
PVP bak.prez.LED 21/22

Tutor completion credits range completion credits range
14Y1PA 3D Modeling in AutoCAD
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1PC ATC Procedures and Activities Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
21Y1SI ATC Simulator
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1PZ Advanced Data Processing in Spreadsheets
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1AM Aeronautical Information Management (AIM)
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
21Y1LJ Aeronautical Radio and Flight Instruments
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1PA Air Traffic Control Operating Procedures
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1LS Air Traffic Services
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1UL Aircraft Maintenance
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1TH Aircraft Technical Handling
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1OH Airline Business and Operations Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
20Y1AF Alternative Forms of Transportation Project Financing Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
18Y1AM Anatomy, Mobility and Safety of Man
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1AV Animation and Visualization
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1AE Applied Ecology Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
20Y1AE Applied Electronics
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1PD Assessment of Transport Structures
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1BC Aviation safety and security
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1BE Barrierless Transport
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1BM Biometric Methods
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1PJ C Programming Language
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1KN Combined Transportation Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
12Y1KP Communication and Promotion of Transport Projects
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
20Y1KP Communication and presentation skills Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
14Y1P2 Computer Aid of Transportation Projecting 2
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1PG Computer Graphics
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1HW Computer Hardware
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
18Y1PS Computer Simulations in Mechanics
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1RE Control and Electronic Vehicle Systems Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
14Y1PI Corporate Information System
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1TI Creating Interactive Internet Applications
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1TP Criminal Law in IT and Transportation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1KM Crisis Management
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1MK Crisis Situation Management in Critical Infrastructure
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1KB Cyber security in transportation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1C1 Designing Roads in Civil 3D I
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1C2 Designing Roads in Civil 3D II Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
16Y1VT Development in Railroad Vehicles
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1VM Development of Applications for Mobile Devices
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1ZV East-West dichotomy: Prelude to the Cold War Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
14Y1UP Editing of Theses in MS Word
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1EH Electronics and hardware in security of transportation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1MU Emergency Events Management Solution in Transport Infrastructure
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1EN Energy Requirements of Vehicles
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
18Y1MT Engineering Materials
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
20Y1EA Environmental Aspects of Transport
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
11Y1BK Error Detection Codes for Interlocking Systems Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
15Y1EH European Integration within Historical Context Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
18Y1EM Experimental Methods in Mechanics Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
20Y1OI Fare Collection and Information Systems
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
11Y1ZM Foundation of MATLAB Programming
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1FD French Area Studies and Transportation
KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1ZM Fundamentals of parametric and adaptive modeling
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1ZJ Fundamentals of programming in JAVA
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1NE German in the Economy and Society Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
11Y1TG Graph Theory
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1HD History of City Mass Transport Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
15Y1HL History of Civil Aviation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1DZ History of Railway
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1RZ Human Resources Management
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1IS Interactive simulators and simulations
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1ZG Introduction into Applied Computer Graphics
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
18Y1UK Introduction of Rail Vehicles
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
20Y1LN Location and Navigation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1LL Logistics of Passenger and Freight Air Transport
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1MD Marketing in Transportation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1MP Matlab for project-oriented study Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
14Y1MP Modeling Complex Assemblies and Models in Parametric Modeller
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1MK Modern History in Context: Every Day Life and Transport
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1VS Negotiation and Cooperation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1OJ Object - oriented programming in JAVA
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1OP Operating System
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1PV Operation, Construction and Maintenance of Vehicles
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1PL Operational Aspects of Aerodromes
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1PU Organization Disposition of Railway Stations
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
11Y1PV Parametrical and Multicriterial Programming Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
12Y1PC Pedestrian and Cycling Transport
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1OF Personal Finance
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1PM Personnel Management
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1ZU Principles of Urbanism Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
20Y1PK Product Quality Management Processes Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
12Y1DS Project Documentation in Practice
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
23Y1OK Protection of Critical Objects and Infrastructures
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1EV Public Sector Economy
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
20Y1EK Qualification in Electrical Engineering
KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1KS Quality and Reliability of Vehicles Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
23Y1KO Quantum Physics and Optoelectronics
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1RU Railway Lines Reconstruction
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
20Y1OK Road Lighting
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1SU Road Management and Maintenance
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
20Y1SC Sensors and Actuators
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1SL Sociology of Human Resources
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1SO Strategy and innovation in mobility
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1ST Titan Simulation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
12Y1HD Traffic Noise
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
11Y1SI Transportation Software Engineering
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
21Y1BS Unmanned aircraft systems 1
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
17Y1SK Urban and Regional Rail Transport Systems
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
16Y1ZL Vehicle Testing, Legislation and Construction Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
14Y1WG Webdesign
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1W1 Webdesign 1
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
14Y1W2 Webdesign 2
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
15Y1HE Work Hygiene and Ergonomics in Traffic Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is on the list
15Y1BO Work Safety and Health Protection in Transportation
Czech KZ 2 2P+0C The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/skupina30022408-Y1-BLED_21_22.html