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Code Completion Credits Range
17ENER ZK 2 2P
Course guarantor:
Miloš Tichý
Ondřej Novák, Miloš Tichý
Ondřej Novák, Miloš Tichý
Department of Nuclear Reactors

The course provides students with basic information about energy industry as a branch of economy. It has five co-related parts:

• World energy, including basic concepts, energy history and global resources, transport and consumption.

• Energy industry of the Czech Republic, including history with an emphasis on recent development, including privatization, the current legal and institutional basis, a description of the main Czech energy industry components and the State Energy Strategy.

• Energy industry in the EU; the development and current state of EU energy integration, including important processes, documents and legal instruments.

• Institutions of energy systems describing the basic models of energy systems operation roles in general and specifically in the EU and the Czech Republic. Attention is also paid to energy modelling.

• Technical ground of energy production/transformation focused on electricity generation covering a basic technical description of fossil, nuclear, water, wind and solar power plants, including a discussion of their advantages and disadvantages and environmental impact, including phenomena such as greenhouse effect and climate change. Attention is also paid to energy networks.

The conclusion of the course is devoted to discussing of the main topics of current energy industry and student presentations on the chosen topic.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introductory information, definition of power engineering, history of power engineering, fossil, nuclear, renewable energy sources.

2. Energy balance, natural resources of fossil and nuclear energy raw materials: mining, reserves, development of production and stocks. Effects of mining on the environment, renewable resources (RES), their contribution to Primary Energy Sources.

3. Primary energy sources and final energy consumption, sectoral consumption distribution, energy consumption and GDP in different countries, future energy development scenarios.

4. Production of electricity by regions and states, development of production and structure of sources, import, export of electricity, daily and yearly load diagram, accumulation of electricity, hydrogen energy industry.

5. Basic description of power plants for fossil fuels and biomass, types of boilers, brief description of power plant equipment, basic characteristics of power plants. Emissions of classical and greenhouse gases, greenhouse effect and climate change.

6. Nuclear power: basic reactor types, Generation IV reactors.

7. Renewable energy sources: Hydroelectric power plants, wind power plants, photovoltaic and solar power plants, biomass energy, basic characteristics of power plants utilizing renewable energy sources.

8. Liberalization of energy system, models of a single buyer and third party approach, main topics of energy integration in the EU, EU legislation, liberalization of energy industry in the Czech Republic, main institutions.

9. Energy industry in the Czech Republic, main fossil, nuclear and hydroelectric power plants, current state and future development scenarios (SEK).

Syllabus of tutorials:
Study Objective:
Study materials:


1.OECD IEA: Key world energy statistics 2017, International Energy Agency, Paris, 2017, dostupné na: www.iea.org

2.The Power of Transformation, Wind, Sun and the Economics of Flexible Power Systems, IEA Paris 2014, available at https://webstore.iea.org/the-power-of-transformation

3.Smil Vaclav: Energy: A Beginner's Guide (Beginner's Guides) Second Edition, Oxford 20006, ISBN 978-1786071330

Facultative literature:

1.Fanchi John R, Fanchi ‎Christopher J: Energy in the 21st Century: Fourth Edition, World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 2017, ISBN 9813144807

2.Ministry of Indystry and Trade: Czech Energy Strategy, Praha, 2014

3.US DoE: Energy Information Administration, available at: http://www.eia.gov/totalenergy/data/annual/index.cfm

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
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Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
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The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-08
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6933806.html