
Monte Carlo Method in Radiation Physics

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Code Completion Credits Range
16MCRF Z,ZK 4 2+2
Course guarantor:
Jaroslav Klusoň, Tomáš Urban
Tomáš Urban
Tomáš Urban
Department of Dosimetry and Application of Ionizing Radiation

Basic principles of the MC method, probability theory and selected concepts in mathematical statistics. Ionising radiation transport simulation, photons, neutrons and charged particles interactions and their simulation, modelling of the geometric conditions. Statistical tests of the model calculations, variance reduction techniques. Codes for simulation of radiation transport, MCNP(X) code, properties and scope of usage, input file (description of the geometry, materials, sources, tallies), graphical tools, code user control. Tools for input fines creation/editing a visualization (VISED, Sabrina, Body Builder). Examples of application (practical training) concentrated on radiation physics (shielding, radiation fields/beams/sources, spectral/spatial distributions of the dosimetric quantities, responses of detection systems, radiation protection tasks. The basics of working with the program Fluka and Geant, SRIM code for simulation of the transport of charged particles.


Basic courses of matematics and statistics

Basic knovledge of programming and computer literacy

Advantade is course 18MOCA Monte Carlo Method

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction (basic concepts of probability theory and mathematical statistics)

2. Radiation transport simulation

3. Monte Carlo method (modelling of the non-uniform distributions)

4. Transport of the indirectly ionizing radiation through matter, basic types of interactions, interactions physical models descriptions (cross sections, distributions), model geometrical arrangement description

5. Charged particles transport (electrons multiply scattering, grouped collisions technique, energy loss and/or angle of scattering fluctuations modelling)

6. Statistical tests of the modelling results reliability and accuracy

7. Codes for the radiation transport simulation (MCNP/MCNPX, Fluka, Geant, SRIM/TRIM)

8. MCNP/MCNPX - input file structure, geometry/materials description, build-in geometry plotter (module plot)

9. MCNP/MCNPX - source description, output specification (tallies), task specification parameters, visual editors for input geometry description (Vised, Sabrina BodyBuilder)

10. MCNP/MCNPX - program running, output files, results validation/evaluation and interpretation, statistical tests, build-in tool for output results graphical visualization (mcplot)

11. Examples of the models/calculations (radiation beams/fields, beams/fields spectral/angular distributions, phantom dose distributions, detection systems responses, radiation protection tasks)

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Geometrical description of model

2. Source description

3. Tally selection, properties and description

4. Setting of model and calculation parameters

5. Application of variance reduction methods

6. Interpretation of results and errors

7. Tools for visualization

8. Description of repeated and lattice structures

Study Objective:

Gain theoretical knowledge an practical skills of applicaton of the Monte Carlo method for radiation transport simulation and usage in the fields of dosimetry, detectors, spectrometry, shielding and radiation protection and medical applications.

Study materials:

Key references:

[1] Lux, I., Koblinger, L.: Monte Carlo Particle Transport Methods- Neutron and Proton Calculations, ISBN 0-8493-6074-9, CRC Press, 1991.

Recommended references:

[2] Use of MCNP in Radiation Protection and Dosimetry, Edited by Gualdrini, G., Casalini, L., ENEA, ISBN 88-8286-000-1, Bologna - Italy, May 13-16 1996.

[3] MCNP5/6/X Manuals

Media and tools:

computer lab

computer codes and SW/tools for radiation transport simulation

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-16
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet24361905.html