Fundamentals of Ionizing-Radiation Metrology
Code | Completion | Credits | Range |
16MEZB | Z,ZK | 4 | 2+1 |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation
- Synopsis:
The course summarizes the basic objectives and content of ionizing radiation metrology. It deals with the interpretation of radiation quantities and units in metrology. It summarizes the theoretical and experimental foundations of metrology, the determination of basic parameters of radiation. Lectures are supplemented with basic summary of relevant legislation and regulations.
- Requirements:
Required prerequisities are 16ZDOZ12, 16DETE.
- Syllabus of lectures:
1. General metrology.
2. Legal metrology, units, metrology law.
3. Metrology in the Czech Republic.
4. Standardization of the activity, proportional detector, Townsend process.
5. Liquid scintillator, coincidence method.
6. Preparation of the sources.
7. Standardization of the neutron sources, Mn- bath.
8. Secondary standardization of the activity, radionuclide calibrators.
9. Data evaluation, uncertainty A and B.
10. Calorimeter as absolute method for doze, kerma and exposition measurement.
11. Standardization of the exposition and kerma, air-free chamber, cavity chamber.
12. Photon beams for secondary standardization, X-ray spectra, structure of the laboratory.
13. Measurement of the ionization current.
- Syllabus of tutorials:
1. Data processing, uncertainty of type A, B, notions sample mean, sample standard deviation, activity determination.
2. Absolute method of measuring dose kerma and exposure, air-free chamber.
3. Books for secondary metrology, X-ray, gamma ray spectra description, implementation, organization of work.
4. Measurement of small currents.
- Study Objective:
Basic knowledges about interpretation of radiation quantities and units in metrology. The system of data processing and interpretation of results, including errors and uncertainties.
Process and evaluate the measured data according to appropriate standards of metrology. Identify the fundamentals of ionizing radiation.
- Study materials:
Key references:
[1] Sabol J., Introduction to metrology of ionizing radiation, Publisher CTU Prague 1982. (in Czech)
Recommended references:
[2] Act No. 505/1990 Coll. Metrology
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- BS Matematické inženýrství - Matematické modelování (elective course)
- BS Matematické inženýrství - Matematická fyzika (elective course)
- BS Matematické inženýrství - Aplikované matematicko-stochastické metody (elective course)
- BS Informatická fyzika (elective course)
- BS Aplikace softwarového inženýrství (elective course)
- BS Aplikovaná informatika (elective course)
- BS jaderné inženýrství B (elective course)
- BS Jaderné inženýrství C (elective course)
- BS Dozimetrie a aplikace ionizujícího záření (elective course)
- BS Experimentální jaderná a částicová fyzika (elective course)
- BS Inženýrství pevných látek (elective course)
- BS Diagnostika materiálů (elective course)
- BS Fyzika a technika termojaderné fúze (elective course)
- BS Fyzikální elektronika (elective course)
- BS Jaderná chemie (elective course)
- Fyzikální inženýrství - Fyzika plazmatu a termojaderné fúze (elective course)