
Psychology of Crisis Situations

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
17KBP2PKS KZ 2 8C Czech
Garant předmětu:
Department of Health Care Disciplines and Population Protection

The aim of this course is to acquaint students with various techniques and methods of helping individuals to cope and deal with stress, conflict, and crisis situations. This will allow them greater self-knowledge and knowledge of others, empathy, congruence, and acceptance. Integral parts of the practical training are individual techniques, group work, and final „inquiries“ integrating the lessons learned and experiences acquired.


The credits are granted subject to completion of all seminars, including acceptance of results processed seminar papers.

Subject to testing the condition of grant income credit, acceptance of work processed during the semester, accepting the result of written / oral exam.

Syllabus of lectures:

Basic concepts of management theory, knowledge of the structure, functioning, barriers to efficiency and management process.

Structural and dynamic personality characteristics executive, managerial types and styles of social competence.

Crowd and collective behavior, the panic caused by catastrophic events. Crisis communications.

Challenging life situations.

Adaptive mechanisms for coping with difficult life situations.

Psychological crisis as a result of extreme stress.

Personality in stress, coping with stress, hardiness.

Crisis intervention, psychological first aid, psychosocial support.

Stress management techniques, coping with stress - coping.

Consequences of stress (behavioral disorders, neurotic problems, emotional problems, psychosomatic symptoms).

Psychological burden of assisting staff through burnout and transfer trauma.


Empathy and behavior as an important psychological variables in a helping profession.

Syllabus of tutorials:

Group performance. Problematic situations of social conflict situations, stress, frustration, deprivation, frustration tolerance.

Defense mechanisms.

Model of psychological crisis.

Possibilities of intervention in various stages of mental crisis.

Practical application in helping professions - crisis management.

Modeled examples of situations and their analysis. Video analysis.

Study Objective:

The objectives of this course are to acquaint students with various techniques and methods of helping individuals to cope and deal with stress, conflict, and crisis situations. This will allow them greater self-knowledge and knowledge of others, empathy, congruence, and acceptance. Integral parts of the practical training are individual techniques, group work, and final „inquiries“ integrating the lessons learned and experiences acquired.

Study materials:

Baštecká, B. a kol.: Terénní krizová práce. Praha, Grada 2005

Preiss, M., Vizinová, D.: Psychické trauma a jeho terapie. Portál, Praha, 2000

Vodáčková, D. a kol.: Krizová intervence.Praha, Portál 2002

Mikuláštik,M.: Manažerská psychologie. Praha, Grada Publishing 2007

Mayerová, M.:Stres, motivace a výkonnost. Praha, Grada Publishing 1997

Praško, J., Prašková, H.: Proti stresu krok za krokem.Praha,Grada Publishing 2001

Provazník, V. a kol.: Psychologie pro ekonomy a manažery. Praha, Grada Publishing 2002

Recommended reading:

Schreiber, V.: Lidský stres. Academia, Praha, 1992,

Štětina, J. a kol.: Medicína katastrof a hromadných neštěstí. Grada, Praha, 2000

Křivohlavý,J. Jak zvládat stres. Praha, Grada Avicenum 1994

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet3083106.html