
English 2

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Code Completion Credits Range Language
104YC2A Z,ZK 2 2C Czech
The course 104YC2A can be graded only after the course 104YCA1 has been successfully completed.
Garant předmětu:
Svatava Boboková Bartíková, Sandra Giormani
Svatava Boboková Bartíková, Věra Čermáková, Elena Dačeva, Petra Florianová, Jarmila Fučíková, Sandra Giormani, Hana Horká, Petra Martincová, Michaela Németh, Anna Študentová
Department of Languages

English 2

Course code: 104YC2A

Scope: 0 + 2 (practical sessions)

Number of credits: 1

Final assessment: credit and exam

The aim of the compulsory English course is to enhance the knowledge of lexis and grammar within the scope of the chosen field of study and university studies in general (Academic English); the overall focus is on professional language (i.e., ESP - technical style) and communicative competence within the construction industry. The course also seeks to teach students to read technical literature and to be able to produce essential written discourse and to express themselves in writing on issues in their field of study. The end of course requirements are a credit and an examination.

Literature: Horká Hana, Giormani Sandra, Martincová Petra, Nivenová Renata : Professional English for Civil Engineering (Units 6 – 10)


credit from English course 104YCA1

Syllabus of lectures:

This course is not a lecture but practical session:

Course code: 104YC2A

Duration: 2 hours / 1 semester

For more information see Outline and Syllabus of Exercises

Syllabus of tutorials:

Syllabus for English, course code 104YC2A

Summer semester of each academic year

(note: for Architecture students in the Winter semester)

Study materials: Professional English for Civil Engineering, H. Horká, S. Giormani, P. Martincová, R. Nivenová

Requirements for granting the credit:

•Participation in classes, minimally 1 oral presentation

•Submitting written assignments (according to the requirements of each given lecturer)

•Passing a credit test – written contact test on paper or an on-line version

Requirements for the examination:

•Getting the credit for the course

•English skills covering the content of the above study material are subject of a written and oral test, potentially modified for the on-line format if necassary.

Course plan:

Week 1

Unit 6: Lead-in, Reading comprehension: Sustainable Transportation p. 83-86, Grammar: Relative clauses

Week 2

Unit 6: Vocabulary development p. 87, Bridges p. 88-90, Listening: Innovative Design for a Pedestrian Crossing

Week 3:

Unit 6: Tunnels p. 90-91, Review, Unit 7: Lead-in, Reading comprehension: Management p. 100-102

Week 4:

Unit 7: Vocabulary development p. 103-107, Listening p. 108, Review

Week 5:

Grammar: Dependent prepositions, Unit 8: Lead-in, Reading comprehension: London Flooding p. 116-117, Dams p. 118-120

Week 6:

Unit 8: Vocabulary development p. 121-124, Listening: Embankment Dams p. 124-125, Review

Week 7:

Grammar: Patterns using infinitives, Unit 9: Lead-in, Reading comprehension p. 133-136

Week 8:

Grammar: Modal verbs, Unit 9: Vocabulary development p. 137-141

Week 9:

Unit 9: Listening: The World’s Greenest Museum by Renzo Piano, Review, Unit 10: Lead-in, Reading comprehension: What is Surveying p. 150-151

Week 10:

Unit 10: Vocabulary development p. 152-155, Maps p. 156-159

Week 11:

Unit 10: Listening: Photogrammetry, Review, Grammar: Word formation

Week 12: Review

Note: Student presentations on topical issues discussed during the lessons are part of each lesson starting from Week 2.

Study Objective:

The aim of the course is to prepare students for basic communication within the civil engineering sector; to consolidate all the necessary grammar and other language skills in the English language from a B1 level upward; to promote students' ability to use the acquired knowledge in practice both professionally as well as academically.

Study materials:

H. Horká, S. Giormani, P. Martincová, R. Nivenová: Professional English for Civil Engineering, nakl. ČVUT v Praze, 2016; vlastní odborné texty;Specific resources in the area of ESP and AE

Further information:
Time-table for winter semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
Time-table for summer semester 2024/2025:
Time-table is not available yet
The course is a part of the following study plans:
Data valid to 2024-06-16
Aktualizace výše uvedených informací naleznete na adrese https://bilakniha.cvut.cz/en/predmet1095806.html