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Railway structures 2D

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
137Z02D Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Czech
Course guarantor:
Leoš Horníček
Leoš Horníček, Hana Krejčiříková, Lenka Lomoz
Ondřej Bret, Leoš Horníček, Michal Petýrek
Department of Railway Structures

Track design of individual types of railway stations, structural elements of railway stations, equipment for passenger and freight transport, connection to the European railway network, modernisation and optimisation of railway lines, design of tram and metro lines, ecological impacts of rail transport.


Exam from subject 137ZE01.

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Operating posts and railway stations, station head design, station tracks, signalling, track and switch numbering.

2. Alignment and profile of the station, platforms and access to them, railway substructure in the station, station buildings, facilities for the transport of persons and luggage.

3. Development of switches, geometry of switching, switches for high speeds.

4. Transport equipment on the line, loading and unloading equipment, combined transport, transhipment.

5. Design solution of stations with mixed transport.

6. Passenger stations, parking stations, marshalling yards.

7. Tram lines in the Czech Republic, principles of designing the construction of tram lines, track geometry parameters, tram switches and crossings.

8. Underground railways - solutions in large agglomerations, history, principles of designing subway structures, switches and crossings.

9. Examples of constructions and reconstructions of tram lines and metro lines in the Czech Republic and abroad.

10. The impact of rail transport on the environment, legislation, noise propagation, noise measurement, prediction, noise maps, anti-noise and anti-vibration measures in railway constructions.

11. Railway crossings, tilting trains.

12. International agreements in connection with the railway corridors of the Czech Republic, as well as the trans-European railway network, pan-European transport corridors, multimodal corridors.

13. High-speed railway lines, ERTMS.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Task 1: Railway station. Design of the transport scheme - explanation of the function, location, basic solution, connection of the specified railway station elements. Design of both station heads - explanation of the principles of switch insertion, design of the head parts, including calculation, design of the crossover in a curve. Calculation of changes in axle distance. Station layout - description of tracks, description of curves, stationing, clearing points, departure signals, platforms including access and description), calculation of stationing. Sample cross section through the station, design of partial elements of platforms and loading station area. Technical report.

Task 2: Tram transport. Cross-section x vehicle profile, need for extension of axle distance, calculation.

Study Objective:

To acquire comprehensive knowledge of the issue of designing railway stations, tram lines and metro lines, including the ecological impacts of rail transport. To acquire basic knowledge of the issue of high-speed lines and connections to the European railway network.

Study materials:

!ČSN 736360-1: Konstrukční a geometrické uspořádání koleje železničních drah a její prostorová poloha - Část 1: -Projektování. ÚNMZ, prosinec 2020.

!Technologie prací na železničním svršku, Kolektiv autorů, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-88265-17-7

?Program rozvoje rychlých železničních spojení v ČR, Ministerstvo dopravy, 2017.

?Technologie prací na železničním svršku, Kolektiv autorů, Praha 2019, ISBN 978-80-88265-17-7

?ČSN 280318: Průjezdné průřezy tramvajových tratí a obrysy pro vozidla provozovaná na tramvajových dráhách, ÚNMZ, březen 2015.

:Web katedry železničních staveb: http://kzs.fsv.cvut.cz.

Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)

(lecture parallel1
parallel nr.101)

Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-07
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4950606.html