
Planning and Management of Crisis Situation combined studies compulsory course 15

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
17KBP2SP Administrative Law. Public Administration and Local Government in the Area of Crisis Management
Czech ZK 4 10P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ARS Analysis, Methods and Tools for Dealing with Crisis Situations
Czech Z 3 8P+4S The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZBP Bachelor Thesis
Czech Z 1 40C The course is not on the list
17KBP2SBP Bachelor Thesis Seminar
Czech Z 2 4C The course is not on the list
17KBP2OB Building Safety
Czech KZ 3 6P The course is not on the list
17KBP2CHPB Chemistry for Bachelors
Czech Z 2 8P+6S The course is not on the list
17KBP2CNP Civil Emergency Preparedness
Czech Z,ZK 4 8P+4S The course is not on the list
17KBP2KP Communication Instruments of Integrated Emergency Services
Czech KZ 3 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2KM Crisis Management
Czech Z,ZK 4 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2DT Drugs and Toxicomania
Czech KZ 2 8P+6S The course is not on the list
17KBP2HKP Emergency and Crisis Planning
Czech Z,ZK 4 10P+6S The course is not on the list
17KBP2AK English Conversation
Czech KZ 3 12S The course is not on the list
17KBP2AOT1 English Professional Terminology I
Czech KZ 3 12S The course is not on the list
17KBP2ENB Environmental Security
Czech KZ 3 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ET Ethics of Crisis Management
Czech Z 3 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2SL Forensic Medicine
Czech ZK 4 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZNZ Fundamentals of Arms and Munitions
Czech KZ 3 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZEKR Fundamentals of Crisis Management Economics
Czech ZK 4 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZIT Fundamentals of Information Technology
Czech KZ 3 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZP Fundamentals of Pyrotechnics
Czech KZ 3 6P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZRBA Fundamentals of Radiobiology and Possible Misuse of Radiological and Biological Agens
Czech ZK 3 6P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZS Fundamentals of Somatology
Czech ZK 4 16P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZTSP Fundamentals of Theory of State and Low
Czech ZK 3 10P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZT Fundamentals of Toxicology
Czech Z,ZK 3 8P+6S The course is not on the list
17KBP2HKS General Principles of Dealing with Emergency and Crisis Situations
Czech Z,ZK 4 8P+4C The course is not on the list
17KBP2KRZ Healthcare Crisis Management
Czech ZK 4 10P The course is not on the list
17KBP2LZKS Human Resources and Crisis Situations
Czech Z 3 8P+4S The course is not on the list
17KBP2HAE Hygiene and Epidemiology
Czech KZ 2 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2ISKR Information Systems in Crisis Management
Czech Z,ZK 4 10P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2ITT Information Technology and Telemetry
Czech Z,ZK 3 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2IZS Integrated Emergency Services
Czech Z,ZK 5 8P+4S The course is not on the list
17KBP2VBP Internal Security and Public Order
Czech Z,ZK 4 8P+4S The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZZT Introduction to Rescue Equipment
Czech KZ 3 10P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2LG Logistics
Czech KZ 3 6P+6S The course is not on the list
17KBP2MKR1 Management and Crisis Management I
Czech Z 4 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2MKR2 Management and Crisis Management II
Czech ZK 4 10P The course is not on the list
17KBP2MPB Mathematics for Bachelors
Czech Z,ZK 4 14P+10C The course is not on the list
17KBP2MVP Methodology of Scientific Research
Czech Z 2 4P+4C The course is not on the list
17BOZP Occupational Safety and Health, Fire Protection and First Aid Czech Z 0 1P The course is on the list
17KBP2OZP Organization of Rescuing Actions
Czech Z,ZK 3 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2FPB Physics for Bachelors
Czech Z 3 8P+6S The course is not on the list
17KBP2OP1 Practical Training (Crisis Management Units)
Czech Z 2 4XT The course is not on the list
17KBP2OP2 Practical Training II (SÚJCHBO, SÚRO and Emergency Services)
Czech Z 3 4XT The course is not on the list
17KBP2PPP Pre-Medical Assistance and Care
Czech Z,ZK 4 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2POK Prevention and Detection of Crime
Czech Z 2 8P+4S The course is not on the list
17KBP2PMU Prevention of Emergencies
Czech KZ 2 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2PMS Probability and Mathematical Statistics
Czech Z,ZK 5 12P+10S The course is not on the list
17KBP2PTP Professional Tactical Training
Czech KZ 4 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2PKS Psychology of Crisis Situations
Czech KZ 2 8C The course is not on the list
17KBP2RO Radiation Protection
Czech ZK 4 10P The course is not on the list
17KBP2TR Risk Theory
Czech Z,ZK 3 10P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2BIS Security of Information Systems and Networks
Czech Z,ZK 3 8P+6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2BOS Security policy of the State, the Defense of the State and its Security
Czech Z,ZK 5 8P+4C The course is not on the list
17KBP2ZKM Special Communication During Emergencies
Czech Z 2 6C The course is not on the list
17KBP2TP Team Project
Czech Z 2 2C The course is not on the list
17KBP2TE Terrorism
Czech ZK 3 10P The course is not on the list
17KBP2TAH Toxicological Aspects of Chemical Accidents and Chemical Weapons Misuse
Czech ZK 3 8P The course is not on the list
17KBP2KSP Traffic Crisis Situations
Czech KZ 2 8P The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30010167-17KBP_POV_15.html