
Special Communication During Emergencies

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17KBP2ZKM Z 2 6C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

Students acquire a comprehensive knowledge of communication skills that could be applied in difficult situations. Students will become familiar with basic theoretical postulates of stress and management thereof, including a firm base on the techniques of crisis intervention and communication in emergency situations, both for individuals and in groups. Graduates will be able to use this vital knowledge in working in aid professions.


Assessment and Examination Requirements

Active participation in seminars. It allowed one absence, the absence of larger can only apologize for serious and documented reasons. You need to agree with the Head of seminars form of compensation.

Another condition is the sub-processing and presentation of a successful essay. (powerpoint)

Graded credit will take the form of a written test. In total, 10 questions with free response. Questions will fully coincide with themes being discussed. The maximum score is 30 The minimum number of points for the quiz is 16 points. Classification is based on the evaluation of ECTS.

A - 29 - 30 points

B - 26 - 28 points

C - 23 - 25 points

D - 24 - 20 points

E - 19 - 16 points

Less than 16 points - F

Thematic areas of the test

First Verbal and nonverbal communication, crisis intervention.

Second Communicatively demanding situations, typology.

Third Post-traumatic stress disorder.

4th Acute reaction to stress.

5th Working with emotions in crisis communication.

6th Victims of crime.

7th Disaster, communicating bad news.

8th The issue of aggression.

9th Mentally disturbed individual.

10th The issue of suicide.

11th Psychological first aid members of the helping professions (psychological debriefing)

Syllabus of lectures:
Syllabus of tutorials:

1) Definition of basic concepts, verbal and nonverbal communication, crisis intervention.

2) Psychological basis communicatively demanding situations, typology.

3) Collision with an obstacle, posttraumatic stress disorder, adjustment disorder, acute reaction to stress.

4) Working with emotions in crisis communication.

5) Communication with victims of crime.

6) Communication with victims, participants in mass disasters, communicating bad news.

7) Communication with the aggressor, mentally disturbed individual.

8) Communication with suicides negotiations.

9) Communication with child victims.

10) Psychological first aid members of the helping professions (psychological debriefing)

Study Objective:

Using knowledge of theoretical, safety and technical subjects, students will study: the basic problems of psychological approaches and practices of the IRS at times of emergency; the specifics of each crisis event and procedures for their optimal solution in terms of psychological rescue and rescuers; typology and coping techniques with arduous life situations; the unique characteristics of each type of personality. Students are practically equipped to deal with negative impacts on their own lives, and they will be able to apply their skills in the functions of central crisis management.

Study materials:

Povinná literatura

[1] RALBOVSKÁ, R. Psychologické aspekty mimořádných událostí. In Śín, R. a kol. Medicína katastrof. Praha: Galén. 2016

[2] BAŠTECKÁ, B. a kol.: Terénní krizová práce. Praha: Grada, 2005

[3] ŠPATENKOVÁ, E. a kol.: Krizová intervence pro praxi. Praha: Grada, 2004

[4] VODÁČKOVÁ. D. a kol.: Krizová intervence. Praha: Portál, 2002

[5] RALBOVSKÁ, R., KNEZOVIĆ, R.: Komunikace pro pomáhající profese. Praha: EVC. 2011

Doporučená literatura:

[6] VÁGNEROVÁ M.: Psychopatologie pro pomáhající profese, Portál, Praha, 1999.

[7] VIZINOVÁ, D., PREISS, M.: Psychické trauma a jeho terapie, Portál, Praha, 1999.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3082306.html