
BS - volitelné předměty

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
12AUX Administration of UNIX System
Czech KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01POPR Advanced Probability
The course is not on the list
01ALG Algebra
Czech ZK 4 4+0 The course is not on the list
01ALGE Algebra
The course is not on the list
15CHEM Analytical Calculations and Chemometry Principals
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16APLB Application of Ionizing Radiation in Analytical Methods
ZK 5 4+0 The course is not on the list
12APL Application of Lasers
Czech Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
11APLG Applications of Group Theory in Solid State Physics
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
02AMS Atomic and Molecular Spectroscopy
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
12ZEL1 Basic Electronics 1
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
12ZEL2 Basic Electronics 2
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
12EPR1 Basic Electronics Practicum 1
KZ 3 0+2 The course is not on the list
12EPR2 Basic Electronics Practicum 2
KZ 3 0+2 The course is not on the list
12ZPLT Basic Laser Technique Laboratory
Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is not on the list
12ZPOP Basic Optical Laboratory
Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is not on the list
16ZPSP Basic Work with PC
The course is not on the list
11ZFPL Basic to Solid State Physics
Czech KZ 2 26P+0C The course is not on the list
18ZALG Basics of Algorithmization
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
17ZEH Basics of Economic Assessment
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17ZEL Basics of Electronics
KZ 3 2+2 The course is not on the list
16ZEDB Basics of Experimantal Data Processing
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
18ZPRO Basics of Programming
Czech Z 4 4C The course is not on the list
16ZRAO Basics of Radiation Protection
Czech The course is not on the list
16KPR Clinical Propaedeutic
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12POAL Computer Algebra
Czech KZ 2 2 The course is not on the list
01POGR1 Computer Graphics 1
Czech Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
01POGR2 Computer Graphics 2
Czech Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
01SITE1 Computer Networks 1
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
01SITE2 Computer Networks 2
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
01POPJ1 Computers and Natural Language 1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
01POPJ2 Computers and Natural Language 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
04CESP1 Czech for Foreign Students - Advanced Examination
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04CESP2 Czech for Foreigners - Advanced
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04CESP3 Czech for Foreigners - Advanced
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04CESM1 Czech for foreigners - Intermediate
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
12PDR1 Data Communication and Interfaces 1
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12PDR2 Data Communication and Interfaces 2
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12ZDP Data Processing for Publishing
Czech Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
18INTA Development of internet applications
Czech KZ 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
02DRG Differential Equations, Symmetries and Groups
Czech Z 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
01DIM1 Discrete Mathematics 1
Z 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
01DIM2 Discrete Mathematics 2
Z 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
01DIM3 Discrete Mathematics 3
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16SED1 Dosimetry Seminar 1
Czech The course is not on the list
16SED2 Dosimetry Seminar 2
Czech The course is not on the list
00EKOT Economy in Technology
The course is not on the list
14ELMI Electron Microscopy
The course is not on the list
14TM Engineering Mechanics
Czech The course is not on the list
14TEM Engineering Mechanics
The course is not on the list
04ABZK English - State Examination
Czech ZK 5 2 The course is not on the list
04AKS English Conversation
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04AP1 English for Advanced Students P1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04AP2 English for Advanced Students P2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04AP3 English for Advanced Students P3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04AM1 English for Intermediate Students M1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04AM2 English for Intermediate Students M2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04AM3 English for Intermediate Students M3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
00MAM1 Essentials of High School Course 1
Czech The course is not on the list
00MAM2 Essentials of High School Math Course 2
Czech The course is not on the list
18ESPG1 European Computer Driving Licence 1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
18ESPG2 European Computer Driving Licence 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
16EPAM Exact Methods in Research of Historic Monuments
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02PRA1 Experimental Laboratory 1
Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is not on the list
02LCF1 Experimental Laboratory 1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
02PRA2 Experimental Laboratory 2
Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is not on the list
02LCF2 Experimental Laboratory 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
17ENF Experimental Neutron Physics
Czech KZ 2 2+1 The course is not on the list
02EXF1 Experimental Physics 1
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02EXF2 Experimental Physics 2
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02ZFM1 Foundations of Physical Measurements 1
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02ZFM2 Foundations of Physical Measurements 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
04FP1 French for Advanced Students P1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04FP2 French for Advanced Students P2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04FP3 French for Advanded Students P3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04FZ1 French for Beginners Z1
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04FZ2 French for Beginners Z2
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04FZ3 French for Beginners Z3
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04FZ4 French for Beginners Z4
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04FZ5 French for Beginners Z5
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04FM1 French for Intermediate Students M1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04FM2 French for Intermediate Students M2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04FM3 French for Intermediate Students M3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
01FAN1 Functional Analysis 1
Czech The course is not on the list
01FA1 Functional Analysis 1
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
01FA2 Functional Analysis 2
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
01FKP Functions of Complex Variable
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01FKPB Functions of Complex Variable B
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16AMMB Fundamentals of Analytical Measurement Methods
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZBAF1 Fundamentals of Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 1
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
16ZBAF2 Fundamentals of Human Biology, Anatomy and Physiology 2
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
16MEZB Fundamentals of Ionizing-Radiation Metrology
Z,ZK 4 2+1 The course is not on the list
12ZAOP Fundamentals of Optics
Czech Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZDOZ1 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 1
The course is not on the list
16ZDOZ2 Fundamentals of Radiation Dosimetry 2
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
15CH1 General Chemistry 1
Z 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
15CH2 General Chemistry 2
Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
02OR General Relativity
Czech ZK 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
01GTDR Geometric Theory of Ordinary Differential Equations
Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
04NP1 German for Advanced Students P1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04NP2 German for Advanced Students P2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04NP3 German for Advanced Students P3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04NM1 German for Intermediate Students M1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04NM2 German for Intermediate Students M2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04NM3 German for Intermediate Students M2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
02TER Heat and Molecular Physics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
12VFT High Frequency and Impulse Circuitry
Czech Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
15DALCH History of Alchemy and Chemistry
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01DEM History of Mathematics
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
02DEF1 History of Physics 1
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02DEF2 History of Physics 2
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12INS1 Information Systems 1
Czech Z,ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
12INS2 Information Systems 2
Czech Z,ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
11ELEA Instrumentation and Measurement
Czech Z,ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
04CESM2 Intermediate Czech 2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04CESM3 Intermediate Czech 3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
18UOA Introduction into Object Oriented Architecture
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2C The course is not on the list
01ZPB1 Introduction to Computer Security 1
Czech The course is not on the list
01DYK Introduction to Continuum Dynamics
Czech The course is not on the list
02UKP Introduction to Curves and Surfaces
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
16ZIVB Introduction to Ecology
KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02UFEC Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
17UINZ Introduction to Engineering
Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
12ULT Introduction to Laser Technique
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
00UPRA Introduction to Law
The course is not on the list
12UMF Introduction to Modern Physics
Czech Z 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
01ZOS Introduction to Operating Systems
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
00UPSY Introduction to Psychology
The course is not on the list
11UFPLN Introduction to Solid State Physics
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
11UVOD Introduction to Specialization
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
01UTIZ Introduction to Theoretical Informatics
Czech The course is not on the list
02ZSM Introduction to the Standard Model
The course is not on the list
12TAIS Ion Beam Techniques and Applications.
Czech ZK 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
01PSL LaTeX - Publication Instrument
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
15INPR Laboratory Practice in Instrumental Methods
KZ 4 0+4 The course is not on the list
12LAS Laser Systems
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
12LT1 Laser Technique 1
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
12LT2 Laser Technique 2
Czech Z,ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
11ANEL Linear Circuit Analysis
Czech Z,ZK 4 4 The course is not on the list
01LIP Linear Programming
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
11MIK Logical Circuits and Microprocessors
Czech Z,ZK 4 4 The course is not on the list
18MAK1 Macroeconomics 1
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
18MAK2 Macroeconomics 2
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
01MAPR Markov processes
Czech The course is not on the list
18EKO1 Mathematical Economics 1
Czech Z,ZK 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
18EKO2 Mathematical Economics 2
Czech Z,ZK 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
01MMPV Mathematical Models of Groundwater Flow
Czech KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01MASC Mathematical Statistics - Seminar
Czech The course is not on the list
01MMF Methods of Mathematical Physics
Czech Z,ZK 6 4+2 The course is not on the list
18MIK1 Microeconomics 1
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
18MIK2 Microeconomics 2
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
12MPR1 Microprocessors 1
Czech ZK 4 4+0 The course is not on the list
12MPR2 Microprocessors 2
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12MOF Molecular Physics
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12NT Nanotechnology
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16ZJTB Nuclear Energy Facilities and Accelerators
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
02ZJF Nuclear Physics
Czech Z,ZK 6 3+2 The course is not on the list
02ZJFB Nuclear Physics B
Czech KZ 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
15ZKJE Nuclear Power Plants Design and Operation
ZK 3 2+0 The course is not on the list
17JARE Nuclear Reactors
ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
01NME2 Numerical Methods 2
KZ 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
18PAS Pascal Programming
Czech Z 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
TV-1 Physical Education
Z 1 The course is on the list
TV-2 Physical Education
Z 1 The course is not on the list
02FYS1 Physical Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
02FYS2 Physical Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
TV-3 Physical education
Z 1 0+2 The course is on the list
TV-4 Physical education
Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
12PIN1 Practical Informatics for Technics 1
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
12PIN2 Practical Informatics for Technics 2
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
12PIN3 Practical Informatics for Technics 3
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
16UAZB Principles of Ionizing-Radiation Applications
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
12ZFP Principles of Plasma Physics
Z,ZK 4 3+1 The course is not on the list
01PRA1 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 1
Czech Z,ZK 6 4+2 The course is not on the list
01PRA2 Probability and Mathematical Statistics 2
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01PRST Probability and Statistics
Czech Z,ZK 4 3+1 The course is not on the list
01PRSTB Probability and Statistics B
Czech KZ 4 3+1 The course is not on the list
12PSEM Problem Seminary
Czech Z 2 0+4 The course is not on the list
16FNZB Problems of Non-ionizing Radiation
ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
18PRC1 Programming in C++ 1
Czech Z 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
18PRC2 Programming in C++ 2
Czech KZ 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
18PJ Programming in Java
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
18MTL Programming in MATLAB
Czech Z,ZK 5 2+2 The course is not on the list
18MPT Programming in MATLAB
Czech KZ 5 0+4 The course is not on the list
01PERI Programming of Peripherals Devices
Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
01RSWP Project Management of Software Projects
Czech KZ 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
02KF Quantum Physics
Czech Z,ZK 3 2P+1C The course is not on the list
17VYR Research Reactors
Czech ZK 2 2 The course is not on the list
00RET Rhetoric
The course is not on the list
04RP1 Russian for Advanced Students P1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04RP2 Russian for Advanced Students P2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04RP3 Russian for Advanced Students P3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04RZ1 Russian for Beginners Z1
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04RZ2 Russian for Beginners Z2
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04RZ3 Russian for Beginners Z3
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04RZ4 Russian for Beginners Z4
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04RZ5 Russian for Beginners Z5
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04RM1 Russian for Intermediate Students M1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04RM2 Russian for Intermediate Students M2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04RM3 Russian for Intermediate Students M3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
12PYTH Scientific Programming in Python
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
12VTV Scientific and Technical Computing
Czech Z 2 1+1 The course is not on the list
01SSM1 Seminar of Contemporary Mathematics 1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
01SSM2 Seminar of Contemporary Mathematics 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
02SMF Seminar of Mathematical Physics
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
01SMB1 Seminar on Calculus B1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
01SMB2 Seminar on Calculus B2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
02RQGP1 Seminar on Quark-Gluon Plasma 1
The course is not on the list
02RQGP2 Seminar on Quark-Gluon Plasma 2
The course is not on the list
01JEPR Simple Compilers
Czech Z 2 2 The course is not on the list
02NSAD Simulations and Data Analysis Tools
The course is not on the list
01SOS1 Software Seminar 1
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
01SOS2 Software Seminar 2
Czech Z 2 0+2 The course is not on the list
04SP1 Spanish for Advanced Students P1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04SP2 Spanish for Advanced Students P2
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04SP3 Spanish for Advanced Students P3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04SZ2 Spanish for Beginners Students Z2
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04SZ1 Spanish for Beginners Z1
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04SZ3 Spanish for Beginners Z3
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04SZ4 Spanish for Beginners Z3
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04SZ5 Spanish for Beginners Z5
Czech Z 1 0+4 The course is not on the list
04SM1 Spanish for Intermediate Students M1
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04SM2 Spanish for Intermediate Students M3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
04SM3 Spanish for Intermediate Students M3
Czech Z 1 0+2 The course is not on the list
02SPRA1 Special Practicum 1
Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is not on the list
02SPRA2 Special Practicum 2
Czech KZ 6 0+4 The course is not on the list
01STR Statistical Decision Theory
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
11SFBM Structure and Function of Biomolecules
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
14ZZKS Testing and Processing of Metals and Alloys
The course is not on the list
01RMF The Equations of Mathematical Physics
Czech Z,ZK 6 4+2 The course is not on the list
02TEF2 Theoretical Physics 2
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
02TEF1 Theoretical Physics 1
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
01TKO Theory of Codes
Czech ZK 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
01DYSY Theory of Dynamic Systems
Czech ZK 3 3+0 The course is not on the list
02TSFA Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
01TOP Topology
Czech ZK 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
16MCRB Transport of Ionizing Radiation and Monte Carlo Method
Z,ZK 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
12VAK Vacuum Physics and Technology
Czech KZ 4 2+2 The course is not on the list
01PW Windows Programming
Czech Z 2 2+0 The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30015471-BSVOLPREDM.html