32BE-P-BCOR-01 |
Business Correspondence
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-CSRS-01 |
Corporate Social Responsibility
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-CRTH-01 |
Critical Thinking
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-CCMN-01 |
Cross-Cultural Management
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-EBPL-01 |
Entrepreneurship and Business Plan
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
Q32-6 |
EuroTeQ 6 ECTS
anglicky |
Předmět není vypsán |
32BE-P-INBC-01 |
International Business Culture
anglicky |
B242 |
32BE-P-IPW1-01 |
International Project Workshop I.
anglicky |
B241 |
32BE-P-IPW2-01 |
International Project Workshop II.
anglicky |
B241 |
32BE-P-ITRF-01 |
International Trade and Finance
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-MACR-01 |
anglicky |
B241 |
32BE-P-MICR-01 |
anglicky |
B241 |
32BE-P-PETR-01 |
Political Economy of International Trade Relations
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-PRSK-01 |
Presentation Skills
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-MNGP-01 |
Principles of Management
anglicky |
B241 |
32BE-P-PMAR-01 |
Principles of Marketing
anglicky |
B242 |
32BE-P-SDGB-02 |
Social Determinants of Global Business
anglicky |
Předmět není vypsán |
32BE-P-ICTI-01 |
Social and Political Impacts of Modern ICT
anglicky |
B242, B241 |
32BE-P-WEBS-01 |
World Economy and Business
anglicky |
Předmět není vypsán |