
BS P_JIB JR Optional courses

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
18ZALG Basics of Algorithmization Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 B242
17ZEL Basics of Electronics KZ 3 2+2 B242, B241
14TED Creating Electronic Documents Czech B241
17ENER Energy ZK 2 2P B242
04AKS English Conversation Czech Z 1 0+2 B242
00MAM1 Essentials of High School Course 1 Czech B241
00MAM2 Essentials of High School Math Course 2 Czech B241
17NRE Experiment Design and Control
Czech Z,ZK 3 2+1 The course is not on the list
02PRA1 Experimental Laboratory 1 Czech KZ 6 0+4 B241
02PRA2 Experimental Laboratory 2 Czech KZ 6 0+4 B242
02EXF Experimental Physics ZK 2 2P+0C B241
02ZM1 Foundations of Physical Measurements 1 ZK 2 2P+0C B241
02ZM2 Foundations of Physical Measurements 2 KZ 4 0P+4L B242
15CH1 General Chemistry 1 Z 3 2+1 B241
15CH2 General Chemistry 2 Z,ZK 3 2+1 B242
02DEF1 History of Physics 1
Igor Jex 
Czech Z 2 2+0 B241
02DEF2 History of Physics 2
Igor Jex 
Czech Z 2 2+0 B242
16ZIVB Introduction to Ecology KZ 2 2+0 B242
02UFEC Introduction to Elementary Particle Physics Czech Z 2 2+0 B241
TV-1 Physical Education
Z 1 B241
TV-2 Physical Education
Z 1 B242
02FYS1 Physical Seminar 1 Czech Z 2 0+2 B241
TV-3 Physical education
Z 1 0+2 B241
TV-4 Physical education
Z 1 0+2 B242
18PRC1 Programming in C++ 1 Czech Z 4 2+2 B241
18PRC2 Programming in C++ 2 Czech KZ 4 2+2 B242
18PMTL Programming in MATLAB Czech KZ 4 4C B241
17TEXT Writing and presenting academic text Czech KZ 2 1P+1C B241
Data valid to 2025-02-01
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30023618-BSPJIJRV.html