
Workplace Health, Safety anf Fire Prevention

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
32BC-P-BOZP-01 ZK 3 2P+0C Czech
It is not possible to register for the course 32BC-P-BOZP-01 if the student is concurrently registered for or has already completed the course U16C5302 (mutually exclusive courses).
During a review of study plans, the course U16C5302 can be substituted for the course 32BC-P-BOZP-01.
Course guarantor:
Josef Pros
Josef Pros
Josef Pros
Institute of Management Studies

Basic legislation in the field of OSH in the EU, Czech Republic. Labour Code. Implementing regulations of the Labour Code. Employer's obligations. Employee rights and obligations. Risk prevention. Employee training. Occupational accidents. Documentation to ensure OSH. Labour inspection. Fire protection. Public Health Protection Act. Occupational hygiene. Personal protective equipment. Safety signs and signals. Technical equipment.


Basic literature:

- Lecture handouts (see LMS Moodle) and selected provisions from the legislation listed below;

- Laws:

- Act No. 262/2006 Coll., Labour Code, as amended - selected provisions related to OSH;

- Act No. 309/2006 Coll., regulating other OSH requirements in labour relations and on ensuring OSH in activities or provision of services outside labour relations (Act on Ensuring Other Conditions of Occupational Safety and Health), as amended - selected provisions;

- Act No. 258/2000 Coll., on the Protection of Public Health and on Amendments to Certain Related Acts, as amended - selected provisions;

- Act No. 250/2021 Coll., on safety at work in connection with the operation of reserved technical equipment and on amendments to related acts - selected provisions;

- Act No. 133/1985 Coll., on Fire Protection, as amended - selected provisions;

- Government Regulation:

- Government Regulation No. 361/2007 Coll., laying down conditions for occupational health protection - selected provisions;

- Government Decree No. 101/2005 Coll., on more detailed requirements for workplaces and the working environment - selected provisions;- Government Regulation No. 390/2021 Coll., on more detailed conditions for the provision of personal protective equipment, washing, cleaning and disinfecting agents - selected provisions;

- Government Regulation No. 272/2011 Coll., on the protection of health against the adverse effects of noise and vibration - selected provisions;

- Government Regulation No. 201/2010 Coll., on the method of recording, reporting and sending accident records;

- Government Decree No. 276/2015 Coll., on compensation for pain and hardship of social placement caused by an occupational accident or occupational disease - selected provisions;

- Government Regulation No. 375/2017 Coll., on the appearance, location and design of safety signs and markings and the introduction of signals - selected provisions;

- Government Regulation No. 378/2001 Coll., laying down more detailed requirements for the safe operation and use of machinery, technical equipment, devices and tools - selected provisions;

- Decrees:

- Decree No. 246/2001 Coll., laying down conditions for fire safety and the exercise of state fire supervision (Fire Prevention Decree) - selected provisions;

- Decree No. 180/2015 Coll., on prohibited works and workplaces - selected provisions;

- Standards:

- ČSN ISO 45001, Occupational health and safety management systems - selected provisions;

Recommended literature:

- Other applicable legislation related to OSH and fire protection not listed here (see lecture handouts on LMS Moodle);

Syllabus of lectures:

1. Introduction to the subject, information about the study, literature. OSH management system.

2. Basic legislation in the field of OSH. Labour Code.

3. Implementing regulations of the Labour Code.

4. Employer's obligations. Employee rights and obligations.

5. Prevention of risks.

6. Training of employees.

7. Occupational accidents and diseases. Accident record.

8. Occupational health and safety documentation.

9. Labour inspection.

10. Fire protection.

11. Public Health Protection Act. Occupational hygiene.

12. Personal protective equipment. Safety signs and signals.

13. Technical equipment. Dedicated technical equipment.

14. Waste. Chemical substances and agents.

Syllabus of tutorials:

The course does not have listed exercises.

Study Objective:

In the course Principles of Occupational Health and Safety, students will gain basic knowledge of legal and other regulations to ensure OSH and fire protection, as well as other requirements in the field of OSH and fire protection, and use them for the practical need to ensure, organize and manage OSH and fire protection in practice.

Study materials:

The basic study material is the study support available in LMS Moodle.

Further information:
LMS Moodle.
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Pros J.
(lecture parallel1)
Jugoslávských partyzánů 3
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2025-01-22
For updated information see http://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1246743919005.html