
Department of Nuclear Reactors

Provided courses

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
17HAV Accidents of Nuclear Installations
Czech KZ 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17XVAR Advanced Computational Analysis of Nuclear Reactors
The course is not on the list
D17PKST Advanced Course of Heat Transfer
The course is not on the list
17PENF Advanced Experimental Neutron Physics
Czech KZ 4 1P+3L The course is not on the list
17XEXP Advanced Experimental Reactor Physics
The course is not on the list
17YPERF Advanced Experimental Reactor Physics
English KZ 4 1P+3L The course is not on the list
17PERF Advanced Experimental Reactor Physics
Czech KZ 4 1P+3L The course is not on the list
17XPST Advanced Heat Transfer Course
The course is not on the list
17PPSR Advanced Methods in Spent Fuel Reprocessing and Salt Reactor Technologies
Czech ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
D17PJR Advanced Nuclear Reactors
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
D17PRF Advanced Reactor Physics
The course is not on the list
D17VAR Advanced computational analysis of nuclear reactors
The course is not on the list
D17PST Advanced lectures on heat transfer
The course is not on the list
17AEZ Alternative Energy Resources
Z 3 1t The course is not on the list
17APIZ2 Application of Ionizing Radiation 2
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1L The course is not on the list
17CZVINT Application of Nonproliferation and Safeguards at Nuclear Installations
ZK 30 5+10 The course is not on the list
817BPJI1 Bachelor Thesis 1
Czech The course is not on the list
17BPJI1 Bachelor Thesis 1
Czech The course is not on the list
17BPJZ1 Bachelor Thesis 1
Czech Z 5 0+5 The course is not on the list
17BPJR1 Bachelor Thesis 1
Czech Z 5 0+5 The course is not on the list
817BPJI2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Czech The course is not on the list
17BPJI2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Czech The course is not on the list
17BPJZ2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Czech Z 10 0+10 The course is not on the list
17BPJR2 Bachelor Thesis 2
Czech Z 10 0+10 The course is not on the list
17ZEH Basics of Economic Assessment
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17ZEL Basics of Electronics
KZ 3 2+2 The course is not on the list
17YZEL Basics of Electronics
English KZ 3 2+2 The course is not on the list
17ZJBE Basics of Nuclear Safety
Czech ZK 4 4 The course is not on the list
17EZE Basics of Power Engineering and Energy Sources
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+0 The course is not on the list
17ZBZJZ Bezpečnost a zabezpečení jaderných zařízení a jaderných materiálů pro zahraniční studenty
English Z 6 6 Z 6 6 The course is not on the list
D17PRZE Comparison of Different Energy Sources
ZK 2 2 ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17XPOR Computer Based I&C
The course is not on the list
17PRE Computer Control of Experiments
Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17MORF1 Computer Modelling in Nuclear Reactor Physics 1
KZ 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
D17MORF1 Computer Modelling in Nuclear Reactor Physics 1
ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17MORF2 Computer Modelling in Nuclear Reactor Physics 2
Czech KZ 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
D17MORF2 Computer Modelling in Nuclear Reactor Physics 2
Czech ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17IMF Computer Science for Modern Physicists
Czech KZ 3 0+3 The course is not on the list
17BES Control Systems of Nuclear Reactors
Czech Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17RJE Control of Nuclear Power Plants
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17XPWR Core Management and Core Operation of PWR Reactors
The course is not on the list
17PRF Core Physics and Fuel Management
Z,ZK 3 2+0 The course is not on the list
17KEX Critical Experiment
Czech KZ 4 1P+3L The course is not on the list
17KE Criticality Experiment
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
17XKRY Cryptology
The course is not on the list
17KOJE Design and Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants
Czech ZK 3 3P The course is not on the list
17KOJX Design and Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants
Czech The course is not on the list
D17NLP Design of Field Programmable Gate Arrays
The course is not on the list
17XNLP Design of Programmable Logical Devices
The course is not on the list
17XDIZ Detection of Ionizing Radiation
The course is not on the list
17DEZA Detection of Ionizing Radiation
Czech KZ 3 2P+1L The course is not on the list
17DEZ Detection of radiation
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17DERF Deterministic Methods in Reactor Physics
Czech The course is not on the list
17CIBS Digital Safety Systems of Nuclear Reactors
Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17EHJE Economic Evaluation of Nuclear Power Plants
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17EK Economics of Nuclear Facilities
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17ELZ Electrical Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants
Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17YENER Energy
English ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
17ENER Energy
ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
17EEZ Energy Sector and Energy Sources
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17TCJ1 Equipment Complex of Nuclear Power Plants 1
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17TCJ2 Equipment Complex of Nuclear Power Plants 2
Czech ZK 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
17ZAJE Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants
Czech ZK 3 3P The course is not on the list
17EXE Excursion
Czech Z 2 1XT The course is not on the list
17EXK Excursion
Z 1 1t The course is not on the list
17EXZ Excursion Abroad
Czech The course is not on the list
17NRE Experiment Design and Control
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17ENF Experimental Neutron Physics
Czech KZ 2 2+1 The course is not on the list
17ENEF Experimental Neutron Physics
Czech KZ 3 1P+2L The course is not on the list
17EXNF Experimental Neutron Physics
KZ 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17ERF Experimental Reactor Physics
Czech KZ 4 4 The course is not on the list
17EXRF Experimental Reactor Physics
KZ 3 4 The course is not on the list
17ZERFA Experimental Reactor Physics A
Z 3 3 Z 3 3 The course is not on the list
17ZERFB Experimental Reactor Physics B
Z 2 2 Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
17CZVEXRF Experimentální reaktorová fyzika na školním reaktoru VR-1
English ZK 19 6+14 The course is not on the list
17CZVEXRF2 Experimentální reaktorová fyzika na školním reaktoru VR-1
ZK 15 6+10 The course is not on the list
17VYRR Exploration Research Reactors
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17PEXZ Foreign Short-Term Intership
Z 2 2t The course is not on the list
17PEX Foreign Short-term Internship
Z 3 2 týd The course is not on the list
17PCJZ Fuel Cycle of Nuclear Facilities
Czech ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
17SPEK Gamma-ray Spectroscopy
Czech KZ 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
17STJE Heat Transfer in Nuclear Power Plants
Czech The course is not on the list
17IRP Individual Research Project
English ZK 6 6+0 ZK 6 6+0 The course is not on the list
17XIB Information Security
The course is not on the list
17PTA Instrument Technology
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17IJR Instrumentation of Nuclear Reactors
Czech The course is not on the list
17BPRAX Intership
Czech The course is not on the list
17PRAXB Intership Bachelors
Czech Z 1 1 tyd The course is not on the list
17PRAXD Intership Masters
Czech Z 1 1 tyd The course is not on the list
17PAJE Intership in Nuclear Power Plant
Czech Z 2 1XT The course is not on the list
17UPC Introduction in Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Czech KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17USPO Introduction in Reliability of Nuclear Power Plants
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17TEMP Introduction in Thermomechanics of Nuclear Fuel
Czech Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17YUING Introduction to Engineering
English KZ 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
17UING Introduction to Engineering
Czech KZ 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
17UINZ Introduction to Engineering
Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17ZAF Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics
Czech Z,ZK 6 4+2 The course is not on the list
17ZAFP Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics
English ZK 3 2+0 ZK 3 2+0 The course is not on the list
17ZAF1 Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics 1
Czech KZ 4 3+1 The course is not on the list
17ZAF2 Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics 2
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17BPJZ Introduction to Nuclear Safety
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17UEN Introduction to Power Engineering
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17URO Introduction to Radiation Protection of Nuclear Facilities
Czech KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17XNSSF Introduction to Safety, Security and Forensics
The course is not on the list
17PROJ Introduction to the Design of Nuclear Facilities
Czech Z 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17LAC2 Laboratory Exercises 2
Czech KZ 4 4L The course is not on the list
17LAPE Laboratory Practices for Power Engineers
Czech Z 3 0+3 The course is not on the list
17SAZ Machines and Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17SZJE Machines and Equipment of Nuclear Power Plants
Z,ZK 2 2+1 The course is not on the list
17DPJE1 Master Thesis 1
Czech Z 10 0+10 The course is not on the list
17DPJR1 Master Thesis 1
Czech Z 10 0+10 The course is not on the list
17DPJE2 Master Thesis 2
Czech Z 20 0+20 The course is not on the list
17DPJR2 Master Thesis 2
Czech Z 20 0+20 The course is not on the list
17CZVSFT Moderní postupy v bezpečnostních analýzách jaderných zařízení pomocí Monte-carlo metody
ZK 15 5+10 The course is not on the list
17XMMC Monte Carlo Methods in Advanced Reactor Physics
The course is not on the list
D17MCRF Monte Carlo Methods in Advanced Reactor Physics
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17NAA Neutron Activation Analysis
Czech KZ 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
17NFYZ Neutron physics
Czech The course is not on the list
17NJZ New Nuclear Sources
Czech ZK 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
17RNG New-Generation Reactors
Czech ZK 3 3 The course is not on the list
17XJAM Nuclear Analytical Methods
The course is not on the list
17JPC Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Czech KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17PALC Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Czech ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
17PALX Nuclear Fuel Cycle
Czech ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
17ALE Nuclear Legislation
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17ALEB Nuclear Legislation
Czech KZ 2 2P The course is not on the list
17FARE Nuclear Reactor Physics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17FAR Nuclear Reactor Physics
Z,ZK 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
17JARE Nuclear Reactors
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17VYRE Nuclear Research Installations
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17JABE Nuclear Safety
Czech ZK 5 4P The course is not on the list
17JBEZ Nuclear Safety
ZK 4 4 The course is not on the list
17XBEZP Nuclear Safety of Nuclear Installations
The course is not on the list
17PRJT Nuclear Technology Devices
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
D17JAM Nuclear analytical methods
The course is not on the list
17ALEP Nuclear legislation in practice
Czech KZ 2 2P The course is not on the list
817JARE Nuclear reactors
Czech ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
17CSI Nuclear-Power-Plant Simulator Exercise
Czech Z 3 0+3 The course is not on the list
17XBVR Operation and Safety of Research Reactors
The course is not on the list
17PSJR Operational States of Nuclear Reactors
Czech KZ 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
17OPK Operator Course at VR-1 Reactor
Z,ZK 4 4 The course is not on the list
17OPKB Operator Course for Bachelors
Czech Z,ZK 4 4 The course is not on the list
17XFOJZ Physical Protection of Nuclear Installations
The course is not on the list
17CZVEXRF3 Pokročilá experimentální reaktorová fyzika na školním reaktoru VR-1
English The course is not on the list
17PTE Practical Aspects of Nuclear Measurements
KZ 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17DPRAX Pre-diploma Practice
Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
17DSEM Pre-diploma Seminar
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
D17RERF Preparation and realisation of experiments in reactor physics
The course is not on the list
17PRAX Professional Practice
Z 4 2t The course is not on the list
17PLP Programmable Logic Arrays
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
D17POR Protection and control computer systems
The course is not on the list
17ROJ Radiation Protection of Nuclear Facilities
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17RAO Radioactive Waste Management
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
D17PVZP Reactor Core Design with Advanced Fuel
The course is not on the list
17DYR Reactor Dynamics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17REPR Reactor Experiments
Czech KZ 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
17KID Reactor Kinetics and Dynamics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17TERR Reactor Thermomechanics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17TER Reactor Thermomechanics
The course is not on the list
17RFYZ Reactor physics
Czech The course is not on the list
17SPJE Reliability of Nuclear Power Plants
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
D17SJZ Reliability of nuclear installations
The course is not on the list
17VUV1 Research Project 1
Czech Z 6 0P+6C The course is not on the list
17VUJR1 Research Project 1
Z 6 0+6 The course is not on the list
17VYJR1 Research Project 1
Czech Z 12 12 The course is not on the list
17VUJE1 Research Project 1
Z 6 6 The course is not on the list
17VUV2 Research Project 2
Czech KZ 8 0P+8C The course is not on the list
17VUJR2 Research Project 2
KZ 8 0+8 The course is not on the list
17VUJE2 Research Project 2
Czech KZ 8 0+8 The course is not on the list
17VYJR2 Research Project 2
Czech KZ 12 12 The course is not on the list
17VYR Research Reactors
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17BPROV Safe operation of nuclear facilities
Czech The course is not on the list
17BAL Safety Analyses
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17BAJZ Safety Analyses of Nuclear Installations
Czech KZ 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
D17BPJZ Safety Issues of Nuclear Facilities Operation
The course is not on the list
17BRS1 Safety and Control Systems 1
Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
17BRS2 Safety and Control Systems 2
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17XSSS Safety and Security of Nuclear Installations
The course is not on the list
D17BPVZ Safety and operation of research nuclear facilities
The course is not on the list
D17BHPK Safety evaluation of fuel configurations
The course is not on the list
17RPJE Search Project
The course is not on the list
17RPJR1 Search Project 1
Czech Z 5 5 The course is not on the list
17RPJE1 Search Project 1
Czech Z 5 5 The course is not on the list
17RPJR2 Search Project 2
Czech Z 10 10 The course is not on the list
17RPJE2 Search Project 2
Czech Z 10 10 The course is not on the list
D17BVR Security and operation of nuclear facilities for research
The course is not on the list
17XRJZ Selected Aspects of Development of New Nuclear Sources
The course is not on the list
D17VPRF Selected Lectures of Reactor Physics
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17VPL Selected Parts of Legislation
Czech Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
D17PWR Selected aspects of the operation of pressurised water reactors
The course is not on the list
17VYPE Selected lectures from power engineering
Z 2 3+0 The course is not on the list
D17RJZ Selected topics on the development of new nuclear sources
The course is not on the list
17SEMI Seminar
Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
17SIPS Simulation of NPP Operational States
KZ 3 0+3 The course is not on the list
17VPO Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Waste
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
17VRAO Spent Nuclear Fuel and Radioactive Wastes
Czech ZK 4 3P+1C The course is not on the list
17SMRF Stochastic Methods in Reactor Physics
Czech KZ 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17TYPR Team project
Czech KZ 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17TEK Technical Drawing
Czech KZ 3 1+2 The course is not on the list
17XKOJZ Technology and Operation of Nuclear Installations
The course is not on the list
17TEMT Thermodynamics and fluid mechanics of nuclear power plants
Czech The course is not on the list
17THN1 Thermohydraulic Design of Nuclear Devices 1
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17THN2 Thermohydraulic Design of Nuclear Devices 2
Czech Z,ZK 6 4+2 The course is not on the list
17THN3 Thermohydraulic Design of Nuclear Devices 3
Z,ZK 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
17THNJ4 Thermohydraulic Design of Nuclear Devices 4
Czech Z,ZK 4 3+0 The course is not on the list
17THAR Thermohydraulic Design of Nuclear Reactors
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17THNJ1 Thermohydraulics Design of Nuclear Devices 1
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17THNJ2 Thermohydraulics Design of Nuclear Devices 2
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17THNJ3 Thermohydraulics Design of Nuclear Devices 3
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17THYR Thermohydraulics of Nuclear Reactors
Czech Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is not on the list
17TNAP Thermomechanical Design of Nuclear Fuels
Czech KZ 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17TMP Thermomechanics of Nuclear Fuel
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
17TERP Thermomechanics of Nuclear Fuels
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
17TEXT Writing and presenting academic text
Czech KZ 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
17CZVINT2 Zabezpečení a zárukový proces na školním reaktoru VR-1
Czech ZK 15 135 ZK 15 135 The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/katedra14117.html