
Compulsory facultativetudy

Aktuální předměty doktorského studia

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
XP33VID 3D Computer Vision Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP16ERU Accounting
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16MAU Accounting for management
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37AEM Acoustic and Electroacoustic Measurements English Z,ZK 4 2P+1S The course is on the list
XP37TAS Acoustic signal processing and theory English Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP37APF Acoustics and Electroacoustics of Solid State
Czech Z,ZK 4 3P+1L The course is not on the list
XP02AME Active Methods in Acoustics
ZK 2P The course is not on the list
XP02AMA Active Methods in Acoustics ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP36VAP Advaced Computer Architecture
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XEP36AGT Advanced Computational Game Theory
English The course is not on the list
XP39CG Advanced Computational Geometry ZK 4 2P+1C+4D The course is on the list
XP37NOS Advanced Computational Tools for Imaging and Radio Systems
English ZK 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
XP14MPD Advanced Control Methods of Electric Drives
ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14RPD Advanced Controlled Drives
ZK 3 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14MPO Advanced Controlled Drives
Czech ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14MRP Advanced Controlled Drives
Czech ZK 3 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP17PEM Advanced Electromagnetism Czech The course is on the list
XP34PED Advanced Electronic Devices
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP16AFM Advanced Financial Management Methods
Czech ZK 4 2P+4D ZK 4 2P+4D The course is not on the list
XP39PMV Advanced Methods of Visualization ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP37MSP Advanced Multimedia Signal Processing
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2L+3D The course is not on the list
XP36POA Advanced Parallel Algorithms
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP34APD Advanced Power Semiconductor Devices and ICs Czech ZK 4 2P+2C ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP39VIZ Advanced Visualization Methods ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP37CAD Advanced methods for circuit analysis and optimization using computer-aided design English Z,ZK 3 2P+3D The course is on the list
XP39UID Advanced methods of UI design
The course is not on the list
XP01POA Advanced theory of operator algebras
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP38PSL Aircraft Instrumentation Czech ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP37LN Aircraft Navigation
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP36PAS Algebraic Specifications Prototyping ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP31ASN Algorithms and Structures of Neurocomputers
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP01UNA An introduction to nonassociative algebras
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP01USA An introduction to superalgebras.
ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP34AIC Analogové integrované obvody
Czech The course is not on the list
XP17MAPP Analysis Methods for Passive Elements of Microwave and Millimeter-wave Technique Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP33MMD Analysis and visualization methods for medical data
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP32AKR Applied Cryptography
Czech ZK 4 4P + 0S The course is not on the list
XP37AEA Applied Electroacoustics English ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP17APL Applied Optoelectronics in Medicine
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP37ARA Architectural Acoustics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP36ASP Architecture of Symbolic Computers
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP31ART Architectures for Real Time Implementation
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33UID Artificial Intelligence
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP33PUD Artificial Intelligence
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP38ATM Automatizované systémy pro řízení procesů, měření, sběr a zpracování dat
Czech The course is not on the list
XP31ZBS Biological Signal Processing English ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP37PKP Biomedical Engineering in Clinical Practice
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP33BID Bionics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02BFY Biophysics
Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP16SDE Building heritage of the industrial era
Czech NIC 2 4P+0S NIC 2 4P+0S The course is not on the list
XP37NRO CAD for RF and Microwave Circuits Czech Z,ZK 4 3P+1S The course is on the list
XP37MSC CNS Modern Systems
Czech ZK 4 2+2s ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP33CHM Chapters in higher mathematics
English The course is not on the list
XP36KP Communication Protocols
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP01KAS Complexity and Combinatorical Algorithms
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP39VPG Computational Geometry ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XEP33CML Computational Intelligence Techniques for Machine Learning
English Z,ZK 4 1P+1S The course is not on the list
XEP35CMS Computational Methods for Materials Science
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP39SPG Computer Graphics Seminar
Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33VTP Computer Vision – Theory and Practice
English ZK 4 2S The course is not on the list
XP15EZP Control in Power Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33RMD Control of Mobile Robots
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP15RE Control of Power Systems Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP35CCM Cooperative Control of Multi-agent systems
English The course is not on the list
XP35CCM1 Cooperative control of multi-agent systems
English The course is on the list
XP15SPS Coupled Problems in Heavy Current and Power Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP04Č1 Czech language 1
Czech NIC 0 4C NIC 0 4C The course is not on the list
XP04C1ZK Czech language 1
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04C2ZK Czech language 2
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04Č2 Czech language 2
Czech NIC 0 4C NIC 0 4C The course is not on the list
ZK 3 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP13DFD Data and Functional Analysis of Production Systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP13DEZ Degradation processes of electridal equipment Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP31NOS Design and circuit structures of electronic systems
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP12VVM Development and Research of Materials
Czech Z,ZK 5 3+2s Z,ZK 5 3+2s The course is not on the list
XP13VVM Development and Research of Materials
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16VTS Development of Technical Universities Czech ZK 4 0P+4S ZK 4 0P+4S The course is on the list
XP36DRO Diagnostics and Reconfiguration of Programmable Circuits
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP15DVN Diagnostics of HV and EHV Insulating Systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP32DZS Digital Signal Procesing in Telecommunications
Czech ZK 4 4P + 0S The course is not on the list
XP31DIF Digital filter synthesis
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP31DSP Digital signal processing
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP31CZS Digital signal processing
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP33SDD Discrete Event Systems
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33DID Distributed Artificial Intelligence
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP36DSV Distributed Systems ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP36DSY Distributed Systems
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP14DSD Dynamics of Electric Machines
ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14DES Dynamics of Electric Machines ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP16EKO Economics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16EME Economics and Management of Energetics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16MEU Economics and Management of Energetics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16MES Economics and Management of Energy Systems
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16EES Economics of energy systems Czech ZK 4 2P+4D ZK 4 2P+4D The course is on the list
XP16ERE Economics of power generation from RES Czech The course is on the list
XP16EPM Economics of power markets
Czech ZK 4 2P+4D ZK 4 2P+4D The course is not on the list
XP01EAL Effect algebras
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP37ELA Elastoacoustics
Czech ZK 4 2+0s The course is not on the list
XP31AEO Electric Circuit Analysis
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02DP Electric Discharges and their Applications
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP15UEE Electric Energy Use and Conservation
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP15ES Electrical Lighting
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP34ETS Electrical Transport in Semiconductors Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP17ELD Electrodynamics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP15ET Electroheat
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP14EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP14ECD Electromagnetic Compatibility
ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP38EMC Electromagnetic Compatibility of Data Acquisition Systems Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP15EH Energy Economy
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP12IMM Engineering Methods in Mechanics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP04A2SZK English Language
ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04AZK English Language English ZK 0 0C ZK 0 0C The course is on the list
XP04MIN English Language 2 English ZK 0 0C ZK 0 0C The course is on the list
XP04A1ZK English language 1
ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04A1 English language 1 Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is on the list
XP04A2 English language 2
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP04A2ZK English language 2
ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP35OFD Estimation and Filtering
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP35ESF1 Estimation and filtering
Czech The course is not on the list
XP17TAM Evaluation of Applicators for Microwave Thermotherapy Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP16VTK Everyday Science and Technology Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP33ECD Evolutionary Computing
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP15EXE Expert Systems in Electrical Power Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16FIM Financial Management
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP13PSD Flexible Production Systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP35FSC Flexible Structure Control
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP35FSC1 Flexible structures control
Czech The course is on the list
XP33TPS Foundations of the Possibilistic Measures
ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP04F1ZK French language 1
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04F1 French language 1
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP04F2ZK French language 2
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04F2 French language 2
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP01FA1 Functional Analysis 1
Czech ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
XP37SFA Fundamentals of Physical Acoustics
Czech ZK 4 1+0s The course is not on the list
XP33POS Fundamentals of Possibilistic Measures
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP16ZVP Fundamentals of Scientific Work Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP02ZFP Fundamentals of the Plasma Physics
ZK 4 3P The course is on the list
XP01ZOA Fundamentals of the theory of operator algebras
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XEP33FLO Fuzzy Logic English ZK 4 2P+0S The course is on the list
XP33FLO Fuzzy Logic
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP35FMD Fuzzy Modelling and Control
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP37FZS Fuzzy Signal Processing
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP35FMC1 Fuzzy modeling and control
Czech The course is not on the list
XP37GAB Genesis and Analysis of Biosignals
Czech ZK 4 3P+1S The course is not on the list
XP33GAD Geometrical Algebras
Czech ZK 4 2+0s The course is not on the list
XP04N1 German language 1
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP04N1ZK German language 1
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04N2ZK German language 2
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04N2 German language 2
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP01TGR Graph Theory Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is on the list
XEP33GMM Graphical Markov Models
English ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP15MVN High Voltage Measurement
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16HKA Historical structures and technologies in architecture
Czech NIC 2 0P+4S NIC 2 0P+4S The course is not on the list
XP16HIS Historiography of the Development of Science, Technology and the Methodology
Zdeněk Beneš, Zdeněk Beneš 
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP16HEL History of Electrical Engineering
Czech NIC 2 0P+4S NIC 2 0P+4S The course is not on the list
XP16HPH History of Physic
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16HDS History of Transport Systems and Communications
Czech ZK 2 0P+4S ZK 2 0P+4S The course is not on the list
XP16DEL History of technology and economic Czech ZK 2 0P+4S The course is on the list
XP36HS Hypermedia Systems and Internet Computing
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37IPP Image Processing and Photonics English ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP37IAR Implementation algoritms in radioelecronics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33PAM Industrial application of multi-agent systems
Czech ZK 4 1P+0S The course is not on the list
XP33IMD Informatics in Clinical Medicine
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP37ZI Information recording
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP01ITZ Integral Transforms and Z Transform
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP34IO Integrated Optics Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP34CNO Integrated Optics Czech ZK 4 2P+2C ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP32ODV Intellectual property protection
Czech ZK 4 2P + 0S The course is not on the list
XP01UAG Introduction to Algebraic Geometry
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP33ZVD Introduction to Computer Vision
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02UEF Introduction to Electrophysiology
Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP33KHD Introduction to Game Theory
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP02UFL Introduction to Laser Physics
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP01UKS Introduction to Quantum Structures
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP37ISS Introduction to space science and technology English ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP36JAI Languages for Artificial Intelligence
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP01TJA Languages, Automata and Grammars
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP15ZSS Light sources and Equipment
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP35LMI Linear Matrix Inequalities
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP35LSD Linear Systems
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP35LMI1 Linear matrix inequalities
English The course is not on the list
XP33LPD Logic and Logic Programming
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP36LSM Logical Simulation
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP38MPX Magnetism in Engineering Practice Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP02MHD Magnetohydrodynamics ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP33SCD Man-Machine Systems
ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP16MAN Management
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33MZT Management of Knowledge and Information Technologies
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP33RSP Management of Software Projects
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP16MAR Marketing
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16MAS Marketing Strategies
Czech ZK 4 0P+4S The course is not on the list
XP34MTP Materials and Technologies for Photonic Devices and Structures Czech ZK 3 2P The course is on the list
XP33MAD Mathematical Analysis of Dempster-Shafer Theory
ZK 2 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP01MTS Mathematical Methods in Signal Theory
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP01MST Mathematical Statistics
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP01EKM Mathematics Models for Economics
ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP33MKD Mathematics for Cybernetics - Selected Topics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP01MKR Mathematics for cryptography
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP01MTP Matrix Calculus
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP38SYS Measurement and Data Acquisition Systems
Czech ZK 4 2P+2L ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP38MMN Measurement of Nonelectric Quantities Czech ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP15MPE Mechatronics in Electrical Power Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP17LAE Medical Applications of Electromagnetic Field Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP37TMP Medical Instrumentation
Czech ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP17MVP Methodology of Science ZK 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP38MPM Methods for Precision Measurement of Electrical Quantities and Measurement Data Processing
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP38MDR Methods of Signals Digitalization and Reconstruction Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP38MET Metrology
Czech The course is not on the list
XP14MID Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives
ZK 4 4+0s ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14MIP Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives
Czech ZK 4 4+0s ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14MIR Microprocessor Control of Electric Drives
Czech ZK 3 4+0s ZK 3 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP34MSY Microsystems Czech ZK 4 2P+2C ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP34MSA Microsystems and Microactuators
Czech The course is not on the list
XP17MT Microwave Technique Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP32MOS Mobile Networks English ZK 4 2P + 2C The course is on the list
XP33MOL Modal Logics for Distributed Systems
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP13MSD Modelling and Simulation of Technological Systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP33ICT Modern ICT for Industry and Smart Grids
English ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP02MPF Moderní metody počítačové fyziky
Z,ZK 2 The course is not on the list
XP37MPS Multimedia Signals Transmission Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP37NAV Navigation systems
English The course is not on the list
XP36NSN Neural Networks and Neurocomputers
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XEP33NEP Neuroprosthetics
English Z,ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP14MZR New Control Methods for Electric Drives Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP13NM New Matherials and their Application
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP14MEN New Trends in Converter Technology ZK 4 2P+2C ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP14MTD New Trends in Converter Technology
ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14APD New Trends in Electric Device Applications
ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14APR New Trends in Electric Device Apply
Czech ZK 3 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14NAP New Trends in Electric Device Apply
Czech ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14NTP New Trends in Electric Device Theory
Czech ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14TPR New Trends in Electric Device Theory
Czech ZK 3 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP14TPD New Trends in Electric Device Theory
ZK 4 4+0s The course is not on the list
XP02HS Noise Surveys
ZK 4 1P The course is not on the list
XP35NES Nonlinear Systems
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP35NES1 Nonlinear systems
Czech The course is not on the list
XEP33NUM Numerical Analysis
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33NUM Numerical Analysis
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP01NLA Numerical Linear Algebra
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP32NMR Numerical Methodes of Electromagnetic Tasks Solution
Czech ZK 4 4P + 0S The course is not on the list
XP17NME Numerical Methods in Electromagnetic Field
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP37ODS Optical Design and Simulation
English The course is not on the list
XP17OV Optical Fibers
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP34ORD Optical Radiation Detection and Detectors Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP32OSY Optical Systems
Czech ZK 4 4P + 0S The course is not on the list
XP35ORC1 Optimal and robust control
Czech The course is not on the list
XP36PSV Parallel Systems and Algorithms
ZK 4 3P+2S The course is not on the list
XP01PDR Partial Differential Equations
Czech ZK 4 3P+0S The course is not on the list
XP33ROD Pattern Recognition
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16FVT Philosophical Problems of Science and Technology
Czech ZK 2 0P+4S ZK 2 0P+4S The course is not on the list
XP31FSK Phonetic signals and their coding
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP15FAK Photometry and Colorimetry
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37FOS Photonic Imaging Systems English ZK 4 2P+2L+4D The course is on the list
XP13FCD Photovoltaics systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
XP13FDD Physic of Dielectrics Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP02EVA Physics for Electroenergetics ZK 4 3P The course is on the list
XP02FPT Physics for Therapy
Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
XP34ASD Physics of Advanced Semiconductor Devices and Materials Czech ZK 4 1P+3C+3D ZK 4 1P+3C+3D The course is on the list
XP37PAC Physiological Acoustics English ZK 4 2P+4D The course is on the list
XP37FHA Physiological, Psychological and Musical Acoustics
Czech ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP37FHA2 Physiological, Psychological and Musical Acoustics 2
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37FHA1 Physiological, Pychologycal and Musical Acoustics 1
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP02PT Plasma Technologies
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP02VNP Plasma Waves and Instabilities
Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is not on the list
XP13PED Plastics in Electrical Engineering Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP33PPD Practical Data Mining Problems
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP34ADM Principles and Applications of Device Models Czech ZK 4 1P+3C+3D ZK 4 1P+3C+3D The course is on the list
XP33PAD Probabilistic Algorithms
ZK 2 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP33PMD Probabilistic Models of Uncertainty in AI
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP33ZDD Processing of Biological Data
Z,ZK 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP16STV Product Strategy
Czech ZK 4 0P+4S The course is not on the list
XP16MAV Production Management
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP34PIC Programmable IC Design Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP38PUC Publikační činnost
ZK 2 The course is not on the list
XP13SJD Quality Control Systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16JAK Quality Management
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16KVM Quantitative Research Methods in Management
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16ECM1 Quantitative research methods in economy 1 Czech ZK 4 2P+4D The course is on the list
XP16ECM2 Quantitative research methods in economy 2
Czech ZK 4 2P+4D The course is not on the list
XP01KVP Quantum Computing
Czech ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
XP34RSD Radiation Saurces and Photodetectors for Integration
Czech ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP37SRP Radio Receivers Special Technology Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP37RUP Radio determination of position, theory and practice, experience English Z,ZK 5 2P+2L+2D The course is on the list
XP37RAD Radioelectronics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP33RG2 Reading Group English ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP33RCV Reading group in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision English ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP33OSD Real Time Operating Systems
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP13SRD Real Time Systems for Process Control
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP36RSY Reconfigurable Systems
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP34EHA Renewable Energy Microsources for Electronics - Energy Harvesting
Czech The course is not on the list
XP15VME Research Methods in th Use of Electrical Energy
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37VRA Research Seminars in Radioelectronics and Acoustics
Czech Z,ZK 4 1P+1S Z,ZK 4 1P+1S The course is not on the list
XP13VNM Research of new materials Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP35RRD Robust Control
ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP33RSK Robust Statistics for Cybernetics
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP04R2 Russian Language 2
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP04R1 Russian language 1
Czech NIC 4C NIC 4C The course is not on the list
XP04R1ZK Russian language 1
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04R2ZK Russian language 2
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP37DRS Satellite communication and navigation systems
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP16HKC Science, Technics and Technology in the Historic Landscape of the Czech Lands
Eva Semotanová, Eva Semotanová 
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP16VPB Science, Technology and Industrial Boom
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37MVP Scientific Work Methodology English ZK 4 4P+0S The course is on the list
XEP17SWR Scientific Writing
English The course is not on the list
XPE04SCWR Scientific Writing
English Z 4 2C Z 4 2C The course is not on the list
XP17ANS Selected Chapters from Antennas and Propagation Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP38VDI Selected Chapters of Diagnostics
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP38VKZ Selected Chapters of Signal Processing
Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP37VKF Selected Parts from Photonics
Czech ZK 4 4P+0S The course is not on the list
XP37FOT Selected Parts from Photonics
English Z,ZK 3 2P+2L The course is not on the list
XP36VPD Selected Parts of Data Mining
The course is not on the list
XP38VKP Selected Parts of Instrumentation
Czech ZK 4 2P+2L ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP16MVE Selected Problems of Economy and Management of Energy
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP16STM Selected Statistical Methods Czech ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP33ROZ Selected Topics in Pattern Recognition
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XEP33VKR Selected Topics in Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision
English ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02VPO Selected Topics of Optics English Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP02VPA1 Selected Topics of Physics 1 ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP02VPA2 Selected Topics of Physics B ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP02VPB Selected Topics of Physics B Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
XP01TEM Selected chapters of the measure theory
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP01VPS Selected topics in probability and mathematical statistics
The course is not on the list
XP13FPD Semiconductor Physics Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is on the list
XP34SRS Semiconductor Radiation Sources Czech ZK 4 2P+2C ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP34SDS Semiconductor Structures
Czech ZK 3 2P The course is not on the list
XP39SCG Seminar in Comnuter Graohics
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP36SEP Seminars on Architectures of Parallel Computers
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP38SSB Sensors and Buses Czech ZK 4 2P+2L ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP38SSA Senzory a sběrnice pro automobily
Czech The course is on the list
XP31TSS Signal and system theory
Czech ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP37ZSN1 Signal processing in satellite navigation systems 1 English Z,ZK 4 1P+3S The course is on the list
XP37ZSN2 Signal processing in satellite navigation systems 2
Czech Z,ZK 4 1P+3L The course is not on the list
XP32DKS Sizing of communications networks Czech ZK 4 2P + 2C+ 2D The course is on the list
XP13SID Software in Industrial Engineering Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP02FPL Solid State Physics ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP33KSI Sotware Engineering - Selected chapters
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP04S1ZK Spanish language 1
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04S1 Spanish language 1
Czech NIC 0 4C NIC 0 4C The course is not on the list
XP04S2ZK Spanish language 2
Czech ZK 0 ZK 0 The course is not on the list
XP04S2 Spanish language 2
Czech NIC 0 4C NIC 0 4C The course is not on the list
XP13SSD Special Methods of Devices Quality Evaluation Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is on the list
XP37AR Speech Acoustics
Czech ZK 4 2+0s The course is not on the list
XP31FON Speech Phonetics and Advanced Voice Technologies
Czech The course is not on the list
XP13SAV Statistic analysis and technological data evaluation
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02SF Statistical Physics Z,ZK 4 3P+1S The course is not on the list
XP37SZS Statistical Signal Processing
Czech Z,ZK 4 4P+0S The course is not on the list
XP36STR Stringology
ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XEP33SML Structured Model Learning
English ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP01SPJ Syntax and semantics of a formal language
Czech ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
XP34AT TCAD Tools Applications Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP17TVC Technique of Highly Sensitive Receivers Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP13TMD Technological Aspects of Microcomputer Design
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP13TPD Technological Processes in Electronic Manufacturing
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
XP13TND Technology of Low Temperatures and Superconductivity
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP34TOS Technology of Optical Devices Czech ZK 4 2P+2C ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP32RTS Telecommunications Systems Management
Czech ZK 4 2P + 2C The course is not on the list
XP32TPZ Teletraffic Theory
Czech ZK 4 3P + 0S The course is not on the list
XP33TTM Text mining
Czech ZK 4 2P+0S The course is not on the list
XP37TEM Theoretical Electroacoustics and Measurement
English Z,ZK 3 2P+2L The course is not on the list
XP37TEA Theoretical Eletroacoustics Czech Z,ZK 4 3P+1S The course is on the list
XP17TOM Theoretical Optoelectronics in Medicine Czech The course is on the list
XP02TF1 Theoretical Physics 1 Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is on the list
XP02TF2 Theoretical Physics 2
Z,ZK 4 3P+1C The course is not on the list
XP15TOS Theory of Light field
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02TZP Theory of Sound Field ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP13DTF Thin film diagnostics
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
XP15PEE Transmission of Electricity Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP02UZ Ultrasound and Quantum Acoustics ZK 4 2P The course is on the list
XP34STV VLSI Structures and Technologies Czech ZK 4 2P+2C The course is on the list
XP13VTK Vacuum technology and cryogenics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP39VR Virtual reality
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP36VAV Výpočetní avionika
Czech The course is not on the list
XP01ZWT Wavetet Transform.
Czech ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
XP33ZPM Základy personalizované medicíny
Czech ZK 4 1P+1S The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina10191504-PKKPPP.html