NOTICE: Study plans for the following academic year are available.

BS P_AMSM Optional courses

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
01TA Algebra and Calculus in Applications Czech B242
18ZALG Basics of Algorithmization Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 B242
01PGR1 Computer Graphics 1 Czech B241
01PGR2 Computer Graphics 2 Czech B242
14TED Creating Electronic Documents Czech B241
01DIM1 Discrete Mathematics 1 Z 2 2P+0C B241
01DIM2 Discrete Mathematics 2 Z 2 2P+0C B242
01DIMA3 Discrete Mathematics 3 Czech B241
04AKS English Conversation Czech Z 1 0+2 B242
00MAM1 Essentials of High School Course 1 Czech B241
00MAM2 Essentials of High School Math Course 2 Czech B241
01FANA1 Functional Analysis 1 Czech B241
01FKO Functions of Complex Variable Czech B241, B242
15CH1 General Chemistry 1 Z 3 2+1 B241
15CH2 General Chemistry 2 Z,ZK 3 2+1 B242
02TER Heat and Molecular Physics Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2 B242
01DEM History of Mathematics Czech Z 1 0+2 B242
02DEF1 History of Physics 1
Igor Jex 
Czech Z 2 2+0 B241
02DEF2 History of Physics 2
Igor Jex 
Czech Z 2 2+0 B242
02UKP1 Introduction to Curves and Surfaces Z 2 1P+1C B242
17UING Introduction to Engineering
Jan Frýbort, Petr Haušild, Radek Mušálek 
Czech KZ 3 2P+1C B241
12UVP Introduction to Scientific Computing Z 2 1P+1C B242
12UNXAP Introduction to UNIX Z 2 1P+1C B242
18UQI Introduction to quantum informatics Czech Z 3 2P B242
B0B36JUL Julia for optimization and learning Czech KZ 4 1P+3C B241
01PSL LaTeX - Publication Instrument Czech Z 2 0+2 B242
18NES1 Neural Networks 1 Czech KZ 5 2P+2C B242
18NES2 Neural Networks 2 Czech KZ 3 0P+2C B241
01NME2 Numerical Methods 2 KZ 2 2+0 B242
TV-1 Physical Education
Z 1 B241
TV-2 Physical Education
Z 1 B242
02FYS1 Physical Seminar 1 Czech Z 2 0+2 B241
TV-3 Physical education
Z 1 0+2 B241
TV-4 Physical education
Z 1 0+2 B242
01PSR Principles of Statistical Decision Making Czech ZK 2 2+0 B242
18PRC1 Programming in C++ 1 Czech Z 4 2+2 B241
18PRC2 Programming in C++ 2 Czech KZ 4 2+2 B242
18PPY1 Programming in Python 1 Czech Z 2 2C B242
18PPY2 Programming in Python 2 Czech Z 2 2S B241
18PPY3 Programming in Python 3 Czech Z 2 2C B242
12PYTH Scientific Programming in Python Czech Z 2 0+2 B242
01SSM1 Seminar of Contemporary Mathematics 1 Czech Z 2 0+2 B241
01SOS1 Software Seminar 1 Czech Z 2 0+2 B241
01SOS2 Software Seminar 2 Czech Z 2 0+2 B242
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30023610-BSPAMSMV.html