
Study plan B-EK-prez.forma od 17/18

Study programme: Economy and Management Study type: Bachelor full-time
Code Course group name   credits
Compulsory courses
1.S.BEK-P OD 17/18 1.s.BEK od 17/18 prezenční forma In this group you have to gain 27 credits
In this group you have to complete 6 courses
2.S.BEK-P OD 17/18 2. semestr BEK od 17/18 povinné předměty In this group you have to gain 30 credits
In this group you have to complete 7 courses
3.S.BEK OD 18/19 3. semestr BEK povinné předměty od 18/19 In this group you have to gain 21 credits
In this group you have to complete 6 courses
4.S.BEK OD 18/19 4. semestr BEK od 18/19 povinné předměty In this group you have to gain 18 credits
In this group you have to complete 4 courses
5.S.BEK OD 19/20 5. semestr BEK od 19/20 povinné předměty In this group you have to gain 9 credits
In this group you have to complete 2 courses
6.S. BEK OD 19/20 6. semestr BEK od 19/20 povinné předměty In this group you have to gain 9 credits
In this group you have to complete 2 courses
Minimal number of credits 114
Povinné předměty zaměření
4.S.BEK OD 18/19 SP 4. semestr BEK od 18/19 předměty specializace In this group you have to gain 6 credits
In this group you have to complete 1 course
Minimal number of credits 6
Compulsory elective courses
BEK-TP OD 17/18 BEK-technické předměty od 17/18 In this group you have to gain at least 9 credits (at most 12)
In this group you have to complete 3 courses
5.S.BEK OD 19/20 SP 5. semestr BEK od 19/20 předměty specializace In this group you have to gain 12 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 2 courses ( at most  3)
5+6.S.BEK OD19/20 EN 5.+ 6. semestr od 19/20 předmět v cizím jazyce In this group you have to gain at least 12 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 2 courses
6.S. BEK OD 19/20 SP 6. semestr BEK od 19/20 předměty specializace In this group you have to gain 6 credits
In this group you have to complete 1 course
6.S.BEK PVP OD 19/20 6. semestr BEK povinně volitelné předměty od 19/20 In this group you have to gain at least 9 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 2 courses
Minimal number of credits 48
3.S. BEK-J OD 18/19 3. semestr BEK Jazyky od 18/19 In this group you have to gain 6 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course ( at most  2)
4.S.BEK OD 18/19 J 4. semestr BEK od 18/19 jazyková výuka In this group you have to gain 6 credits
In this group you have to complete at least 1 course ( at most  2)
Minimal number of credits 12
Total number of required credits 180
Number of elective courses credits you have to gain 0
Total number of credits 180
Data valid to 2024-09-15
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/stplan30017988.html