
Systematic Integration of Processes in Healthcare compulsory course

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
F7PMS1RP Annual Project Czech Z 3 1S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1AM Applied Mathematics Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is on the list
F7PMS1BE Business English Czech KZ 2 2S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1DP Diploma Thesis
Czech Z 8 4XT The course is not on the list
F7PMS1SDP1 Diploma Thesis Seminar I.
Czech Z 5 1S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1SDP2 Diploma Thesis Seminar II.
Czech Z 4 1S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1EHIS E-Health and Information Systems in Healthcare
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+1S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1EKZ Economic Aspects of Healthcare Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is on the list
F7PMS1EZZ Economy of Healthcare Facilities Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1HZT Health Technology Assessment Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1MZT Health Technology Management
Czech KZ 5 2P+1S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1IP Individual Training
Czech Z 2 80XH The course is not on the list
F7PMS1IZZ Information Sources in Healthcare Czech KZ 3 1P+1S The course is on the list
F7PMS1IZS Integrated Rescue System and the Disaster Medicine
Czech ZK 4 2P The course is not on the list
F7PMS1LKH Legislation in Healthcare and Clinical Evaluation
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1RNZ Management of Costs in Healthcare Czech KZ 5 2P+2S The course is on the list
F7PMS1RLZ Management of Human Resources Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+1S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1MZZ Management of Medical Facilities
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1MV Methodology of Research Czech KZ 5 1P+1S The course is on the list
17BOZP Occupational Safety and Health, Fire Protection and First Aid Czech Z 0 1P The course is on the list
F7PMS1PLPT Overview of Medical Devices Czech Z,ZK 4 2P+2L The course is not on the list
F7PMS1OP Professional Training Czech Z 2 160XH The course is not on the list
F7PMS1VZ1 Public Health I. Czech ZK 5 2P The course is on the list
F7PMS1VZ2 Public Health II. Czech Z,ZK 5 2P The course is not on the list
F7PMS1RKZ Quality Management in Healthcare
Czech Z,ZK 5 2P+2S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1VPZ Selected Processes in Healthcare Facilities Czech KZ 2 1P+1S The course is on the list
F7PMS1BSCD Statistical Methods in the Analysis of Clinical Studies
Czech Z,ZK 5 1P+3S The course is not on the list
F7PMS1SZZ Strategy of Healthcare Facilities
Czech KZ 2 2P The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30023907-F7PMS1_POV_24.html