
Construction of Railway Structure

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
137YKZE Z 2 1P+1C Czech
The course 137YKZE can be graded only after the course 137ZE01 has been successfully completed.
Course guarantor:
Leoš Horníček
Petr Břešťovský, Leoš Horníček
Petr Břešťovský, Leoš Horníček, Lenka Lomoz
Department of Railway Structures

The subject is focused on solving basic tasks in the design of railway structures in practice. The content of the subject follows on from the content of the basic subjects of construction of railway structures. In particular, it expands knowledge in the field of designing the geometrical parameters of the track taking into account vehicles using higher values of the lack of cant, calculating the spatial permeability of the track, designing new platform edges, drainage of the track and others.


Elaboration and submission of assigned tasks in the required quality.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Basic legislation for the design of railway lines.

2. ČSN 73 6360-1, Structural and geometric layout of railway track and its spatial location - Part 1: Design

3. Vehicles with a tilting box

4. Spatial patency of tracks

5. Turnout structures

6. The location of the platforms in relation to the structural layout of the track

7. Capacity design of drainage facilities

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Reconstruction of arch I (use of limit design parameters, displacement of the axis on the body)

2. Reconstruction of arch II (overpass with non-linear riser)

3. Reconstruction of arch III (vehicles with tilting body)

4. Nominal and limit cross-section, axial distance of tracks

5. Rail coupling in an arc

6. Calculation of the position of the platform edge

Study Objective:

The goal of the course is to deepen knowledge beyond the scope of the module course 137ZE01 with an emphasis on non-standard solutions in the field of designing the geometrical position of the track, solving the spatial patency of the tracks and calculating the drainage capacity, etc.

Study materials:

ČSN 73 6360-1, Konstrukční a geometrické uspořádání koleje železničních drah a její prostorová poloha - Část 1: Projektování, ČNI, 2008;

ČSN 73 4959 Nástupiště a nástupištní přístřešky na drahách celostátních, regionálních a vlečkách, ČNI, 2009;

ČSN 73 6320 Průjezdné průřezy na drahách celostátních, drahách regionálních a vlečkách normálního rozchodu, ČNI, 1997

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-13
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet24504005.html