
Talent Management

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Kód Zakončení Kredity Rozsah Jazyk výuky
U16E0501 Z,ZK 6 0P+4C anglicky
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institut manažerských studií

The course is aimed at practical application of knowledge and basic skills of Talent Management as well as the development of personal competencies of each student in order to improve individual self-presentation and to succeed during the Recruiting Process and Employee / Employer Selection process.


Human Resource Management

Osnova přednášek:

HR Management and Talent Management;

Talent and job performance;

Core personal skills and competencies;

Self-presentation - CV and the Letter of Interest;

Identification of talents;

Talent Forecasting and Hiring Strategy;

The Recruitment Industry;

Attraction of talents, Hiring Internally, Hiring Externally;

Recruitment and selection processes;

Selection interviews;

Development of talents;


Retention of talents;

Succession Planning;

The War for Talent

Osnova cvičení:

Talent Management - individual preferences analyses;

Talent and job performance;

Core personal skills and competencies - identification, development and presentation;

Self-presentation - individual student´s CV and the Letter of Interest;

Attraction of talents, Hiring Internally, Hiring Externally - current options;

Candidates recruitment process knowledge;

Candidates selection process skills;

Selection interviews preparation;

Selection interviews role-plays;

Development of talents - feed-back session, career planning workshop;

Diversity workshop;

Retention of talents - responding to individual preferences.

Cíle studia:

At the end of the course students should be able to understand and explain basics of modern approaches, theories and trends of Talent Management in current global business environment. The emphasis is on identification and attraction of the talents and further development of their life careers and their retention in order to increase Talents contribution to the competitiveness of the companies.

Understanding the modern approaches and trends in Talent Management students will in parallel improve their skills in Recruiting Process and Employee / Employer Selection process as well as identification and presentation of their core competencies in order to succeed individually at the market.

Studijní materiály:

1. Mandatory readings:

DESSLER, Gary. Human Resource Management. Florida: Pearson, 2013. ISBN 978-0132668217.

ARMSTRONG, Michael. How To Manage People. London: Kogan Page Limited, 2013. ISBN 978 0 7494 6709 8.

MERLEVEDE, Patrick. Talent Management: A Focus on Excellence. Bookbonn, 2014. ISBN 978-87-403-0740-5.

CARTER, L., Goldsmith M. Best Practices in Talent Management: How the World's Leading Corporations Manage, Develop, and Retain Top Talent. San Francisco: Pfeiffer, 2010. ISBN 9780470499610.

2. Recommended readings:

MICHAELS, E., HANDFIELD-JONES, H., AXELROD, B. The War for Talent. Boston, Mass.: Harvard Business School Press, 2001. ISBN 15-785-1459-2.

MATTONE, J., XAVIER, L., FITZ-ENZ, J. Talent Leadership: A Proven Method For Identifying and Developing High-Potential Employees, New York: AMACOM, 2013. ISBN 9780814432396.

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Platnost dat k 16. 6. 2024
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