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Managerial Psychology

The course is not on the list Without time-table
Code Completion Credits Range Language
U51C2301 ZK 3 1P+1C Czech
It is not possible to register for the course U51C2301 if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course U51C2307 (mutually exclusive courses).
Course guarantor:
Institute of Pedagogical and Psychological Studies

The subject acquaints with the basics of contemporary conception of psychology and its application in managerial practice. It allows to get a look at modern methods of psychology, which are used to recognize and assess other people. Students will be introduced to the role of psychology in managerial practice and personnel management. They will understand the importance of the personality of the manager, they will get acquainted with the basic concepts of personality psychology. They will become acquainted with the personality prerequisites of managers and their importance for successful performance of managerial activities, with psychic functions and processes applied in performing managerial functions. Developmental psychology introduces the principles of human development and psychological characteristics of selected developmental periods, personality psychology will focus on clarifying the structure and dynamics of personality. Social psychology will acquaint students with the way of socio-psychological thinking - it allows them to look at their own behavior, behavior of others and social phenomena around them with theoretical background and concepts of social psychology so that they can understand people's social behavior more and put them in deeper contexts. Students will also be guided to self-knowledge and self-awareness as a basis for the self-management and management of others, especially in difficult life situations. The course will also point out the workload and ways of its elimination, as well as problematic phenomena of the working environment such as mobbing, bossing, burnout, etc.


Attendance + active participation 12 (1 exercise 2 points)

Test 1 for 3rd exercise 10

Test 2 at the last exercise 20

Total 42

For obtaining credit 30 points

Examination Requirements:

Credit tests from lectures and literature studies

Written test

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Managerial psychology in the context of psychology as a science

. What psychology deals with and why a manager needs psychological knowledge

. What deals with managerial psychology and its brief development

. What are the tasks of managerial psychology and psychology of work and organization

2. Personality and its cognition

. Basic concepts of psychological methodology

. Difference between qualitative and quantitative research

. How to proceed in psychological research

. Basic research methods that you can use and how to use them most effectively

. How to avoid mistakes when judging others

3. Personality and personality of manager

. Personality traits that are more innate that acquired

. Motivation factors and theory of work motivation

. How attitudes influence our activities

. Developmental stages of adulthood in relation to work activity

. What characterizes manager personality, what are managerial styles

. What is creativity, some of the techniques of creative thinking

4. Manager and group

. what social psychology does

. what influences our perception and what mistakes we make most often

. basic terms from a wide range of communication

. types of conflicts and ways of solving them

. concepts such as social position, role, status, role conflicts

. the difference between a group and a team

. team roles

. what phenomena the group performance is influenced by

. experiments that were done in connection with conformity

. what is prosocial behavior and when we do not help

5. Manager and performance

. what mental hygiene does

. what psychosomatic diseases are

. what is stress and how it manifests

. which affects the experience and management of stress

. how stress can be managed

. what are coping strategies

. what is burnout

. who is the workholik

6. Manager and working environment

. what engineering psychology does

. that solves ergonomics

. what are the occupational diseases and the diseases of the digital age

. what are the work psychological stresses

. what is mobbing

. what is corporate psychopathy

. what a healthy company is doing

Syllabus of tutorials:

1. Introduction of the subject and students using the Coat of Arms and MBTI test, in groups discussing the results, the aim: to realize the difference of subjective and objective view in assessing others, probabilistic view of psychology

2. Demonstration of tests, application to AC / DC, observation scheme, preparation and recording of an interview, attitude scales, sociogram, aim: application of theoretical knowledge about psychology methods in managerial practice in selection of candidates, discussion about validity and objectivity of methods, emphasizing ethical rules use of methods

3. Social perception, point of view, mistakes in the assessment of others, stereotypes. Aim to realize the pitfalls of interpersonal perception, elimination of mistakes and hasty conclusions, effort to objectify

4. Communication and negotiation game, goal: to realize different attitudes and the difficulty of changing attitudes, while respecting the opinion of the other party, causes of conflicts

5. Experiments related to conformity and other group phenomena and their impact on day-to-day management practice (influence of power, environment, role, disclaimer in favor of the group.)

6. Analysis of stress, stressors, reactions to stress, individual analysis of one's own personality in relation to stress load

7. Credit test

Study Objective:

The aim of the study is to enable students to enter into the problems of probabilistic science what psychology is, while pointing out the scientific nature of psychology. To acquaint them with the nature of psychological thinking and to provide them with the basics of psychological terminology. Learning outcomes of the course unit The aim of the course is to present psychological knowledge applicable to managerial activities. Attention is focused on the application of this knowledge in practice. The course enables acquiring and developing specific managerial skills especially in the following areas: social communication, getting to know and influencing people, self-knowledge and personal development.

Study materials:


Bedrnová, E.; Nový, I. Jarošová, I. a kol.: Manažerská psychologie a sociologie. Management Press 2012

Mikuláštík, Milan: Manažerská psychologie. Praha, Grada 2007.

Provazník, V. a kol.: Psychologie pro manažery a ekonomy. Praha, Grada 2002.

Štikar J., Rymeš, M., Riegel, K., Hoskovec, J.: Základy psychologie práce a organizace. Praha, Karolinum 1996.

Štikar, Rymeš, Riegel, Hoskovec: Psychologie ve světě práce. Praha 2003.


Armstrong, M.: Řízení lidských zdrojů. Praha, Grada 2007.

Bedrnová, E.: Duševní hygiena a sebeřízení -pro vysokoškoláky a mladé manažery. Fortuna, 2010.

Hayes, N.: Psychologie týmové práce. Praha, Portál 2005.

Khelerová, V.: Komunikační a obchodní dovednosti manažera. Praha: Grada, 2006.

Koubek, J.: Řízení lidských zdrojů. Praha, Management Press 1995.

Lukeš, M., Nový, I.: Psychologie podnikání. Praha, Management Press 2005.

Matoušek, O.: Pracovní stres a zdraví. Praha: VUBP 2003

Montag, P.: Assessment Centrum - moderní nástroj pro hodnocení, výběr a výcvik personálu. Praha, Pragoeduca 2002.

Nakonečný, M.: Sociální psychologie organizace. Praha: Grada, 2005.

Stacke: Koučování pro manažery a firemní týmy. Praha: Grada, 2004.

Tureckiová, M.: Řízení a rozvoj lidí ve firmách. Praha: Grada, 2004.

Vybíral, Z.: Psychologie komunikace. Praha, Portál 2005

Further information:
No time-table has been prepared for this course
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-03-14
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet5127106.html