
Recommended study pathway Biomedical Laboratory Methods 24/25, 25/26

Study plan: Biomedical Laboratory Methods

1st semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
17BOZP Occupational Safety and Health, Fire Protection and First Aid Z 0 1P Z compulsory course
F7PMLBCH Biochemistry Z,ZK 6 2P+2L Z compulsory course
F7PMLDP1 Diploma Project I Z 4 0P+3L Z compulsory course
F7PMLIMB1 Instrumental Methods in Biomedicine I Z,ZK 5 2P+2L Z compulsory course
F7PMLMFLP Mathematics and Physics for Laboratory Practice Z,ZK 6 2P+2C Z compulsory course
F7PMLMBG Molecular Biology and Genetics Z,ZK 5 2P+2L Z compulsory course
F7PMLSVV Statistics and Results Evaluation Z,ZK 4 2P+2C Z compulsory course

2nd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
F7PMLAS Applied Statistics Z,ZK 4 2P+2C L compulsory course
F7PMLBAS Biomedical Applications of Light Z,ZK 4 2P+1L L compulsory course
F7PMLDP2 Diploma Project II Z 4 0P+4L L compulsory course
F7PMLILP1 Individual Laboratory Practice I Z 4 80XH L compulsory course
F7PMLIMB2 Instrumental Methods in Biomedicine II ZK 5 3P+0C L compulsory course
F7PMLMMM Molecular Medicine Methods
Milan Jakubek, Pavel Martásek 
Z,ZK 5 2P+2L L compulsory course
F7PMLPIM Practical Training in Instrumental Methods Z 2 0P+3L L compulsory course
F7PMLPFCE Preparation for the FCE Exam Z 2 0P+2C L compulsory course

3rd semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
F7PMLDP3 Diploma Project III
Z 4 0P+7L Z compulsory course
F7PMLFG Forensic Genetics
Z,ZK 6 2P+2L Z compulsory course
F7PMLILP2 Individual Laboratory Practice II
Z 4 80XH Z compulsory course
F7PMLNTB Nanotechnology in Biomedicine
Z,ZK 5 2P+1L Z compulsory course
F7PMLSDP Diploma Thesis Seminar
Z 2 0P+1S Z compulsory course
F7PMLZBTI Fundamentals of Cellular and Tissue Engineering
Z,ZK 5 1P+2L Z compulsory course
F7PMLGKB Glycoconjugates in Biomedicine
ZK 4 2P+0C Z compulsory elective course
F7PMLPSMB Advanced Spectroscopic Methods in Biomedicine
ZK 4 2P+0C Z compulsory elective course

4th semester

Code Course name
Completion Credits Range Semester Role
F7PMLDP4 Diploma Project IV
Z 10 0P+12L L compulsory course
F7PMLFSW Fundamentals of Scientific Work
Z 4 0P+1S L compulsory course
F7PMLZDP Diploma Thesis Preparation
Z 6 160XH L compulsory course
F7PMLBIOMA Biomaterials and Biomaterial Characterization
Z,ZK 5 2P+1L L compulsory elective course
F7PMLBIOR Biointerface
Z,ZK 5 2P+1L L compulsory elective course
F7PMLCPSP Clean Rooms and Proper Practices for Modern Pharmaceutical Preparations
Z,ZK 5 2P+1L L compulsory elective course
F7PMLIMUNH Imunohematologie
Z,ZK 5 1P+2L L compulsory elective course
Data valid to 2025-01-23
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/pruchod1247334110705.html