
General Psychology

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
U51C1303 Z,ZK 6 16B Czech
It is not possible to register for the course U51C1303 if the student is concurrently registered for or has previously completed the course 32BC-K-PSYO-01 (mutually exclusive courses).
The requirement for course U51C1303 can be fulfilled by substitution with the course 32BC-K-PSYO-01.
Course guarantor:
Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Studies

The subject is designed as theoretical and practical. The subject introduces students to the most important theories and related research that tries to understand the nature of basic mental phenomena such as hearing, perception, attention, learning, memory, problem solving, decision-making, creativity, intelligence, emotions, motivation, will or consciousness.


Z = completed interim tasks assigned in class and in Moodle

Zk = study the basic literature in connection with the exam requirements (Control questions) + successfully pass a written knowledge test (15 questions with a choice of possible answers, 3 open questions rated 0-5 points)

Evaluation criteria:

A = 28-30 points, B = 25-27 points, C = 22-24 points, D = 19-21 points, E = 16-18 points, F = 0-15 points

Syllabus of lectures:

Psychology as a scientific field; Historical development of psychology, current trends; Psychological methods; Psyche, psychic phenomena; Mental processes; Cognitive processes; Emotional processes; Free Processes; Mental states; Psychic traits, personality traits; Abilities and Intelligence; Temperament; Character; Personality traits, Motivation

Syllabus of tutorials:

Psychology as a scientific field; Historical development of psychology, current trends; Psychological methods; Psyche, psychic phenomena; Mental processes; Cognitive processes; Emotional processes; Free Processes; Mental states; Psychic traits, personality traits; Abilities and Intelligence; Temperament; Character; Personality traits, Motivation

Study Objective:

The goal of the study is to enable students to penetrate into the issues of general psychology and at the same time point out the scientific nature of psychology. To acquaint students with the nature of psychological thinking and provide them with the basics of psychological terminology.

Acquired knowledge: The student can explain what are the basic approaches to gaining knowledge about mental phenomena and what is the nature of discovered psychological regularities; can describe and explain the essence of selected theories and related research that tries to understand the nature of basic mental phenomena.

Acquired skills: The subject shapes the relationship to the profession, develops professional competences and teaches students to apply psychological theories in the practice of a teacher. It enables the acquisition and development of specific skills, especially in the following areas: self-knowledge, self-reflection and personal development.

Study materials:


Dobrovská, D. (2019). Obecná psychologie a psychologie osobnosti. MÚVS. Moodle B221-U51C1303: https://moodle-vyuka.cvut.cz/course/view.php?id=7924

Sternberg, R. J. (2009). Kognitivní psychologie. Portál.


Cumminsová, D. D. (1998). Záhady experimentální psychologie. Co psychologové zjistili o myšlení, citech a chování člověka. Portál.

Čáp, J. (1996). Rozvíjení osobnosti a způsob výchovy. ISV.

Eysenck, M. W., & Keane, M. (2008). Kognitivní psychologie. Academia.

Fischer, R. (2004). Učíme děti myslet a učit se. Portál.

Gillernová, I. (2010). Slovník základních pojmů z psychologie. Grada.

Helus, Z. (2018). Úvod do psychologie. Grada.

Holeček, V. (2014). Psychologie v učitelské praxi. Grada.

Kahneman, D. (2012). Myšlení, rychlé a pomalé. Jan Melvil.

Konigová, M. (2007.) Tvořivost. Grada.

Koukolík, F. (2011). Lidský mozek. Funkční systémy. Norma a poruchy. Galén.

Kučera, D. (2015). Moderní psychologie. Grada.

Nolen-Hoeksema, S., Fredrickson, B. L., Loftus, G. R., & Wagenaar, W.A. (2012). Psychologie Atkinsonové a Hilgarda. Portál.

Plháková, A. (2015). Učebnice obecné psychologie. Academia.,

Poláčková, Šolcová, I. (2018). Emoce – regulace a vývoj v průběhu života. Grada.

Ruisel, I. (2000). Základy psychologie inteligence. Portál.

Říčan, P. (2010). Psychologie osobnosti. Grada.

Sternberg, R. J. (2009). Kognitivní psychologie. Portál.

Sternberg, R. (2001). Úspěšná inteligence. Jak rozvíjet praktickou a tvůrčí inteligenci. Grada.

Stuchlíková, I. (2007). Základy psychologie emocí. Portál.

Šikl, R. (2012). Zrakové vnímání. Grada.

Thagard, P. (2001). Úvod do kognitivní vědy. Mysl a myšlení. Portál.

Wilding, Ch. (2010). Emocionální inteligence. Grada.

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-02-12
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet6894006.html