
Department of Theoretical Computer Science

Provided courses

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
PI-ROZ Advanced Pattern Recognition ZK 4 3C B242
PI-APA Advanced Program Analysis
Jan Vitek 
English ZK 4 3C B241, B242
NIE-APT Advanced Program Testing English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
NI-APT Advanced Program Testing English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
NI-ATH AlgorithmicTheories of Games Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-AG1 Algorithms and Graphs 1
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-AG1.21 Algorithms and Graphs 1 English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BI-AG1.21 Algorithms and Graphs 1 Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BIK-AG1.21 Algorithms and Graphs 1 Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+4KC B241
BI-AG1 Algorithms and Graphs 1
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-AG2 Algorithms and Graphs 2
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-AG2.21 Algorithms and Graphs 2 English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B242
BI-AG2 Algorithms and Graphs 2
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-AG2.21 Algorithms and Graphs 2 Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B242
BIE-AX2 Algorithms and Graphs 2 No Implementation English B242
BIE-AX1.24 Algorithms and Graphs No Implementation English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BIE-AX1 Algorithms and Graphs No Implementation English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
NUCI-ADS Algorithms and data structures
Czech Z,ZK 7 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-AVI.21 Algorithms visually Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C B242
PI-ARB Arbology ZK 4 3C ZK 4 3C B241, B242
PI-ASP Architecture of Symbolic Computers ZK 4 3C ZK 4 3C B241, B242
BIK-ZUM Artificial Intelligence Fundamentals
Czech Z,ZK 4 13+4 The course is not on the list
BIE-AAG Automata and Grammars
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-AAG.21 Automata and Grammars English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BI-AAG Automata and Grammars
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIK-AAG.21 Automata and Grammars Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+4KC B241
BI-AAG.21 Automata and Grammars Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BIK-AAG Automata and Grammars
Czech Z,ZK 6 13KP+4KC The course is not on the list
MI-AVY Automata in Text Pattern Matching
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NI-GEN Code Generators Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
NI-KTH Combinatorial Theories of Games Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C B242
BIE-CCN Compiler Construction English Z,ZK 5 3P B242
BI-CCN Compiler Construction English Z,ZK 5 3P B242
NIE-CPX Complexity Theory English Z,ZK 5 3P+1C B241
NI-CPX Complexity Theory Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+1C B241
PI-AVG Computational genomics algorithms
Jan Holub 
ZK 4 2P+1C B242
NIE-KOD Data Compression
Jan Holub 
English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
NI-KOD Data Compression
Jan Holub 
English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
MI-KOD.16 Data Compression
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
PI-AKD Data Compression Algorithms
Jan Holub 
ZK 4 3C B242
BI-EP1 Effective programming 1 Czech Z 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-EP1.24 Effective programming 1 Czech KZ 4 2P+2C B241
BI-EFA Efficient Algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIK-EFA Efficient Algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 5 13KP+4KC The course is not on the list
BIE-EFA Efficient Algorithms
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIK-EIA Efficient Implementation of Algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 5 13KP+4KC The course is not on the list
NI-PAM Efficient Preprocessing and Parameterized Algorithms Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C B242
BI-EP2 Efficient Programming 2 Czech KZ 4 2P+2C B242
NI-EVY Efficient Text Pattern Matching
Jan Holub 
English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
MI-EVY.16 Efficient Text Pattern Matching
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NIE-EVY Efficient Text Pattern Matching
Jan Holub 
English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
BI-EIA Efficient implementation of algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NI-VOL Elections Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
BIE-TED Electronic Documentation Design
English KZ 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIK-TED Electronic Documentation Design
Czech KZ 5 13KP+4KC The course is not on the list
AKCE Fiktivní předmět - Akce mimo rozvrhovanou výuku NIC 0 0+0 NIC 0 0+0 B241, B242
NI-FMT Finite model theory Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
MI-FLP.16 Functional and Logical Programming
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
MI-FLP Functional and Logical Programming
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
BIK-GRA Graph Algorithms
Czech Z,ZK 5 13KP+4KC The course is not on the list
BI-GRA Graph Algorithms and Complexity Theory
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-GRA Graph Algorithms and Complexity Theory
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
PI-TGR Graph Theory ZK 4 2P+1C B241, B242
MI-GAK Graph theory and combinatorics
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
NI-GAK Graph theory and combinatorics Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B242
NIE-GAK Graph theory and combinatorics English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B242
BI-ICS.18 Introduction to Computer Science
English Z 3 Z 3 The course is not on the list
BI-CSI Introduction to Computer Science English B241
BIE-CSI Introduction to Computer Science English Z 2 2C B241
BI-ICS Introduction to Computer Science
English Z 2 The course is not on the list
NIE-DVG Introduction to Discrete and Computational Geometry English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
NI-DVG Introduction to Discrete and Computational Geometry English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
NIE-LOM Linear Optimization and Methods English Z,ZK 5 2P+0S+1C B241
NI-LOM Linear Optimization and Methods Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
NI-MPJ Modelling of Programming Languages
English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NI-NON Nonlinear Continuous Optimization and Numerical Methods Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
MI-NON.16 Nonlinear Continuous Optimization and Numerical Methods
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NIE-NON Nonlinear Continuous Optimization and Numerical Methods English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
BIE-OOP.21 Object-Oriented Programming English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BIK-OOP.21 Object-Oriented Programming Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+4KC B241
BI-OOP.21 Object-Oriented Programming Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
BIE-OOP Object-Oriented Programming
English Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BI-OOP Object-Oriented Programming
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIK-OOP Object-Oriented Programming
Czech Z,ZK 4 14KP+4KC The course is not on the list
BI-ORL Operations Research and Linear Programming Czech KZ 5 1P+2C B242
NIE-PAM Parameterized Algorithms English Z,ZK 4 2P+1C B242
NIE-SYP Parsing and Compilers English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
NI-SYP Parsing and Compilers English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
MI-SYP.16 Parsing and Compilers
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
NIE-ROZ Pattern Recognition English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
NI-ROZ Pattern Recognition Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
BIE-PJP.21 Programming Languages and Compilers English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
BIE-PJP Programming Languages and Compilers
English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
BI-PJP.21 Programming Languages and Compilers Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
BI-PJP Programming Languages and Compilers
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C The course is not on the list
BIE-PPA Programming Paradigms
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-PPA.21 Programming Paradigms English Z,ZK 5 2P+2R B241
BIK-PPA.21 Programming Paradigms Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+4KC B241
BI-PPA.21 Programming Paradigms Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2R B241
BI-PPA Programming Paradigms
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2R The course is not on the list
BIK-PPA Programming Paradigms
Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+4KC The course is not on the list
BI-ACM Programming Practices 1 Czech KZ 5 4C B242
BI-ACM2 Programming Practices 2 Czech KZ 5 4C B241
BI-ACM3 Programming Practices 3 Czech KZ 5 4C B242
BI-ACM4 Programming Practices 4 Czech KZ 5 4C B241
BIE-PA1 Programming and Algorithmics 1
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2R+2C The course is not on the list
BIE-PA1.21 Programming and Algorithmics 1 English Z,ZK 7 2P+2R+2C B241
BI-PA1 Programming and Algorithmics 1
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2R+2C The course is not on the list
BIK-PA1.21 Programming and Algorithmics 1 Czech Z,ZK 7 14KP+8KC B241
BI-PA1.21 Programming and Algorithmics 1 Czech Z,ZK 7 2P+2R+2C B241
BIK-PA1 Programming and Algorithmics 1
Czech Z,ZK 6 20KP+6KC The course is not on the list
BIE-PA2 Programming and Algorithmics 2
English Z,ZK 7 2P+1R+1C The course is not on the list
BIE-PA2.21 Programming and Algorithmics 2 English Z,ZK 7 2P+1R+2C B242
BI-PA2 Programming and Algorithmics 2
Czech Z,ZK 7 2P+1R+2C The course is not on the list
BI-PA2.21 Programming and Algorithmics 2 Czech Z,ZK 7 2P+1R+2C B242
BIK-PA2.21 Programming and Algorithmics 2 Czech Z,ZK 7 14KP+6KC B242
BIK-PA2 Programming and Algorithmics 2
Czech Z,ZK 7 13KP+4KC The course is not on the list
BI-PMA Programming in Mathematica Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
MIE-RUN.16 Runtime Systems English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
NI-RUN Runtime Systems English Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
BI-VAK.21 Selected Applications of Combinatorics Czech Z 3 2R B242
BIE-VAK.21 Selected Combinatorics Applications English Z 3 2R B242
NI-APR Selected Methods for Program Analysis Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B242
PI-STR Stringology
Jan Holub 
ZK 4 3C B242
NI-MOB Student mobility
Czech The course is not on the list
NI-SLA Sublinear algorithms Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1C B241
BIE-SEG Systems Engineering English Z 0 2C B241
BI-SEG Systems Engineering English ZK 0 2C B241
BI-TEX TeX and Typography Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C B242
BI-TS1 Theoretical Seminar I Czech Z 4 2C The course is not on the list
BI-TS2 Theoretical Seminar II Czech Z 4 2C B241, B242
BI-TS3 Theoretical Seminar III Czech Z 4 2C B241
BI-TS4 Theoretical Seminar IV Czech Z 4 2C B242
MI-TS1 Theoretical Seminar Master I
Z 4 2C The course is not on the list
NI-TS1 Theoretical Seminar Master I Czech Z 4 2C The course is not on the list
MI-TS2 Theoretical Seminar Master II
Czech Z 4 2C The course is not on the list
NI-TS2 Theoretical Seminar Master II Czech Z 4 2C The course is not on the list
NI-TS3 Theoretical Seminar Master III Czech Z 4 2C B241
NI-TS4 Theoretical Seminar Master IV Czech Z 4 2C B242
PI-TPL Type Systems for Programming Languages
Jan Vitek 
English ZK 4 3C B241, B242
Data valid to 2025-02-09
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/katedra18101.html