NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

Optics and Optometry

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
F7PBOAFPO Anatomy, Physiology and General and Special Pathology of Eye
Libor Eichenmann 
Czech ZK 2 2P B241
F7PBOBP Bachelor Thesis Czech Z 10 4XT+1.5S B242
F7PBOBV Binocular Vision Czech Z,ZK 7 2P+4C B241
F7PBOBCH Biochemistry for Optometrists Czech Z,ZK 2 1P+1C B241
F7PBOBLG Biology for Optometrists Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L B241
F7PBOCHO Chemistry for Optics and Optometry Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C B242
F7PBONR Clinical Refraction Czech ZK 2 1P B241
F7PBOKC1 Contact Lenses I. Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+2C B242
F7PBOKC2 Contact Lenses II. Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
F7PBOKRV Correction of Refractive Errors Czech ZK 1 1P B242
F7PBOVZF Diagnostic of Visual Functions Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B241
F7PBOEVO Economy and Management Czech KZ 2 1P+1S B241
F7PBOPP First Aid Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B242
F7PBOZFO Foundations of Physiological Optics Czech ZK 2 2P B242
F7PBOZPE Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Education Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B242
F7PBOVLZ Fundamentals of Public Health Care and Legislation in Health Care Czech KZ 2 2P B242
F7PBOZSM Fundamentals of Statistics and Measurement Processing Czech KZ 3 1P+2C B241
F7PBOHO General Histology and Histology of Eye
Kamila Procházková, Jiří Uhlík 
Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B241
F7PBOGMB Genetics and Molecular Biology for Optometrists Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+2C B242
F7PBOOGB Geometric and Opthalmic Optics Czech Z,ZK 5 3P+2C B242
F7PBOAF1 Human Anatomy and Physiology I.
Roman Máčalík, Jakub Tlapák 
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
F7PBOAF2 Human Anatomy and Physiology II. Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B242
F7PBOHE Hygiene and Epidemiology Czech KZ 2 1P B242
F7PBOITT Information Technologies and Telemedicine Czech KZ 2 2P B241
F7PBOUO Introduction to Optics and Optometry Czech Z,ZK 2 1P+1C B241
F7PBOMCH Macromolecular Chemistry for Optometrists Czech Z,ZK 3 1P+1C B241
F7PBOMAZ Management and Administration in Healthcare Czech KZ 2 1P B241
F7PBOEO Medical Ethics Czech Z 1 1P B241
F7PBOLTL Medical Terminology and Latin for Optometrists Czech Z 2 1P B241
F7PBOMVV Metodology of Research KZ 2 1P+1S B241
F7PBOMI Microbiology and Imunology Czech KZ 2 1P+1L B242
F7PBOPO OPT Project Czech KZ 5 4C B241
17BOZP Occupational Safety and Health, Fire Protection and First Aid Czech Z 0 1P B241
F7PBOOK1 Opthalmology - Pathology, Clinic I. Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
F7PBOOK2 Opthalmology - Patology, Clinic II. Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+2C B242
F7PBOOFP Opthalmology Instruments Czech ZK 3 3P B241
F7PBOOPAT Optical Aids and Assistive Technologies for the Visually Impaired
Zuzana Mudrová 
Czech Z,ZK 2 1P+1C B241
F7PBOOP1 Optical Laboratory I. Czech KZ 2 2C B242
F7PBOOP2 Optical Laboratory II. Czech KZ 2 2C B242
F7PBOOVP Optometry in Practice Czech KZ 2 2P+1C B241
F7PBOFO Pharmacology of Eye Czech Z 2 2P B242
F7PBOOF Physical Optics Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L B241
F7PBOFYZ Physics for Optometrists Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C+1L B242
F7PBOPZP Problems of Persons with Visual Impairment
Martina Králová 
Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B242
F7PBOATO Professional English Terminology for Opticians and Optometrists Czech Z 2 2S B242
F7PBOP1 Professional Training I. Czech Z 4 2XT B242
F7PBOP2 Professional Training II. Czech Z 20 10XT+1.5C B242
F7PBOPPP Programming Tools and Fundamentals of Data Processing Czech Z 1 0.5P+0.5C B241
F7PBONMP Proposal and Management of Project Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B242
F7PBOPTDK Prospective Technologies for Diagnostics and Vision Correction Czech KZ 2 2P B242
F7PBOPSO Psychology and Communication Czech KZ 2 1P+1S B241
F7PBOPVZ Sales Skills and Employee Management Czech KZ 2 2P B241
F7PBOVKM Selected Chapters from Mathematics for Optometrists Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
F7PBOBT Spectacles Technology Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+4C B241
F7PBOSRB Strabology and Basics of Orthoptics
Věra Lehká 
Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B241
F7PBOSUR1 Subjective Refraction I. Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C B241
F7PBOSUR2 Subjective Refraction II. Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+4C B242
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30021087-F7PBO_POV_21.html