
Medical Terminology and Latin for Optometrists

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F7PBOLTL Z 2 1P Czech
Course guarantor:
Dana Rebeka Ralbovská
Dana Rebeka Ralbovská
Dana Rebeka Ralbovská
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

During the course, students are introduced to individual terms based on Latin as well as Greek expressions. Students are continuously acquainted with the dates of entire diagnoses and therapeutic procedures. Teaching takes place mainly in the form of self-study.


A database of technical terms was created, which are contained in educational materials, which can be found on the website of the course (dictionary and 13 power point presentations).

The student will be awarded a credit in case of successful completion of the test, which will be compiled from the above database and which therefore contains randomly selected professional terms.


Completion of the course - written test. (3 parts - a total of 70 points):

- part one: vocabulary. (translation of words from Latin. Words related to the names of individual organs and parts of the human body)

- part two: diagnoses (translation of individual diagnoses from Latin)

- Part Three: Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures (translation from Latin)

More information about the test can be found in power point presentation No. 1.

The student is set a time limit of 50 minutes to complete the test. Success rate - 50%

In the case of a student with specific learning disabilities, the written test can be modified according to his needs.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to the study of medical terminology. Hierarchy of sentence members. Spelling and pronunciation of sounds. Basic directions and planes of the human body.

2. Nouns, adjectives, ordinal numbers, Latin prepositions and prefixes, prepositions with accusative / ablative. Names of individual bones and joints of the human body.

3. Names of individual parts of the human body, brain, heart, lungs and translation of medical diagnoses.

4. Medical terminology related to individual muscles of the human body.

5. Medical terminology related to individual parts of the nervous system of the human body. Translation of medical diagnoses.

6. Medical terminology related to individual parts of the cardiovascular system of the human body. Translation of medical diagnoses.

7. Medical terminology related to the sense organs.

8. Use of individual prepositions and endings (a, anti, hyper, hypo, dys, itis, etc.) within medical terminology. Pathological changes of blood and urine. Translation of medical diagnoses.

9. Use of individual endings (ectomy, stoma, etc.) in medical terminology. Names of individual wounds and fractures. Pathological changes of the organism. Repetition of the names of individual organs and parts of the human body. Translation of medical diagnoses.

10. Medical terminology related to individual diagnostic and therapeutic procedures. Translation of medical diagnoses.

11. Medical terminology related to individual diagnoses within ophthalmology. Translation of medical diagnoses.

12. Medical terminology related to individual diagnoses in pediatrics, neurology, surgery, traumatology, etc.

13. Medical terminology related to individual diagnoses in psychiatry, oncology, etc. Final review.

14. Credit test and possible consultations.

Syllabus of tutorials:

The subject has no exercises.

Study Objective:

Gain basic knowledge in the subject to the extent necessary for the exercise of the profession.

Study materials:

[1] ARGAYOVÁ, I., RALBOVSKÁ, D. R., ZAZULA, R. Latinský jazyk teoreticky i prakticky pre zdravotníckych záchranárov a iné nelekárske študijné programy. Prešov: Prešovská univerzita. 2019. ISBN 978-80-555-2272-2

[2] ARGAYOVÁ, Ivana, RALBOVSKÁ, Dana Rebeka, ZAZULA Roman. Základy lékařské terminologie pro nelékařské zdravotnické obory. Praha: Grada, 2020, 160 s. ISBN 978-80-271-1716-1.

[3] KÁBRT, J., Chlumská, E.: Úvod do lékařské terminologie. 4. Vyd. Praha: Karolinum. 2000.

[4] RALBOVSKÁ, R.: 13 power pointových prezentací, které obsahují poměrnou část učiva k předmětu lékařská terminologie.

[5] PACOVSKÝ, V.: Medicínská terminologie. Praha. Karolinum 2004.

[6] KOZLÍKOVÁ, D., PLAŠILOVÁ, D. Základy latinské lékařské terminologie pro bakalářský program na lékařské fakultě. UK Karolinum Praha. 2005. ISBN

[7] STRAKOŠOVÁ, S.: Jazyk latinský (Skriptum pro studium bakalářské a magisterské se zdravotnickým zaměřením), Ostravská univerzita, Ostrava 2000.

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Ralbovská D.

(lecture parallel1)
Kladno FBMI
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-10
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6468106.html