
European Union and Regional Policy

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G65E4101 ZK 3 2P+0C anglicky
Předmět G65E4101 nesmí být zapsán, je-li v témže semestru zapsán anebo již dříve absolvován předmět 32ME-P-EUPO-01 (vztah je symetrický)
Předmět G65E4101 může být splněn v zastoupení předmětem 32ME-P-EUPO-01
Garant předmětu:
Předmět zajišťuje:
institut veřejné správy a regionálních studií

The course discusses developments in the EU and in the EU Regional Policy from the end of the Cold War until today. It focuses on relevant issues of the integration process. It is based on lectures, class discussions and presentations of various positions present in the debates (group projects / own positions). The objectives of the course are to explain a modern development of the EU, analyse key points in particular areas of integration and practise argumentation skills.


The course consists of lectures mixed together with seminars including class discussions.

Students are expected to prepare one presentation with position paper.

The discussion should introduce a wide range of arguments and points of view.

Osnova přednášek:

I. Opening session

II. The European integration process - a crash course

III. Single market construction

IV. From the EC to the EU - re-evaluation of strategies

V. The EU development and Amsterdam reform

VI. The Treaty of Nice - institutional preparation for enlargement

VII. The enlargement process and strategy

VIII. The Constitution for Europeand The Lisbon Treaty

IX. Beyond the Lisbon Treaty: EU in the world, Euro crisis

X-XII. EU and the Regional Policy

XIII. Final test

Osnova cvičení:

The course discusses developments in the EU and in the EU Regional Policy from the end of the World War II until today. It focuses on relevant issues of the integration process. It is based on lectures, class discussions and presentations of various positions present in the debates (group projects / own positions). The objectives of the course are to explain a modern development of the EU, analyse key points in particular areas of integration and practise argumentation skills. The course discusses developments in the EU from the end of the World War II until today. It focuses on relevant issues of the integration process and on regional policy of the EU.

The objectives of the course are to explain a modern development of the EU and analyse key points in particular areas of integration. The course consists of lectures mixed together with seminars including class discussions. Students are expected to prepare one presentation with position paper. The discussion should introduce a wide range of arguments and points of view.

Cíle studia:

The course discusses developments in the EU from the end of the Cold War until today.

It focuses on relevant issues of the integration proces and on regional policy of the EU.

The objectives of the course are to explain a modern development of the EU and analyse key points in particular areas of integration.

Studijní materiály:

povinná literatura:

BACHTLER, J. – BERKOWITZ, P - HARDY S. - MURAWSKA T. (eds). EU cohesion policy. New York: Taylor & Francis.

BACHTRÖGLER, J. – HAMMER, Ch. – REUTER, W.R. – SCHWENDINGER, F. Guide to the galaxy of EU regional funds recipients: evidence from new data. Empirica, 2019, roč. 46, č. 1, s. 103-150.

COLE, John, COLE, Francis. A geography of the European Union. Hoboken: Taylor and Francis, 1997.

DRULÁK, P. Vývoj teorií evropské integrace. In: Acta Oeconomica Pragensia. Geneze a současnost evropské integrace, 2000, č. 5, s.115-130.

FIALA, V. et al. Teoretické a metodologické problémy evropské integrace. Olomouc: Periplum, 2007.

doporučená literatura:

BACHTLER J. – MENDEZ, C. Who governs EU cohesion policy? Deconstructing the reforms of the structural funds. J Common Mark Studies, 2007, roč. 45, č. 3, s. 535-564.

DE BLIJ, H. J., MULLER, P. O. Geography. Realms, Regions, and Concepts. John Wiley Sons, Inc., New York, Chichester, 1997.

NOVOTNÝ, L. – MAŠKARINEC, P. Evropská občanská iniciativa jako nástroj rozvoje občansko-politické participace pohledem konceptu struktury politických příležitostí." Sociológia - Slovak Sociological Review, 2017, roč. 49, č. 1, s. 81-108.

NOVOTNÝ, L. Sociologická reflexe evropské integrace. Sociológia, 2016, roč. 48, č. 2, s. 119-138.

TOSUN, J. Absorption of regional funds: a comparative analysis. J Common Mark Stud, 2014, roč. 52, č. 2, s. 371-387.

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Platnost dat k 21. 1. 2025
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