
Urban and Landscape Design

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
127UKKO ZK 3 2P Czech
Course guarantor:
Zuzana Pešková
Jiří Kupka, Zuzana Pešková, Ivan Vorel
Jiří Kupka
Department of Urban Design, Town and Regional Planning

The course introduces selected chapters from urban and landscape composition and the theory of urbanism as a basis for urban and landscape design (city image, city environment, perception, landscape composition, composed landscape, cultural landmarks, the phenomenon of the garden in the historical context, etc.). The aim of the course is a comprehensive view of urban and landscape design as a creation of the environment. A theoretical basis and a sound analysis of existing towns and landscapes are subsequently a prerequisite for successful practical design. This extends the content of the basic urban planning courses from the Bachelor's degree. Theoretical issues are complemented by examples from history and examples of various urban analyses. It focuses mainly on the development of the urban form of Prague, its selected districts (Dejvice, Karlín), aspects of their planning (regulatory commissions) and some specific issues (high-rise buildings). The basic set of lectures is complemented by several extension topics by invited external speakers.


The course has only lectures. Attendance is not compulsory. However, activity during the semester is taken into account in the examination. An independent paper is prepared as a basis for the oral examination. The work stored in Moodle is a prerequisite for access to the exam.

Syllabus of lectures:

1) Urban design I (development of urban form)

2) Urban design II (archetypes of spaces)

3) Urban design III (landmarks, high-rise buildings)

4) Development of planning and shaping of Dejvice - case study

5) The oldest cities and their urban structures - case study

6) Ornamental movement - orchards in the walled belt (Prague vs. Vienna) - case study

7) Urban design IV (symbols in public space)

8) Urban design V (development of urban form of Czech villages)

9) Settlement structure of the Czech countryside with a focus on the Middle Ages - case study

10) Landscape design I (landscape in the image of settlements)

11) Landscape design II (composed and pilgrimage landscape - phenomena of the Baroque)

12) Landscape design III (Forests and their cultural and historical value)

Syllabus of tutorials:

The course does not have exercises.

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is a comprehensive view of urban and landscape design as a creation of the environment. A theoretical basis and a good analysis of existing cities and landscapes are then a prerequisite for successful practical design. In addition, the course introduces other selected topics in urban and landscape composition as an extension of the knowledge acquired in the basic courses of the Bachelor's degree.

Study materials:

HEXNER, Michal – NOVÁK, Jaroslav, Urbanistická kompozice. Praha: ČVUT, 1996.

KUPKA, Jiří, Krajiny kulturní a historické. Praha: ČVUT, 2010.

CÍLEK, Václav. Krajiny vnitřní a vnější. Praha: Dokořán, 2005.

GEHL, Jan. Život mezi budovami: užívání veřejných prostranství. Brno: Nadace Partnerství, 2000.

GEHL, Jan – Gemzoe, Lars. Nové městské prostory. Šlapanice: Era, 2002.

HRŮZA, Jiří. Města utopistů. Praha: Československý spisovatel, 1967.

KRIER, Léon. Architektura volba nebo osud. Praha: Academia, 2002.

LYNCH, Kevin. Obraz města. The image of the city. Praha: POLYGON, 2004.

NORBERG‐SCHULZ, Christian. Genius loci: krajina, místo, architektura. Praha: Dokořán, 2010.

SITTE, Camillo. Stavba měst podle uměleckých zásad. Praha: ABF, 1995.

STIBRAL, Karel. Proč je příroda krásná? Praha: Dokořán, 2005.

VALENTA, Josef. Scénologie krajiny. Praha: Kant pro AMU, 2008.

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:

(lecture parallel1)
Thákurova 7 (budova FSv)
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-19
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet4241506.html