144YLHN |
Mitigation of hazardous substances incidents
Czech |
Z,ZK |
2 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144HZP |
Accidents and the environment
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
3P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144HZIP |
Accidents and the environment
Czech |
Z,ZK |
4 |
2P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144AMP |
Advanced Master Project
English |
The course is not on the list |
144BAPZ |
Bachelor Thesis
Czech |
Z |
12 |
10C |
Z |
12 |
10C |
The course is on the list |
144BAPV |
Bachelor Thesis
Czech |
Z |
12 |
10C |
Z |
12 |
10C |
The course is on the list |
144BAP |
Bachelor Thesis
Czech |
Z |
10 |
8C |
Z |
10 |
8C |
The course is not on the list |
144BT1 |
English |
ZK |
2 |
2P |
The course is on the list |
D44CHE |
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
144DPM |
Diploma Thesis
Czech |
Z |
30 |
24C |
The course is on the list |
Dispersion Systems
Czech |
ZK |
2 |
2P |
The course is not on the list |
D44DIS |
Dispersion Systems
Czech |
ZK |
The course is not on the list |
D83DIS |
Dispersion Systems
Czech |
ZK |
2P |
The course is not on the list |
144SCOV |
Drainage and treatment of waste waters
Czech |
Z,ZK |
8 |
4P+2C |
The course is on the list |
144DWE |
Drinking Water Engineering
English |
Z,ZK |
6 |
2P+3C |
The course is not on the list |
144WS |
Drinking Water Management
English |
KZ |
2 |
2P |
The course is on the list |
144WSE |
Drinking Water Management
English |
ZK |
2 |
2P |
The course is on the list |
D44DPS |
Dynamics of Processes in Urban Drainage Systems
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144XERM |
Ecological risks in urban drainage
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144XERU |
Ecological risks in urbanised catchments
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144XEMP |
Ecology of urban catchments
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144EKOU |
Ecotoxicology and Urban drainage
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144YECO |
Ecotoxicology and Waste Water Treatment
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
Environmental Chemistry
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144ENCH |
Environmental Chemistry
English |
Z |
2 |
2P |
The course is not on the list |
Environmental Chemistry
English |
The course is on the list |
144ENCE |
Environmental Chemistry
English |
ZK |
2 |
2P |
The course is not on the list |
D83EMV |
Experimental Methods in Water Management
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
D83EMZ1 |
Experimental Methods in Water Management 1
English |
ZK |
3 |
1P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
D44EMV |
Experimental methods in water management practice
Czech |
The course is on the list |
D44HSC |
Hydraulics in Sewer System and Waste Water Treatment Plant
Czech |
The course is on the list |
D44IHB |
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144HHZI |
Hydrobiology, hydrochemistry and sanitary engineering
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144DIPM |
Master Thesis
English |
Z |
28 |
12C |
Z |
28 |
12C |
The course is not on the list |
144XMMM |
Measurement and monitoring in urban catchment
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
Measuring and Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Plants
English |
The course is on the list |
D44MMC |
Measuring and Modelling of Wastewater Treatment Plants
Czech |
The course is on the list |
Mechanics of Liquids with Content of Solid and Gas Particles
English |
ZK |
2 |
2P |
The course is not on the list |
D83MEK |
Mechanics of Suspensions
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
D44MEK |
Mechanics of Suspensions
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144XMMO |
Methods and tools in urban drainage
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is on the list |
D44MDS |
Modelling of Water Distribution Systems
Czech |
The course is on the list |
Modelling of the Urban Drainage System
English |
The course is on the list |
D44MMO |
Modelling of the Urban Drainage System
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144XMZV |
Modern methods in sanitary engineering
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
D44MPV |
Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in Water Suply and Applied Field
Czech |
The course is on the list |
Monitoring and Modelling of Processes in Water Suply and Applied Field
English |
The course is on the list |
Monitoring of Urban Drainage Processes
English |
The course is on the list |
D44MPU |
Monitoring of Urban Drainage Processes
Czech |
The course is on the list |
D83DPS |
Processes in Urban Drainage Systems
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
144DISZ |
Czech |
KZ |
4 |
3C |
The course is not on the list |
144PZ02 |
Project Design 2
Czech |
KZ |
5 |
4C |
The course is on the list |
D44COV |
Sewage treatment
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144SESY |
Sewer Systems
English |
ZK |
3 |
2P |
The course is on the list |
D83TOX1 |
English |
ZK |
2 |
2P |
The course is not on the list |
D44TOX |
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144YDUV |
Treatment and Distribution of Water
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+1C |
The course is on the list |
144UDPV |
Treatment and distribution of drinking water
Czech |
Z,ZK |
7 |
4P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144BTIS |
Trenchless technologies for underground utilities
Czech |
Z |
2 |
1P+1C |
The course is on the list |
144URDR |
Urban Drainage
English |
Z,ZK |
6 |
2P+3C |
The course is not on the list |
144OUUC |
Urban Drainage and Water Quality
Czech |
Z,ZK |
7 |
4P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
D44MIN |
Urban Engineering
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144MVSO |
Urban Water Management Modelling
Czech |
Z,ZK |
5 |
2P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144OUP |
Urban drainage
Czech |
Z,ZK |
5 |
2P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
D44OUU |
Urban drainage
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144XMIN |
Urban engineering
Czech |
Z |
2 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144YMIB |
Urban engineering and balneology
Czech |
ZK |
5 |
4P |
The course is on the list |
144YISB |
Urban networks and balneology
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144VHOB |
Urban water management
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144VO1 |
Urban water management 1
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
144VO2 |
Urban water management 2
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
144VHO4 |
Urban water management 4
Czech |
The course is not on the list |
144YCVD |
Wastewater treatment
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
3P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144PUCV |
Wastewater treatment
Czech |
Z,ZK |
5 |
2P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144WAQE |
Water Quallty
English |
Z,ZK |
6 |
2P+3C |
The course is on the list |
144YCOV |
Water and Waste Water Treatment
Czech |
Z,ZK |
5 |
3P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144WWWT |
Water and Waste Water Treatment
English |
Z,ZK |
6 |
3P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
D44HYC |
Water chemistry
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144CIV |
Water quality
Czech |
Z,ZK |
5 |
2P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144XCVO |
Water quality
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
D44MZV |
Water refining
Czech |
The course is on the list |
144VOKA |
Water supply and sewerage
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
2P+2C |
The course is not on the list |
144XVOS |
Water supply systems
Czech |
Z |
1 |
1P+1C |
The course is not on the list |
144YVCV |
Water treatment and water quality
Czech |
Z,ZK |
6 |
4P+1C |
The course is not on the list |