
Urban water management

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
144VHOB Z,ZK 6 4P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Department of Urban Water Management

Hydrochemistry: Chemical composition of water. Dissolved and particular matters. Metals, halogens. Nitrogen, sulphur and phosphorous compounds. Non-electrolytes. Organic matter. Self-purification. Eutrophication.

Hydrobiology: Types of natural waters. Ecology of aquatic organisms. Hydrobiology of surface, drinking and waste waters.

Water distribution system: Water sources. Systems of water purification. Water distribution system

Sewer system: Wastewater. Shapes and sizes of the sewers. Types of sewerage networks. Sewerage objects. Combined sewer overflows. Environmental protection

Waste water treatment plant: domestic wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater treatment plant. mechanical cleaning. Biological treatment. Removal of nitrogen and phosphorus. Sludge



Syllabus of lectures:

A) Sanitary engineering

1. Introduction - basic terms, drinking water supply, urban drainage, general risks

2. Drinking water, sources, treatment

3. Drinking water distribution concept, types of distribution systems

4. Water demand calculations, design of distribution nets

5. Technical tour to a water treatment plant

6. Sewer nets, urban drainage concept, calculations of the amount of wastewaters

7. Design of sewer nets, checking, revision, legislation

8. History of urban drainage, possibilities of wastewater treatment

9. Building material of sewer nets and their parts

10. Small WWTP, natural cleaning

11. Processes of wastewater tretment

12. Technical tour WWTP and sewer net

B) Hydrobiology, hydrochemistry

1. Hydrobiology - introduction

2. Hydrobiology of running waters

3. Hydrobiology of standing waters

4. Hydrochemistry -Basic physical and chemical quality of waters

5. Hydrochemistry - Organic substances in waters

6. Hydrochemistry - Inorganic substances in waters

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. analysis of base and acid capacities

2. analysis of Ca, Ca+Mg, ammonia and chlorides

3. analysis of COD, total Fe, nitrites and nitrates

4. basic chemical analysis of water sample and its interpretation according to Czech standards

5. hydrobiology of freshwaters

6. hydrobiology of drinking and wastewaters

Study Objective:

Hydrochemistry: To get acquainted with chemical composition of water and basic analyses.

Hydrobiology: To understand the most important natural processes in waters. To learn basics of hydrobiological methods.

Sanitary engineering: To understand basic terms of urban water management and learn modern trends in this field

Study materials:

! Krejčí V. a kol.: Odvodnění urbanizovaných území. NOEL 2000, ISBN 80-86020-39-8, 2002

! Nábělková J., Nekovářová J.: Chemie - chemie životního prostředí (2010), Vydavatelství ČVUT, ISBN 978-80-01-04534-3

! Hlavínek, P. a kol: Příručka stokování a čištění (NOEL 2002), ISBN 80-86020-30-4

? Pitter P.: Hydrochemie. 2015, vydavatelství VSCHT, Praha, ISBN 978-80-7080-928-0

? Sládečková A., Sládeček V.: Hydrobiologie. 1995, Vydavatelství ČVUT, ISBN 80-86020-39-8

? Šrytr P. a kol.: Městské inženýrství I,II Petr Academia 1999

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5565306.html