Administrative Law. Public Administration and Local Government in the Area of Crisis Management
Code | Completion | Credits | Range | Language |
17KBP2SP | ZK | 4 | 10P | Czech |
- Garant předmětu:
- Lecturer:
- Tutor:
- Supervisor:
- Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection
- Synopsis:
The aim is to introduce students to basic concepts of jurisprudence and legal practice, the role of man in the right and society, prescriptive regulation and legal systems and legislation in the IRS system, crisis management and economic measures for crisis situations.
- Requirements:
Preparation of a comprehensive, content and form a solid and original term paper on an important topic in public administration and emergency legislation, scope of work, 5 pages,
evaluation of work according to originality, benefit terms, substantive and formal correctness,
without obtaining credit and write credit to the CFE is not possible to implement the test.
examination test, 70% claim success
test consists of written part of 60 minutes on 20 issues of content, lectures, tutorials and independent study and given the oral part of the follow-up only in case of an ambiguous assessment test, or if the student wants to get a better evaluation
evaluation of the test: A - 20 questions correctly, B -19, C -18, D -17, E -15-16 questions correctly
Thematic areas for testing:
First Basic concepts of law-making
Second Structure and types of legal norms, focusing on government,
Third Crisis legislation and constitutional foundations of crisis management,
4th Administrative law and public administration, public administration and the executors of the crisis management bodies
5th The status and powers of municipalities and regions in crisis management,
6th Constitutional bodies and their powers in crisis management, activities and entitlements of local government.
7th Legislation role of public authorities in the field of civil protection of the population.
8th Justification of the main principles of the legislation, Act No. 240/2000 Coll. On crisis management
- Syllabus of lectures:
First Week: The basic concepts of law-making
Second Week: The structure and types of legal norms, focusing on government,
Third week: Crisis legislation and constitutional foundations of crisis management,
4th - 5 week: Administrative law and public administration, public administration and bailiffs bodies of crisis management - Part 1 and 2,
6th Week: Analysis of the Crisis Act (Act No. 240/2000 Coll. on crisis management);
7th Week: The status and powers of municipalities and regions
8th Week: Constitutional authorities and their responsibilities in crisis management, activities and entitlements of local government.
9th Week: Legislation role of public authorities in the field of civil protection of the population.
10th week: Justification of the main principles of law Act No. 240/2000 Coll. on crisis management
- Syllabus of tutorials:
- Study Objective:
To acquaint students with the powers and duties of institutions and State Administration authorities at all levels of public administration in preparing to deal with emergencies and crisis situations as they arise. The main emphasis is laid on the practical implications of existing laws to the individual public authorities, the necessity of implementation of tasks and measures in preparation for the management of emergencies and crisis situations, where there is a threat to citizens' lives, their health, property, environmental and cultural values .
- Study materials:
[1] Povinná literatura:
[2] Pavlíček, V., Hřebejk, J.: Ústava a ústavní řád ČR. Linde, Praha, 1998
[3] Knapová, M., Švestka, J. a kol.: Občanské právo hmotné. ASPI, 2002
[4] Novotný, O., Dolenský, A., Jelínek, J., Vanduchová, M.: Trestní právo hmotné. Kodex, 1997
[5] Průcha, P.: Integrovaný záchranný systém a krizové řízení v podmínkách reformované územní správy. In.:Sborník konference Krizový management. Vojenská akademie v Brně, 2002
[6] Soviš, J.: Základní východiska při tvorbě krizového zákona a jejich naplnění. In.: Sborník konference Krizový management. Vojenská akademie v Brně, 2002
[7] Soviš, J.: Současný bezpečnostní systém ČR, jeho nedokonalosti a možnosti jejich odstranění. In.: Sborník konference Krizový management. Vojenská akademie v Brně, 2004
[8] Ondruš, R.: Zastupování úřadů samosprávných celků Hasičským záchranným sborem ČR při plnění úkolu při mimořádných událostech a krizových stavech. In.: Sborník konference Krizový management. Vojenská akademie v Brně, 2004
[9] Hanuška, Z.: Integrovaný záchranný systém a jeho realizace v podmínkách reformy veřejné správy. In.: Sborník konference Krizový management. Vojenská akademie v Brně, 2002
[10] Macko, P.: Praktické zkušenosti z krizového řízení. In.: Sborník konference Krizový management. Vojenská akademie v Brně, 2002
[11] Doporučená literatura:
[12] Knap, V.: Teorie Práva. C.H.Beck, 1995
[13] Vojáček, L., Schelle, K.: Právní dějiny. Masarykova univerzita Brno, 1999
[14] Ondruš, R.: Správní řád, Linde. Praha, 2005
- Note:
- Further information:
- No time-table has been prepared for this course
- The course is a part of the following study plans:
- Planning and Management of Crisis Situation - combined study (compulsory course)