Introduction to Ecology
Code | Completion | Credits | Range |
16ZIVB | KZ | 2 | 2+0 |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation
- Synopsis:
The subject inform about basic of the ecologic principles, terms and ideas. It covers overview information regarding to particular components of the environment and evaluate economic indicators and sustainable development.
- Requirements:
- Syllabus of lectures:
1. Introduction: human society and environment, definition and base terms in environment
2. Introduction to geology of the Earth
3. Global tectonic
4. Hydrosphere : water cycle
5. Basic elements in environment cycles
6. Food - proteins sources, energy sources, food cycles
7. Introduction to soil science
8. Introduction to biology
9. Waste (distribution, classification), waste dumping
10.Sources of energy in the human life
11. Alternative sources
12. Influence of the energy production on the environment
13. Principle of sustainable development
14. Excursion
- Syllabus of tutorials:
- Study Objective:
Unprecedented knowledge from the field of ecology and others natural sciences.
Formation of the new ways of thinking focused to environment.
- Study materials:
Key references:
[1] Artiola, J.E.: Environmental Monitoring and Characterization. Elsevier Academic Press, 2004.
[2] Begon M., Harper J.L., Townsend C.R.: Ecology.3.edition. Blackwell Sci.Publ.1065 pp., 1996.
[3] Pivnička K.: Ecology. SPN:204 pp., 1984. (in Czech)
[4] Kachlík, V.(1996): Essentials of geology. UK Praha, 2008. (in Czech)
[5] Braniš, M.: Introduction to ecology and environmental sciences. 2. edition. Informatorium Praha, 169 pp., 1999.(in Czech)
[6] Braniš, M. et al.: Explanatory dictionary of selected nomenclature from the environmental sciences. Karolinum Praha. 46 pp., 1999.(in Czech)
[7] Begon, M., Harper, J.L., Townsend, C.R.: Ecology - individuals, populations and communities.University Palackého press, Olomouc. 949 pp.,1990. (czech translation -in Czech)
Recommended references:
[8] Sternheim, M. M., Kane, J. W.: General Physics, John Wiley & Sons, New York 1991.
[9] Sears,F. W., Zemansky, M. W.: University Physics, Addison-Wesley, New York 1991.
[10] Storch, J. D., Mihulka, S. : Introduction to present-day ecology. Portál, Praha, 2000. (in Czech)
[11] Dykyjová, D.: Methods of ecosystems studies. Akademia Praha. 692 pp, 1998. (in czech)
[12] Matějka, V.: Ecology. University of environment, Prague, 1993. (in Czech)
[13] Heřmanský, B., Štoll, I.: Energy for 21. century. (in Czech)
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- BS Matematické inženýrství - Matematické modelování (elective course)
- BS Matematické inženýrství - Matematická fyzika (elective course)
- BS Matematické inženýrství - Aplikované matematicko-stochastické metody (elective course)
- BS Informatická fyzika (elective course)
- BS Aplikace softwarového inženýrství (elective course)
- BS Aplikovaná informatika (elective course)
- BS jaderné inženýrství B (elective course)
- BS Jaderné inženýrství C (elective course)
- BS Dozimetrie a aplikace ionizujícího záření (elective course)
- BS Experimentální jaderná a částicová fyzika (elective course)
- BS Inženýrství pevných látek (elective course)
- BS Diagnostika materiálů (elective course)
- BS Fyzika a technika termojaderné fúze (elective course)
- BS Fyzikální elektronika (elective course)
- BS Jaderná chemie (elective course)
- Jaderné inženýrství - Aplikovaná fyzika ionizujícího záření (PS)
- Jaderné inženýrství - Jaderné reaktory (elective course)
- jaderné inženýrství - Radioaktivita v životním prostředí (PS)
- Vyřazování jaderných zařízení z provozu (elective course)