
All courses Rectorate of CTU

Code Course name Tutor Department Language Completion Credits Range Semester Enrolled in semester
TUMQAMFA Additive Manufacturing of The Future - AMore (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TUMQADDM Additive manufacturing: from theory to practice (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TALQAR Advanced Robotics (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DHTPV04 Anglický jazyk   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
TUEQAPH Architecture and Philosophy (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TUEQAP Architecture and philosophy (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TUMQBIM Biomimetic challenge (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TUMQBTM Biothermodynamics:Bridging life,natural and engineering sciences(Technical University of Munich,DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TUMQBPBS Business Plan Basic Seminar (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TALQCIR Circular Economy for Materials Processing (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU Z 6 The course is not on the list
DTUQCOM Computational modelling of materials for energy applications (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
L'XQCA Computer Animation (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
L'XQCOIT Connected Objects and the Internet of Things (IoT) (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQSECH Contemp. Security Challenges and Intl. Conflict Resolution (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TUEQCP Creative programming (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TALQCSM Cyber Security Management (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
L'XQCYB Cybersecurity - The Hacking Xperience (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
UKCJ3 Czech Language 3 (Ukraine)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 10 10C The course is not on the list
UKCJ4 Czech Language 4 (Ukraine)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 10 10C The course is not on the list
UKCJ5 Czech Language 5 (Ukraine)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 10 10C The course is not on the list
UKCJ6 Czech Language 6 (Ukraine)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 10 14C The course is not on the list
UKCJL2 Czech Language for Ukraine 2 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL3 Czech Language for Ukraine 3 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL4 Czech Language for Ukraine 4 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL5 Czech Language for Ukraine 5 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL6 Czech Language for Ukraine 6 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL7 Czech Language for Ukraine 7 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL8 Czech Language for Ukraine 8 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL9 Czech Language for Ukraine 9 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
UKCJL1 Czech Languange for Ukraine 1 (summer)   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 12 The course is not on the list
DTUQDEM Developing an Entrepreneurial mindset through serious game (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU Z 5 The course is not on the list
TUMQDIGI Digitainability for EuroTeQ Universities (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 3 The course is not on the list
L'XQDPC Distributed and Parallel Computing (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TUEQDBE Dutch for Beginners I (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
TALQEMAR E-marketing (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQESG ESG Accounting and Reporting (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DTUQEESP Electrochemical energy storage and Power2X (Technical University of Denmark, DNK)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 5 The course is not on the list
CTUPRGEAI Elements of AI - Introduction to AI   Rectorate of CTU Z 2 The course is not on the list
TALQEMP Energy Management and Planning (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQEBP Entrepreneurship and Business Planning (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQEQMP Equations of Mathematical Physics (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQELC Estonian Language and Culture (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU Z 6 The course is not on the list
CTUQCOL1 EuroTeQ Collider   Rectorate of CTU KZ 5 The course is not on the list
CTUQCOL EuroTeQ Collider   Rectorate of CTU KZ 5 The course is not on the list
CTUQCOL2 EuroTeQ Collider 2   Rectorate of CTU KZ 5 The course is not on the list
CTUQCOL3 EuroTeQ Collider 3   Rectorate of CTU KZ 5 The course is not on the list
TUEQCOL EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TUEQCOLEI EuroTeQ Collider: Entrepreneurship & Innovation (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU Z 5 The course is not on the list
TALQFM Financial Modelling (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQFCS Foundations of Cyber Security (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DHTPV05 Francouzský jazyk   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
L'XQFRIBEG French Course (A0-A1) - Beginner level (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
L'XQFRBG French Course (A0-A1) - Beginner level (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
L'XQFRIEL French Course (A2) - Elementary level (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
L'XFREL French Course (A2) - Elementary level (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
L'XQFRI French Course (B1-B2) - Intermediary level (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
L'XQFRINT French Course (B1-B2) - Intermediary level (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
L'XQFLC French Language and Civilization (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
L'XQFIIOT From the Internet to the IoT: Fundamentals of Modern Computer (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 5 The course is not on the list
DTUQFCHE Fundamental chemistry in English (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 5 The course is not on the list
L'XQFO Fundamentals of organization (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
TALQGSC Genome Stability and Cancer (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TUMQGER German as a Foreign Language (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 4 The course is not on the list
TUMQGERA2.1 German as a Foreign Language A2.1 (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQGMCS Governance and Management of Cyber Security (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DHTP03 Historický vývoj techniky v českých zemích a v Československu   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
DHTV13 Historie architektury 19. a 20. století (Vývojový průřez architektury v českých zemích a v Českosl.)   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
DHTV10 Historie elektrotechniky   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
DHTV09 Historie strojírenství   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
DHTV12 Historie vědy a techniky ve světové a české muzeologii   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
DHTP01 Historiografie vývoje vědy a techniky a metodologie oboru historie techniky v českém a evropském kon   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
TUEQISP Innovation space project: l&E processes (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 10 The course is not on the list
TUMQIE Innovative Entrepreneurs (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TALQIPL Intellectual Property Law (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TUMQICW Intercultural competencies for working in multicultural teams (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 1 The course is not on the list
DTUQIML Introduction to machine learning and data mining (Technical University of Denmark, DNK)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
DTUQMLOEX Machine learning operations (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
DTUQMLO Machine learning operations (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU Z 5 The course is not on the list
DTUQMSOC Management of sustainable organizational changes (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU Z 5 The course is not on the list
TALQMM Marketing Management (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
UKMAT Mathematics UK   Rectorate of CTU Z,ZK 5 3P+2C The course is not on the list
DTUQMOL Molecular diagnostics and precision medicine (Technical University of Denmark,DNK)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TUMQMDO Multidisciplinary Design Optimization (DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
DHTPV06 Německý jazyk   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
DHTV15 Politika v technice – technika v politice   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
TUEQPRG Programming (Eindhoven University of Technology, NLD)   Rectorate of CTU English ZK 5 The course is not on the list
DHTV11 Projevy industrializace námětem umění   Rectorate of CTU Z 2 The course is not on the list
TECHQRSB Radiation Safety in Buildings (Israel Institute of Technology, ISR)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
REKPRO Recovery and sustainable development projects in affected regions Lucia Dobrucká, Martin Maštálka, Michael Pondělíček, Vladimíra Šilhánková  Rectorate of CTU Z 3 Z B241
TALQROB Robotics (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQSCOM Scientific Computing (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQSOCEN Social Engineering (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU Z 3 The course is not on the list
TALQSTA Statistics (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DHTV14 Stavební dědictví období průmyslové éry   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z 2 The course is not on the list
TUEQSMI Stochastic Modeling in Inventory and Production Control   Rectorate of CTU ZK 3 The course is not on the list
TALQSCC Strategic Communication and Cybersecurity (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TALQSM Strategic Marketing (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
LETSK Summer School   Rectorate of CTU Z 2 B241
TALQSCM Supply Chain Management (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
TECHQSBED Sustainable Built Environmental Design (Israel Institute of Technology, ISR)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 2 The course is not on the list
TUMQTECH Tech Challenge (Technical University of Munich, DEU)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DHTP02 Technické projevy každodennosti   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
DHTV07 Vývoj vysokých technických škol, učených společností a vývoj vědeckých a technických institucí   Rectorate of CTU Czech ZK 2 The course is not on the list
L'XQWNET Wireless Networks: from Cellular to Connected Objects (École Polytechnique, FRA)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 5 The course is not on the list
TALQWH Wood House Production in Factory (Tallinn University of Technology, EST)   Rectorate of CTU ZK 6 The course is not on the list
DHTV08 Zaměření badatelské činnosti   Rectorate of CTU Czech Z,ZK 2 The course is not on the list
Data valid to 2024-10-13
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/rektorat-predmety.html