Krajinný ráz v sídlech, sídla v rázu krajiny, ČVUT 2011,

J. Hendrych a kol. Struktury urbanizované zeleně, ČVUT 2018,

K. Kuča, V. Kučová Principy památkového urbanismu, SÚPP Praha 2000,

Ústav územního rozvoje Brno - Principy a pravidla územního plánování, Slovník územního rozvoje, přístupné také na www.uur.cz.

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4227306.html