
Introduction to Nuclear Reactor Physics 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
17ZAF2 Z,ZK 3 2+1 Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Nuclear Reactors

Lectures follow up 17ZAF1 and expands application of diffusion theory derived based on Fick's low for diffusion in gases. Analysis of bare homogeneous reactor and homogeneous reactor with reflector is main part of lectures. Three basic geometry are considered in derivation - slab, sphere, cylinder.

Students learn to determine spatial distribution of neutron flux for each part (reactor core and reflector) and individual energetic groups, based on critical equation they learn how to calculate critical amount of fissile material or critical dimensions. Possible use of diffusion theory is discussed also for fast reactor and differences between thermal and fast reactors are stressed. Part is addicted to reactor regulation and analysis of control rods. There are also summarized differences between homogeneous and heterogeneous reactors.


pass 17ZAF1

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Diffusion theory

9 lectures

Diffusion equation and boundary condition - neutron flux density, neutron current, Fick's low; diffusion equation of nuclear reactor - slab, sphere, cylinder; power peaking factor, critical equations - one group critical equation, two group critical equation for thermal reactors, modified one group critical equation; reactors with reflector - one group and two group analysis, time dependence diffusion equation; fast reactors, energy dependence of neutron flux

2. Kinetics and dynamics of nuclear reactors

1 lecture

Reactor kinetics - long term kinetics, fuel burn up, medium term and short term kinetics; point kinetics; reactor dynamics - temperature reactivity feedback (isotermic, moderator, void and Doppler coefficient of reactivity), influence of temeprature to multiplication factor, temperature dependence of diffusion parametres - diffusion coeficient, diffusion length, Fermi age

3. Slowing down of neutrons

1 lecture

Slowing down on hydrogen, slowing down in A>1 mater, spectrum of neutron source, slowing down in isotopes mixtures

4. Control rod

1 lecture

Influence of control rod; analysis of central absorption rod - evaluation of design, worth of rod, one group and two group calculation; eccentric rod; ring of control rods; control rod of fast reactor; reactor regulation

5. Heterogenous reactor

1 lecture

Quasi-homogeneous reactor, heterogeneous reactor - definition of individual coefficients and multiplication factor in heterogeneous reactor

Syllabus of tutorials:

Part of course are exercises. Based on study programs, there are six excercises (one per 14 days).

Expamples of different application of diffusion theory are solved. Calculations are focused on evalutation of neutron flux distribution in reacotr core or reflector and determination of critical size or critical composition.

Metodolgy of calculation is demonstrated also during lectures where the connection to the theory and aplicacion of assumption and boundary conditions is stressed.

Study Objective:

Knowledge: deep knowledge of diffusion theory and its application for basic geometry of homogeneous reactor, calculation of reactor with reflector and understanding of difference between homogeneous and heterogeneous reactor

Abilities: good overview in problems, ability to criticize used goings and evaluate results with respect to standard neutron physical characteristics of reactor core

Study materials:

Key references:

1. John R. Lamarsh, Anthony J. Baratta, Introduction to Nuclear Engineering, Prentice FRÝBORT, Jan, Lenka HERALTOVÁ a Milan ŠTEFÁNIK. Úvod do reaktorové fyziky: teorie a cvičení. 1. vyd. V Praze: ČVUT, 2013. 120 s. ISBN 978-80-01-05322-5

2. LAMARSH, John R. Introduction to nuclear engineering. 3rd ed. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall, C2001. xv, 783 s. ISBN 0-201-82498-1.5

3. HEŘMANSKÝ, Bedřich. Jaderné reaktory. Praha: SNTL, 1981. 271 s

4. ZEMAN, Jaroslav. Reaktorová fyzika 1. Dotisk 2. přeprac. vyd. Praha: ČVUT, 2003. 203 s. ISBN 80-01-01933- 0

ZEMAN, Jaroslav. Reaktorová fyzika. 2. Vyd. 3. Praha: ČVUT, 2001. 147 s. ISBN 80-01-02337-0

Recommended references:

1. DOE Fundamentals Handbooks - Nuclear Physics and Reactor Theory, Vol. 1 a Vol. 2 , dostupné online

2. REUSS, Paul. Neutron physics. 1st ed. Les Ulis Cedex: EDP Sciences, 2008. xxvi, 669 s. ISBN 978-2-7598-0041-4

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-13
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet2893606.html