
Department of Railway Structures

Provided courses

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
137BAPZ Bachelor Thesis Czech Z 12 10C Z 12 10C The course is on the list
137BAPR Bachelor Thesis Czech Z 12 10C Z 12 10C The course is on the list
137BAPK Bachelor Thesis Czech Z 12 10C Z 12 10C The course is on the list
137YMKK City Rail Transport Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
137YKZE Construction of Railway Structure
Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
D37DJD_EN Diagnostics of Railway in Relation to Noise Measurement English The course is on the list
D37DJD Diagnostics of Railway in Relation to Noise Measurement Czech The course is on the list
137YDKP Diagnostics of rail transport construction Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is on the list
137DISE Diploma Seminar
Czech Z 4 4C The course is not on the list
137DPM Diploma Thesis Czech Z 30 24C The course is on the list
137YEAD Ecological Aspects of Transport
Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
D37EOMK Experimentální ověřování materiálů a konstrukcí železničních staveb Czech The course is on the list
137YZVT Field training - Railway structures (1 week) Czech KZ 1 2C The course is not on the list
137YVTK High Speed Tracks
Czech Z 2 1P+1C The course is not on the list
D37MNSP Metody navrhování a sanací pražcového podloží Czech The course is on the list
D37MHKD Noise Measurement in Railway Transportation Czech The course is on the list
D37MHKD_EN Noise Measurement in Railway Transportation English The course is on the list
137DISZ Project
Czech KZ 4 3C The course is not on the list
137YAZS Project - Progressive application of substructure
Czech KZ 2 2C The course is not on the list
137PZ02 Project Design 2 Czech KZ 5 4C The course is on the list
137YDPJ Project Design D Czech KZ 5 4C The course is on the list
137TENV Rail Traffic and Environment English Z,ZK 2 1P+1C The course is on the list
137YKSZ Rail construction and environment
Czech Z,ZK 6 3P+2C The course is not on the list
137ZE01 Railway Structures 1 Czech Z,ZK 7 4P+2C The course is not on the list
137Z03D Railway Structures 3D
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
137Z02D Railway structures 2D Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is on the list
137Z02K Railway structures 2K
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
137RKS Realization of rail construction
Czech Z,ZK 6 3P+2C The course is not on the list
D37ZHKD_EN Sources of Noise in Railway Transportation English The course is on the list
D37ZHKD Sources of Noise in Railway Transportation Czech The course is on the list
D37TBK Theory of Continuous Wedded Rail Czech The course is on the list
137XDOH Traffic noise - modeling
Czech Z 1 1P+1C The course is on the list
Data valid to 2024-09-07
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/katedra11137.html