
Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation

Provided courses

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
16UMT Accelerators in Medicine and Technology B241
16XUMT Accelerators in Medicine and Technology
The course is not on the list
D16APDRO Actual Problems of Dosimetry and Radiation Protection
The course is not on the list
D16DSC Advanced Detection Systems for Detection of Ionizing Radiation Particles
The course is not on the list
D16RFN Advanced Fields of Medical Physics in Nuclear Medicine
The course is not on the list
16PPJRF Advanced Topics in Nuclear and Radiation Physics B241
16CZVARF Aplikace rentgenové fluorescenční analýzy
Czech The course is not on the list
D16AMIZ Application of Ionizing Radiation in Analytical Methods ZK 2 2 ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
16APLB Application of Ionizing Radiation in Analytical Methods
ZK 5 4+0 The course is not on the list
16CZVAIZP Application of Ionizing Radiation in Environmental Samples Analysis
Czech The course is not on the list
D16AMD Application of Microdosimetry in Radiobiology B241
D16MMCD Application of Monte Carlo Method in Dosimetry
ZK 2 2 ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
16APL Applications of Ionizing Radiation in Science and Industry
ZK 5 4+0 The course is not on the list
16APIZ1 Applications of lonizing Radiation 1 ZK 3 3P+0C B241
16APLV Applications of lonizing Radiation in Science and Industry
ZK 5 4+0 The course is not on the list
D16URD Applied reactor dosimetry The course is not on the list
16AZD Automatic data processing
Z 2 0P+2C The course is not on the list
16PDZ Bachelor Practicum in Detection and Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation
KZ 5 0+4 The course is not on the list
16PDZB Bachelor Practicum in Detection and Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation
KZ 5 0+4 The course is not on the list
16PDIB Bachelor Practicum in Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation
KZ 4 0+4 The course is not on the list
16BPV1 Bachelor Thesis 1 B242, B241
16BPRZ1 Bachelor Thesis 1
The course is not on the list
16BPRT1 Bachelor Thesis 1 B242, B241
16BPDZ1 Bachelor Thesis 1
The course is not on the list
16BPV2 Bachelor Thesis 2 B242, B241
16BPRZ2 Bachelor Thesis 2
The course is not on the list
16BPRT2 Bachelor Thesis 2 B242, B241
16BPDZ2 Bachelor Thesis 2 The course is not on the list
16SEMB Bachelor Thesis Seminar Z 2 0P+2C B242
16AZMB Basic Applications of Ionizing Radiation in Medicine
Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
16ZEX Basic Experiments in the Field of Radiation Detection KZ 2 2L B242
D16ZSF Basic Principles of Subatomic Physics
The course is not on the list
16ZPSP Basic Work with PC B241
16ZKLD Basics of Clinical Dosimetry Czech B242
16ZEDB Basics of Experimantal Data Processing
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZPP Basics of First Aid
The course is not on the list
16ZPPB Basics of First Aid for Engineers
Alice Kurzová, Jiří Málek 
Czech Z 2 0+2 B242
16ZONK Basics of Oncology Z 2 2P+0C B242
16HEM Basics of Preventive Medicine Czech Z 1 1P+0C The course is not on the list
16HEB Basics of Preventive Medicine for Engineers Czech Z 1 1+0 B241
16RAOB Basics of Radiation Protection
Dana Drábová, Miroslav Hýža, Jiří Hůlka, Jiří Martinčík, Ladislav Tomášek, Tomáš Trojek, Darina Trojková 
ZK 4 4+0 The course is not on the list
16ZRAO Basics of Radiation Protection Czech B241
16BAF Biochemistry and Pharmacology
Jan Kovář 
16KLD Clinical Dosimetry
The course is not on the list
D16KLD Clinical Dosimetry 2 The course is not on the list
16KLD2 Clinical Dosimetry 2 ZK 2 2P+0C B241
16KLDM Clinical Dosimetry for Radiological Physicists
Czech The course is not on the list
16KLDB Clinical Dosimetry for Technicians Czech B242
16KPR Clinical Propaedeutic ZK 2 2+0 B241
16KPRM Clinical Propaedeutic for Radiological Physicists ZK 2 2P+0C B241
16NMKNS Clinical Training - Nuclear Medicine Czech KZ 4 2XT The course is not on the list
16NMKBS Clinical Training - Nuclear Medicine Czech KZ 4 2XT B242
16RTKNS Clinical Training - Radiotherapy
Czech KZ 4 2XT The course is not on the list
16RTKBS Clinical Training - Radiotherapy Czech KZ 4 2XT B242
16RDKNS Clinical Training - X-Ray Diagnostics Czech KZ 4 2XT B241
16RDKBS Clinical Training - X-Ray Diagnostics Czech KZ 4 2XT B241
16KVR Communication with Public
Ivana Fojtíková 
Z 2 2S B242
D16VMDD Computational methods in detection and dosimetry of ionizing radiation
ZK 2 2P ZK 2 2P The course is not on the list
D16KAF Construction and Use of Anthropomorphic Phantoms in Calculations
The course is not on the list
D16KZ Cosmic Radiation B241
16RISK Data Processing - Prognoses and Risk Assessment Z,ZK 5 3P+2C B241
16KPD Design of Ionizing Radiation Semiconductor Detectors Z 3 0+3 B242
16DET Detectors
The course is not on the list
16XDETE Detectors of Ionizing Radiation
The course is not on the list
816DETE Detectors of Ionizing Radiation Czech B241
16DETE Detectors of Ionizing Radiation B242
D16DIZF Detectors of Ionizing Radiation Used in Medicine Applications
The course is not on the list
16DOZI Dosimetry
The course is not on the list
16SED1 Dosimetry Seminar 1 Czech B241
16SED2 Dosimetry Seminar 2
Czech The course is not on the list
16DRH Dosimetry and Radiation Protection
The course is not on the list
16CZVDRH Dosimetry and Radiation Protection
Czech The course is not on the list
16DRZP Dosimetry and Radioactivity of the Environment
The course is not on the list
16DZAR Dosimetry of Internal Radiation Sources B242
16REB Effects of Ionizing Radiation on Substance ZK 2 2+0 B241
16ZPRA Elementary Labs
The course is not on the list
816ZPRD Elementary Labs
Czech The course is not on the list
16ZPRD Elementary Labs B242
16DRZB Environmental Radioactivity
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16EZ Ethics in Health Care
The course is not on the list
16EPAM Exact Methods in Research of Historic Monuments ZK 2 2+0 B241
16EXKV Excursion Z 2 1XT B242
816EXK Excursion Czech The course is not on the list
16EX Excursion B242
16EXK Excursion B241
16EXK4 Excursion 4 Z 2 1XT B242
16SEMO Expert Seminar KZ 3 3S B242
16AMMB Fundamentals of Analytical Measurement Methods ZK 2 2+0 B242
16ZBAF1 Fundamentals of Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 1
Alena Doubková, Zdeňka Polívková, Josef Stingl, Šimon Vaculín 
Z,ZK 4 2+2 B241
16ZBAF2 Fundamentals of Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 2 Z,ZK 4 2+2 B242
16ZBAFM1 Fundamentals of Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology for Physicists 1
Alena Doubková, Zdeňka Polívková, Josef Stingl, Šimon Vaculín 
Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
16ZBAFM2 Fundamentals of Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology for Physicists 2 Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
16MEZB Fundamentals of Ionizing-Radiation Metrology
Z,ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
16ZJEL Fundamentals of Nuclear Electronics
The course is not on the list
16FSC Fundamentals of Physics of Scintillators and Phosphors ZK 2 2+0 B242
16ZDO Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZDOZ Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry
Z,ZK 6 4+2 The course is not on the list
816ZDOZ1 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 1
Czech The course is not on the list
16ZDOZ1 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 1 B241
16ZDOZM1 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 1
The course is not on the list
16ZDO1 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 1
The course is not on the list
16ZDOZ2 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZDOZM2 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2
Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
16ZDOZN2 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
816ZDOZN2 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
16ZDOZ2N Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2 Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B242
16ZDO2 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2
The course is not on the list
16OAF1 General Anatomy and Physiology 1
Czech The course is not on the list
16OAF2 General Anatomy and Physiology 2
Czech The course is not on the list
16ZRIZ Health risks of ionizing radiation ZK 2 2P+0C B242
16ZRIZM Health risks of ionizing radiation
ZK 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
816ZRIZ Health risks of ionizing radiation
Czech ZK 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16HTA Health technology assesment KZ 2 2P+0C B242
16HE Hygiene a Epidemiology
Z 1 1+0 The course is not on the list
16MER Instrumentation for Radiation Measurements B241
16MERV Instrumentation for Radiation Measurements B241
16IDOZ Integral Dosimetry Methods B242
D16IDO Internal Dosimetry and Radiation Protection
The course is not on the list
16ZAIZ Introduction of Ionizing Radiation Applications in Research and Industry ZK 3 2+1 B241
16UVJZ Introduction to Decommissioning of Nuclear Facilities Z,ZK 4 3P+1C B242
16ZIVB Introduction to Ecology KZ 2 2+0 B242
816ZIVB Introduction to Ecology
Czech KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZIVO Introduction to Environment B242
16UCF Introduction to Particle Physics
The course is not on the list
16USRJ Introduction to Quality Management in Health Care The course is not on the list
16USRJB Introduction to Quality Management in Health Care for Bachelors Z 2 1P+1C B241
16UJRF1 Introductory Nuclear and Radiation Physics 1 Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B242
816UJRF1 Introductory Nuclear and Radiation Physics 1
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
816UJRF2 Introductory Nuclear and Radiation Physics 2
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
16UJRF2 Introductory Nuclear and Radiation Physics 2 Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
16URF Introductory Radiation Physics Z,ZK 4 2+2 Z,ZK 4 2+2 B241
16URF1 Introductory Radiation Physics 1 Z,ZK 4 2+2 B242, B241
16URF2 Introductory Radiation Physics 2 Z,ZK 4 2+2 B241
16SPRA Ionizing Radiation Dosimetry-Special Excersises
The course is not on the list
16SPDB Ionizing Radiation Spectrometry
ZK 3 2+0 The course is not on the list
16IZZP Ionizing Radiation in the Environment B242
16PMM Laboratory Exercises - Ionizing Radiation Measurement Methods
Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
16LEG Legislation ZK 2 2P+0C B241
16MRSO Magnetic resonance and sonography
Marek Mechl, Jaroslav Tintěra 
Czech ZK 2 2P+0C B241
16DPJI1 Master Thesis 1 B242, B241
16DPDZ1 Master Thesis 1
The course is not on the list
16DPRF1 Master Thesis 1 B242, B241
16DPJI2 Master Thesis 2 B242, B241
16DPDZ2 Master Thesis 2
The course is not on the list
16DPRF2 Master Thesis 2 B242, B241
16MMM Mathematical Methods and Modelling B241
16MMS Mathematical Methods in Dosimetry and Spectrometry
The course is not on the list
D16MFMB Mathematical and Physical Models of Biologic Effects The course is not on the list
D16MVD Measurement and Application of High Doses of Ionising Radiation
The course is not on the list
16AIZM Medical Application of Ionizing Radiation B241
16INZ Medical Informatics The course is not on the list
16INZB Medical Informatics for Engineers Czech B241
D16NMR Medical Use of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance
The course is not on the list
16RZPB Methods for Monitoring of Radionuclides in Environment
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16AMMN Methods of Analytical Measurement B242
16AMM Methods of Analytical Measurement
The course is not on the list
16MEMO Methods of Monitoring and Metrology Z,ZK 3 2P+1C B241
16MEIZ Metrology of Ionizing Radiation Z,ZK 4 2+1 B241
16MIOZ Metrology of Ionizing Radiation
The course is not on the list
16MDOZ Microdosimetry
The course is not on the list
16MDOZI Microdosimetry KZ 2 2P+0C B241
D16MKA Microscopic Analysis
The course is not on the list
D16MAAE Microscopic Aspects of Energy Absorbtion of Ionizing Radiation in the Matter
The course is not on the list
D16MBT Modern Brachytherapy Techniques
The course is not on the list
16MCRF Monte Carlo Method in Radiation Physics B242
16MCZV Monte Carlo Method in Radiation Physics
The course is not on the list
D16DNEU Neutron Dosimetry B241
16DNEU Neutron Dosimetry B241
16ZOMEM Non-radiation imaging methods
Jakub Foukal, Marek Mechl, Jaroslav Tintěra 
ZK 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16ZOME Non-radiation imaging methods
Jakub Foukal, Marek Mechl, Jaroslav Tintěra 
ZK 2 2P+0C B241
16ZJTB Nuclear Energy Facilities and Accelerators ZK 2 2+0 B241
16VJZ Nuclear Facilities Decommissioning Z,ZK 4 3P+1C B241
16BJZ Nuclear Facilities Safety
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
D16NM Nuclear Medicine
The course is not on the list
16NMKP Nuclear Medicine - Clinical Training
Z 4 2t The course is not on the list
16NMKB Nuclear Medicine - Clinical Training for Engineers
Czech Z 4 2t The course is not on the list
16VYPD Nuclear Technology Devices
Czech The course is not on the list
16ZJT Nuclear Technology Devices B241
16JRFY Nuclear and Radiation Physics
The course is not on the list
16JR1 Nuclear and Radiation Physics 1
The course is not on the list
16JRF1 Nuclear and Radiation Physics 2
The course is not on the list
16JRF2 Nuclear and Radiation Physics 2
The course is not on the list
16JRFRF Nuclear and Radiation Physics for MP B241
16PFE Overview of Elementary Particle Physics KZ 2 2P+0C B241
16TZPB Overview of Legislation in Health Care Czech B242
16PAFZ1 Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology in Imaging Techniques 1
The course is not on the list
16PAFZ2 Pathology, Anatomy and Physiology in Imaging Techniques 2 B241, B242
16PAFZB Pathophysiology and Imaging Techniques
Czech The course is not on the list
D16MOD Personal Dosimetry
The course is not on the list
D16FAKR Physical Aspects of Modern Conformal Radiotherapy
The course is not on the list
16FMKD Physical Methods for Study of Cultural Heritage
The course is not on the list
D16FMA Physical Methods in Archeology and History of Art
The course is not on the list
D16FSM Physical Processes in Scintillation and Luminescence Materials B242
16FNEI Physics and Technic of the Nonionizing Radiation
The course is not on the list
D16FRO Physics in Radiation Protection B241
D16FPD Physics of Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
The course is not on the list
D16PCD Position Sensitive Semiconductor Radiation Detectors
The course is not on the list
16PADR Practical Analysis of Data and Risks KZ 4 1P+3C B242
816PADR Practical Analysis of Data and Risks
Czech KZ 4 1P+3C The course is not on the list
16PDDZ Practicum in Detection and Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation
The course is not on the list
16PDZBS Practicum in Detection and Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation KZ 4 0+4 B241
16PDZNMS Practicum in Detection and Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation KZ 4 0+4 B241
16PDIZ Practicum in Dosimetry of Ionizing Radiation KZ 4 0+4 B242
D16PSR Principles and Methods of Stereotactic Radiosurgery and Radiotherapy The course is not on the list
D16ZKRB Principles of Clinical Radiobiology
The course is not on the list
16IDOB Principles of Integrating Dosimetric Methods ZK 2 2+0 B242
16UAZ Principles of Ionizing Radiation Application B241
16UAZB Principles of Ionizing-Radiation Applications ZK 2 2+0 B241
816UAZB Principles of Ionizing-Radiation Applications Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16FNZB Problems of Non-ionizing Radiation
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16PNZ Problems of Non-ionizing Radiation KZ 2 2P+0C B242
816PNZ Problems of Non-ionizing Radiation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16OSE Professional Seminar Czech B242
816OSE Professional Seminar
Czech The course is not on the list
16PRRF Programming in medical physics KZ 2 0P+2C The course is not on the list
D16PZJ Quality Assurance and Dosimetry of Small
The course is not on the list
16REL Radiation Effects in Matter ZK 2 2+0 B241
D16REP Radiation Effects in Semiconductors B241
16PZS Radiation Field and Shielding in Radiation Protection
Z,ZK 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
16RAO Radiation Protection
Jiří Hůlka, Jiří Martinčík, Ladislav Tomášek, Tomáš Trojek, Darina Trojková 
16RAON Radiation Protection
Jiří Hůlka, Jiří Martinčík, Ladislav Tomášek, Tomáš Trojek, Darina Trojková 
ZK 4 4+0 B241
816RAON Radiation Protection
Dana Drábová, Miroslav Hýža, Jiří Hůlka, Jiří Martinčík, Ladislav Tomášek, Tomáš Trojek, Darina Trojková 
Czech ZK 4 4+0 The course is not on the list
D16ROZS Radiation Protection in Emergency Situations B241
D16RMSP Radiation methods of historical monument research
ZK 2P ZK 2P The course is not on the list
D16RFSP Radiation physics for the study of historical monuments
ZK 2P ZK 2P The course is not on the list
16RTNMM Radilogical Technique - Nuclear Medicine The course is not on the list
16RTNM Radilogical Technology-Nuclear Medicine B241
816RAZP Radioactivity in the Environment Czech The course is not on the list
16RAZP Radioactivity in the Environment B242
16RBIO Radiobiology ZK 2 2+0 B242
16RFRD Radiological Physics - Diagnostic Radiology
The course is not on the list
16RFRDN Radiological Physics - Diagnostic Radiology Z,ZK 3 2P+1C B241
16RFNM Radiological Physics - Nuclear Medicine
The course is not on the list
16RFNMN Radiological Physics - Nuclear Medicine Z,ZK 3 2P+1C B241
16RFRTN Radiological Physics - Radiotherapy Z,ZK 3 2P+1C B241
16RFRT1 Radiological Physics - Radiotherapy 1
The course is not on the list
16RFRT2 Radiological Physics - Radiotherapy 2
The course is not on the list
16RTDG Radiological Technics - Diagnostic Radiology B241
16RTDGM Radiological Technique - Diagnostic Radiology B241
16RTRTM Radiological Technique - Radiotherapy
The course is not on the list
16RTRT Radiological Technology-Radiotherapy
The course is not on the list
16RTRTB Radiological Technology-Radiotherapy
Irena Koniarová, Matěj Navrátil, Anna Negri, Josef Novotný, Igor Sirák, Milan Vošmik 
16RZP Radionuclides in the Environment
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16RTKP1 Radiotherapy - Clinical Training 1
Czech The course is not on the list
16RTKP2 Radiotherapy - Clinical Training 2
Czech The course is not on the list
16RTKB Radiotherapy - Clinical Training for Engineers
Czech Z 4 2t The course is not on the list
16RTKP Radiotherapy- Clinical Training
The course is not on the list
16VUJI1 Research Project 1 B242, B241
16VURF1 Research Project 1 B242, B241
16VUDZ1 Research Project 1
The course is not on the list
16VUJI2 Research Project 2 B242, B241
16VURF2 Research Project 2 B242, B241
16VUDZ2 Research Project 2
The course is not on the list
D16RSEM Research seminar English B242
16RPDZ1 Search Project 1
The course is not on the list
16RPRF1 Search Project 1
The course is not on the list
16RPDZ2 Search Project 2
The course is not on the list
16RPRF2 Search Project 2
The course is not on the list
16SEPB Semestral Project B242
16SEM Seminar
The course is not on the list
16SEMA Seminar
The course is not on the list
16SEM1 Seminar 1
The course is not on the list
16SEM2 Seminar 2 Z 2 0+2 B242, B241
16ZOZ Sources of Irradiation and Environment KZ 4 2P+2C B242
16SPEK Spectrometry in Dosimetry
The course is not on the list
16SPD Spectrometry in Dosimetry ZK 2 2P+0C B241
16SPDO Spectrometry in Dosimetry
ZK 3 2+0 The course is not on the list
16NAM Standards and metrology ZK 2 2P+0C B242
D16SERO Statistics and Epidemiologic Studies for Radiation Protection
The course is not on the list
16TZP Technical and Health-Care Regulations
The course is not on the list
16EZB The Principles of Ethical Behavior in Health Care
Ingrid Strobachová 
Czech B241
16EZM The Principles of Ethical Behavior in Health Care
Ingrid Strobachová 
Czech B241
816PSE Topical Dosimetry Seminar
Czech The course is not on the list
16PSE Topical Dosimetry Seminar Czech B242
16MCRB Transport of Ionizing Radiation and Monte Carlo Method
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
16ZED Treatment of Experimental Data
The course is not on the list
16RDKP X-Ray Diagnostics - Clinical Training
The course is not on the list
16RDKB X-Ray Diagnostics - Clinical Training for Engineers Czech Z 4 1t The course is not on the list
D16RFA X-ray fluorescence analysis and its applications in the care of historical monuments
ZK 2P ZK 2P The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2025-01-19
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/katedra14116.html