
Department of Computer Science

Provided courses

Code Course name Language WINTER SEMESTER SUMMER SEMESTER Enrolled in semester
Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
A4M33SEP A Practical Approach to Software Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
A4B36ACM1 ACM Advanced Algorithmic and Programming Techniques I. Czech B241, B242
A4B36ACM2 ACM Advanced Algorithmic and Programming Techniques II. Czech B241, B242
A4B36ACM3 ACM Advanced Algorithmic and Programming Techniques III. Czech B241, B242
A4B36ACM4 ACM Advanced Algorithmic and Programming Techniques III. Czech B241, B242
A4B36ACM5 ACM Advanced Algorithmic and Programming Techniques V. Czech B241, B242
A4B36ACM ACM seminar in algorithmics
Czech KZ 4 0P+3C KZ 4 0P+3C The course is not on the list
AD7B36DBA Administration of Database Systems
Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B36DBA Adminstration of Database Systems
Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
A7B36DBA Adminstration of Database Systems
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP36VAP Advaced Computer Architecture
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XEP36AGT Advanced Computational Game Theory English B242
AE4M36PAP Advanced Computer Architectures
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AE8M36ACA Advanced Computer Architectures
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is not on the list
AD4M36PAP Advanced Computer Architectures
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A4M36PAP Advanced Computer Architectures
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M36JEE Advanced Java EE lab
KZ 4 4P+4S The course is not on the list
AE4M33RZN Advanced Methods for Knowledge Representation
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M33RZN Advanced Methods for Knowledge Representation
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
XP36POA Advanced Parallel Algorithms
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
XP36PAS Algebraic Specifications Prototyping ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S B241, B242
XXXEP36AGT Algorithmic Game Theory
English The course is not on the list
B36ALG Algorithmics
KZ 5 2P+2S The course is not on the list
B6B36SMP Analysis and Modeling of Software Requirements Z,ZK 6 2P+3C+3D B242
XP36ASP Architecture of Symbolic Computers
Josef Kolář, Neurčen 
ZK 4 2P+2S B242
AE4B77ASS Architectures of Software Systems
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4B77ASS Architectures of Software Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4B77ASS Architectures of Software Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B4M36PUI Artificial Intelligence Planning Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
BE4M36UIR Artificial Intelligence in Robotics English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B4M36UIR Artificial Intelligence in Robotics Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
XP36APL Automated Planning ZK 4 2P ZK 4 2P B242
AE4M33AU Automatic Reasoning
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M33AU Automatic Reasoning
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M33AU Automatic Reasoning
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
AE8B36BAP Bachelor Project
English Z 9 7s The course is not on the list
AE0B36BAP Bachelor Project
English Z 20 The course is not on the list
AE4B36BAP Bachelor Project
English Z 20 The course is not on the list
A8B36BAP Bachelor thesis
Z 9 7s Z 9 7s The course is not on the list
AD0B36BAP Bachelor thesis
Z 20 9s The course is not on the list
A0B36BAP Bachelor thesis
Z 20 9s Z 20 9s The course is not on the list
BE0M33BDT Big Data Technologies English Z,ZK 4 2P+1C The course is not on the list
A4M33BDT Big Data Technologies
Czech KZ 3 1P+1C The course is not on the list
B0M33BDT Big Data Technologies Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1C B241
BE4M36BIN Bioinformatics
English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BEAM36BIN Bioinformatics English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
BAM36BIN Bioinformatics Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B4M36BIN Bioinformatics Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B242
A6M33BIN Bioinformatics
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BE5B99CPL C Programming Language English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C+5D B241
XP36KP Communication Protocols
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
BE4M36MAS Computational Game Theory English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B4M36MAS Computational Game Theory Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B36PSI Computer Communications
Z,ZK 5 2+2s The course is not on the list
B0B36TPA Creation of business applications Czech KZ 5 2P+2C B241
ZKDBS1 DBS a SQL, klasifikace
The course is not on the list
XP36AKD Data Compression Algorithms
Czech ZK 4 2+2s ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
AD7B36VYD Data Mining
Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A7B36VYD Data Mining
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BD6B36DSA Data Structures and Algorithms
Z,ZK 6 14KP+9KC The course is not on the list
B6B36DSA Data Structures and Algorithms Z,ZK 6 2P+3C+3D B242
B36DSA Data Structures and Algorithms
Z,ZK 5 2+2s The course is not on the list
AE4B33DS Database Systems
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B0B36DBS Database Systems Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C+4D B242
BD6B36DBS Database Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
AD4B33DS Database Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A4B33DS Database Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B4B36DS1 Database Systems 1
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B4M36DS2 Database Systems II Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B6B33DBS Database systems
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C+3D The course is not on the list
BE4M36DS2 Database systems 2 English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B36KAM Design and Modelling
KZ 3 1+2s The course is not on the list
B6B36NSS Design of Software Systems Z,ZK 5 2P+2C+2D B242
BD6B36NSS Design of Software Systems
Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
XP36DRO Diagnostics and Reconfiguration of Programmable Circuits
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
AE0M36DIP Diploma Thesis
English The course is not on the list
AD0M36DIP Diploma Thesis
Z 25 28s Z 25 28s The course is not on the list
A0M36DIP Diploma Thesis
Czech Z 25 14s Z 25 14s The course is not on the list
XP36DSY Distributed Systems
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP36DSV Distributed Systems ZK 4 2P B241
B4M36ESW Effective Software Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
BE4M36ESW Effective Software English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
BD6B36EAR Enterprise Architectures
Czech KZ 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36EAR Enterprise Architectures KZ 5 2P+2C+2D B241
BE4B36FUP Functional Programming English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B4B36FUP Functional Programming Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
AE4B33FLP Functional and Logic Programming
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4B33FLP Functional and Logic Programming
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4B33FLP Functional and Logic Programming
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
XP36HS Hypermedia Systems and Internet Computing ZK 4 2P+2S B242
A3B36IND Individual Project
Czech KZ 7 0+3s The course is not on the list
A4M33BIS Information and System Security
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M36BIS Information and System Security
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M36ISS Integration of Enterprise Software System Services
Czech KZ 4 0P+20C The course is not on the list
B4M36ISS Integration of Enterprise Software System Services
Czech KZ 4 0P+20C The course is not on the list
AE4B33ZUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BE4B36ZUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B4B36ZUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
A4B33ZUI Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B4M36BSY Introduction to Computer Security Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
BE4M36BSY Introduction to Computer Security English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
BE4M36NLP Introduction to Natural Language Processing
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B4M36NLP Introduction to Natural Language Processing
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B0B36ZAL Introduction to Programming Z,ZK 6 2P+2C+8D B241
BD6B36ZAL Introduction to Programming
Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36ZAL Introduction to Programming
Z,ZK 5 2P+2C+2D The course is not on the list
B6B36ZPR Introduction to Project Management
KZ 3 4P+4C+2D The course is not on the list
BD6B36ZPR Introduction to Project Management
KZ 3 6KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36ZSO Introduction to Project Management Czech KZ 5 2P+2C+5D B241
B36SIN Introduction to Software Engineering
Z,ZK 5 2+2s The course is not on the list
A7B36TS1 Introduction to Software Testing
Czech KZ 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD7B36TS1 Introduction to Software Testing
Czech KZ 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B0B36JUL Julia for optimization and learning Czech KZ 4 1P+3C B241
ZKJPO Klasifikace JPO
Z,ZK The course is not on the list
ZKPJC Klasifikace jazyk C
Z,ZK Z,ZK The course is not on the list
XP36JAI Languages for Artificial Intelligence
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
BE4M36LUP Logical Reasoning and Programming English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B4M36LUP Logical Reasoning and Programming Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
XP36LSM Logical Simulation
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
AE4M33SAD Machine Learning and Data Analysis
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M33SAD Machine Learning and Data Analysis
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD7B36SPS Management of Computer Networks
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A7B36SPS Management of Computer Networks
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B6B36PM2 Management of Software Projects KZ 4 2P+2C+2D B241
BD6B36RSP Management of Software Projects
Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36RSP Management of Software Projects
Z,ZK 6 3P+2C+3D The course is not on the list
A0X36MOOC Massive Open Online Course
Z 2 1P Z 2 1P The course is not on the list
B0M36MOOC Massive Open Online Course Z 2 1P Z 2 1P B241, B242
B0B36MOOC Massive Open Online Course Z 2 1P Z 2 1P B241, B242
BE4M36MBG Molecular Biology and Genetics English Z,ZK 6 3P+1C B242
B4M36MBG Molecular Biology and Genetics Czech Z,ZK 6 3P+1C B242
XEP36UIR Motion Planning and Decision Making in Robotics
Jan Faigl 
English ZK 4 2P+2S B241
XP36MPD Motion Planning and Decision Making in Robotics
ZK 4 2P ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
AE4M33MAS Multiagent Systems
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AE4M36MAS Multiagent Systems
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M33MAS Multiagent Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M36MAS Multiagent Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A4M36MAS Multiagent Systems
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M33MAS Multiagent Systems
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
XP36NSN Neural Networks and Neurocomputers
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
ZKNLP Návrh logiky počítačů, klasifikace
The course is not on the list
BD6B36OMO Object-oriented Design and Modeling
Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36OMO Object-oriented design and Modeling Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C+4D B241
B4B36ONM Object-oriented design and Modeling
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B4M36OSW Ontologies and Semantic Web Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
BE4M36OSW Ontologies and Semantic Web
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
ZKPAR Paralelní systémy a algoritmy klasifikace
The course is not on the list
XP36PSV Parallel Systems and Algorithms
ZK 4 3P+2S The course is not on the list
B4B36PDV Parallel and Distributed Computing Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
AE4M33PAH Planning and game playing
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AE4M36PAH Planning and game playing
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M33PAH Planning and game playing
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M36PAH Planning and game playing
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A4M36PAH Planning and game playing
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M33PAH Planning and game playing
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
BE4M36PUI Planning for Artificial Intelligence English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B2B36PPC Practical Programming in C/C++
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BD5B36PRP Procedural Programming Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC B241
B0B99PRP Procedural Programming
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B0B36PRP Procedural Programming Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
AE0B36PRI Programming English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C B241
AD0B36PRI Programming
Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A0B36PRI Programming
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C Z,ZK 5 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AE0B36PR1 Programming 1 English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
A0B36PR1 Programming 1
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AE0B36PR2 Programming 2 English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
A0B36PR2 Programming 2
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AE4M36TPJ Programming Language Theory
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M36TPJ Programming Language Theory
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M36TPJ Programming Languages Theory
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B3B36PRG Programming in C Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
BAB36PRGA Programming in C Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B6B36PJC Programming in C/C++ Czech KZ 4 2P+2C+2D The course is not on the list
B6B36PCC Programming in C/C++ Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2C+4D B241
BD6B36PJC Programming in C/C++
Czech KZ 4 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36PJV Programming in Java
Z,ZK 6 2P+3C+2D The course is not on the list
B0B36PJV Programming in Java Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+3C+7D B242
BD6B36PJV Programming in Java
Z,ZK 6 14KP+9KC The course is not on the list
A7B36PJV Programming in Java
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B36PJC Programming in the C++ Language
Czech Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
B0M36QUA Quantum Computing English Z,ZK 5 2P+2C+2D B242
XP36RGM Reading group in data mining and machine learning ZK 4 2P ZK 4 2P B241
XP36RSY Reconfigurable Systems
ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
BD6B36SMP Requirements Engineering
Z,ZK 6 14KP+9KC The course is not on the list
B0M36SPJ Scientific Programing in Julia Czech KZ 4 2P+2C B241
XP36VPD Selected Parts of Data Mining
The course is not on the list
BD6B36PRO Semestral Project Czech KZ 6 2s KZ 6 2s B241
B6B36PRO Semestral Project Czech KZ 6 2s KZ 6 2s B241, B242
AD7B36PRO Semestral Project
Czech KZ 6 0P+5S The course is not on the list
A7B36PRO Semestral Project
Czech KZ 6 2s KZ 6 2s The course is not on the list
XP36SEP Seminars on Architectures of Parallel Computers
ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
XP36SCN Seminars on Digital Design
Czech ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
A4M36AOS Service Oriented Architectures
Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD4M36AOS Service Oriented Architectures
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
AE4M36AOS Service Oriented Architectures
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
A4M33AOS Service Oriented Computing
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
AD7B36ASS Software Architectures
Czech Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A7B36ASS Software Architectures
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is not on the list
BE4M36SWA Software Architectures English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B4M36SWA Software Architectures Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
AE4B33SI Software Engineering
English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
B4B36SIN Software Engineering Czech Z,ZK 6 3P+2S B241
AD4B33SI Software Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A4B33SI Software Engineering
Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
BE4M36ZKS Software Quality Assurance English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
B4M36ZKS Software Quality Assurance Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
BD6B36TS1 Software Testing
Z,ZK 5 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B6B36TS1 Software Testing Z,ZK 5 2P+2C+2D B242
AE4M36SVP Software or Research Project English KZ 6 KZ 6 B242
AE4B36SVP Software or Research Project
English KZ 6 KZ 6 The course is not on the list
A4B36SVP Software or Research Project
KZ 6 KZ 6 The course is not on the list
A4M36SVP Software or Research Project
Czech KZ 6 KZ 6 The course is not on the list
B4M36SAN Statistical Data Analysis Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
BE4M36SAN Statistical data analysis English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B241
XP36STR Stringology
ZK 4 2P+2S ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
BE4M36SMU Symbolic Machine Learning English Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
B4M36SMU Symbolic Machine Learning Czech Z,ZK 6 2P+2C B242
A0M33BEP Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
A0M36BEP Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
AD0M33BEP Unmanned Aerial Vehicles
Czech Z,ZK 4 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
B9M36BEP Unmanned Vehicles Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L B242
BE9M36BEP Unmanned Vehicles English Z,ZK 4 2P+2L B242
XP36VAV Výpočetní avionika
Czech The course is not on the list
B36AWS Web Server Administration
Z,ZK 4 2+2s The course is not on the list
AD7B36WMM Web Technologies and Multimedia
Czech KZ 6 14KP+6KC The course is not on the list
A7B36WMM Web Technologies and Multimedia
Czech KZ 6 2P+2C The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2025-01-22
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/katedra13136.html